Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor 2001


Zgodba se osredotoča na posledice tragičnega napada, zaradi katerega so ZDA vstopile v drugo svetovno vojno. Mlada pilota Rafe in Danny sta najboljša prijatelja že vse od otroških dni. Rafe je zaljubljen v medicinsko sestro Evelyn, vendar njuno mlado ljubezen prekine njegov odhod z vojsko v Evropo. Ko Rafa razglasijo za pogrešanega, se obupana Evelyn zateče po tolažbo k Dannyju. Žalost ob izgubi ljubljene osebe ju združi in postaneta ljubimca. Vendar je Rafe še vedno živ …



1941 1979



Od tod do večnosti

Od tod do večnosti 1953


Film se dogaja med drugo svetovno vojno leta 1941. Vojaka Roberta E. Lee Prewitta na lastno željo premestijo v vojaško oporišče na Havajih. Njegov novi nadrejeni, načelnik Dana Holmes, je slišal o njegovih boksarskih spretnostih in bi ga rad spravil v vojaško boksarsko ekipo. Ker pa je Prew odločen, da je z boksom zaključil, se načelnik Holmes odloči, da ga bo prisilil k vstopu v ekipo, zato ga neprestano ponižuje ter mu nalaga dodatna dela. Edini, ki mu stoji ob strani je njegov dobri prijatelj Angelo Maggio. Medtem ima načelnikov pomočnik narednik Warden strastno afero z načelnikovo ženo, Dano Holmes. Prewitt, ki pod vsem pritiskom še vedno noče popustiti in začeti ponovno boksati, nekega večera obišče mesto, kjer se zaljubi v prostitutko Lorene. Kmalu zatem Maggia ubije sadistični narednik Fatso Judson, s katerim sta bila že dlje časa v sporu. Prewitt se odloči, da bo Maggia maščeval, zato se nekega dne z narednikom Judsonom spopadeta.



Pearl 1978


Miniseries about the events leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor.


From Here to Eternity

From Here to Eternity 1979


The lives of the men and families of G Company, 24th Infantry Division, United States Army, on the eve of the attack on Pearl Harbor.


From Here to Eternity

From Here to Eternity 1980


From Here to Eternity was short-lived dramatic television series that aired in 1980. It was a spinoff of the successful 1979 miniseries of the same title. The series featured most of the cast members from the original miniseries, including William Devane and Kim Basinger. Barbara Hershey replaced Natalie Wood for the role of Karen Holmes.


Campaigns in the Pacific 1939-1943 Pearl Harbor to the Gilberts

Campaigns in the Pacific 1939-1943 Pearl Harbor to the Gilberts 2006


Campaigns In The Pacific 1939-1943: Pearl Harbor To The Gilberts The Gilberts Campaigns in the Pacific chronicles the epic struggle of America and her allies against Imperial Japan: fighting vast air, land and sea battles across an ocean covering two-thirds of the world's surface. Waged against the background of the war in Europe, the Pacific campaign made WWII a truly global conflict. This DVD takes you from the devastating surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, to the American and allied battles to recapture the Gilbert Islands of Makin and Tarawa. The outcome is far from certain as America rebuilds her Navy, ravaged by Japanese bombers at Pearl Harbor. With rare footage from the National Archives in Washington DC, Campaigns in the Pacific lets you ex'perience the sights, sounds, and drama of this brutal war.