Zbiralec duš

Zbiralec duš 2024


Agentka FBI Lee Harker je dodeljena nerešenemu primeru serijskega morilca, v katerem pride do nepričakovanega preobrata, ki razkrije dokaze o okultizmu. Harker odkrije osebno povezavo z morilcem in ga mora ustaviti, preden ta ponovno udari.


Sous la Seine

Sous la Seine 2024


Da bi rešila Pariz pred prelivanjem krvi, se mora žalujoča znanstvenica soočiti s svojo tragično preteklostjo, ko se v Seni pojavi orjaški morski pes.



Pogum 2012


Pogum prikazuje junaško dogodivščino princese Meride, izurjene lokostrelke in trmaste hčere kralja Fergusa in kraljice Elinor. Merida je odločena, da se bo podala na svojo pot v življenju in se tako upre starodavnemu običaju, ki je svet za neposlušne in uporniške lorde: mogočnega lorda MacGuffina, čemernega lorda Macintosha ter nergavega lorda Dingwalla. Meridina nepremišljena dejanja povzročijo v kraljestvu zmešnjavo in sprožijo val besa. Ko se po pomoč obrne na čudaško čarovnico, ji je izpolnjena usodna želja. Zaradi nevarnosti, ki sledi, mora Merida uporabiti vse svoje sposobnosti in spretnosti (pri tem ji pomagajo tudi njeni prebrisani in nagajivi bratje trojčki), da pravočasno izniči vražje prekletstvo in odkrije pomen pravega poguma.


Korak do slave

Korak do slave 2000


Leto 1973. Petnajstletni William Miller (Patrick Fugit) je navdušen rokenrol fan, ki si prizadeva postati glasbeni novinar. Piše za majhne alternativne časopise, članke pa pošilja tudi legendarnemu glasbenemu novinarju Lesterju Bangsu (Philip Seymour Hoffman). Ko mu slovita revija Rolling Stone poveri intervju z vzhajajočimi zvezdami, hard rockerji Stillwater, mladi novinar na turneji in v zaodrjih, med tripi in ego tripi, doživi ognjeni krst in rokenrol. V marsičem avtobiografska pripoved Camerona Crowa, ki je v 70-ih pri rosnih šestnajstih intervjuval legendarne Led Zeppeline.



FROM 2022


Unravel the mystery of a nightmarish town in middle America that traps all those who enter. As the unwilling residents fight to keep a sense of normalcy and search for a way out, they must also survive the threats of the surrounding forest – including the terrifying creatures that come out when the sun goes down.


Elas por Elas

Elas por Elas 2023


Seven friends who met in their youth at an English course meet again 25 years later; Lara, Taís, Helena, Adriana, Renée, Natália and Carol, each of them has a different personality and origin, but they share a deep affection.


Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan 2013


Many years ago, the last remnants of humanity were forced to retreat behind the towering walls of a fortified city to escape the massive, man-eating Titans that roamed the land outside their fortress. Only the heroic members of the Scouting Legion dared to stray beyond the safety of the walls – but even those brave warriors seldom returned alive. Those within the city clung to the illusion of a peaceful existence until the day that dream was shattered, and their slim chance at survival was reduced to one horrifying choice: kill – or be devoured!


Goodbye Earth

Goodbye Earth 2024


As an asteroid hurtles towards Earth with nothing to stop it, one determined teacher fights to keep her former students safe — no matter the cost.


Still Up

Still Up 2023


Bonded by insomnia, best friends Lisa and Danny stay connected to each other late into the night and find their way through a world of wonderfully weird surprises as their relationship deepens.