Hudičev odvetnik

Hudičev odvetnik 1997


Sposobni Kevin Lomax (K. Reeves) je ambiciozen mladi odvetnik iz malega mesteca na Floridi in nekoliko egocentričen moški, ki še nikoli ni izgubil primera. Pravkar je prejel novo nalogo - na videz že vnaprej izgubljeno sojenje proti antipatičnemu pedofilu, s čimer pritegne pozornost kolega (R. Santiago-Hudson), zaposlenega v ugledni odvetniški firmi iz New Yorka.



Žarišče 2015


Nicky, nekdaj prefinjeni tat, zdaj veteran, pod svoje okrilje vzame atraktivno žensko Jess in jo vpelje v svet prevar. Vendar se stvari zakomplicirajo, ko se med njima začnejo napletati romantična čustva.


Strogo zaupno

Strogo zaupno 2024


Ob obletnici Rebekine smrti se Mia vrne v karibski raj, kjer sta z najboljšo prijateljico preživeli zadnje dni. Ko si obupano prizadeva razkriti skrivnost njenega samomora, se prebudijo stare strasti ter odkrijejo se nove skrivnosti, kar Mio potegne v zapeljiv svet seksa, izdajstva in umora.


Rdeči vrabec

Rdeči vrabec 2018


Dominika Egorova (Jennifer Lawrence) je marsikaj. Je predana hči, ki bo svojo mamo zaščitila za vsako ceno, je prima balerina, ki je svoj um in telo pripeljala do absolutne meje in je strokovnjakinja v zapeljevanju in manipulaciji. Ko mora zaradi poškodbe prenehati s svojo kariero, jima skupaj z mamo grozi temna in negotova prihodnost. Dominiki je zaradi nesrečnega spleta okoliščin naročeno, da se proti svoji volji prijavi v "šolo za Vrabce", rusko tajno obveščevalno službo, ki mlade in izjemne ljudi pripravi do tega, da svoje telo in um uporabljajo kot orožje. Po tem, ko opravi perverzen in sadističen proces rekrutacije, Dominika postane najnevarnejši Vrabec kar jih je kdaj bilo. Naročeno ji je, da zavede mladega agenta CIE Nathaniela Nasha (Joel Edgerton), kar jo spravi v nemogoč in nevaren položaj ter ogrozi oba naroda. Film je posnet po knjižni uspešnici s seznama New York Timesa.



Elite 2018


When three working class kids enroll in the most exclusive school in Spain, the clash between the wealthy and the poor students leads to tragedy.


Dark Desire

Dark Desire 2020


Married Alma spends a fateful weekend away from home that ignites passion, ends in tragedy and leads her to question the truth about those close to her.



Nymphs 2014


They live among us, forever young and deadly seductive. And unlike vamps, it's not blood they crave from their male, as 17-year-old Didi Tiensuu discovers when she beds her boyfriend for the first time and promptly kills him. The sultry nymphs Kati and Nadia take Didi under their wings in her new life as a divine being and sexual predator.


The Odyssey

The Odyssey 1997


In this adaptation of Homer's timeless epic, Armand Assante stars as Odysseus, the warrior King of the mythical island of Ithaca, who must endure a decade long quest to reach home after the Trojan war, overcoming savage monsters, powerful forces of nature, and seductive nymphs, and he must outsmart them all, with all the guile and intellect he can muster.


Seduce Me

Seduce Me 2010


An entertaining yet informative look into the bizarre seduction rituals that often precede the mating process.



Tempted 2018


Love is just a game for a chaebol heir who agrees to a petty bet with his friends to seduce a college student — until he starts to fall for her.


Kiss that Kills

Kiss that Kills 2018


A mysterious woman appears in front of Otaro Dojima. The mysterious woman has a pale face with red lips. She kisses him and he dies, but the next moment he regains consciousness. He realizes he is now seven days in the past. The mysterious woman also follows him. Due to her kiss, Otaro Dojima dies and goes back to the past over and over again.


Dangerous Liaisons

Dangerous Liaisons 2016


Brazilian version of the classic 18th century novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Set in the 1920's, this adaptation in 10 episodes takes the story of love, lust and revenge to another era.