Rebel Ridge 2024
Nekdanji marinec se spopade s korupcijo v majhnem mestu, ko mu lokalni policisti neupravičeno zasežejo vrečko z denarjem, ki ga potrebuje za plačilo varščine za svojega bratranca.
Nekdanji marinec se spopade s korupcijo v majhnem mestu, ko mu lokalni policisti neupravičeno zasežejo vrečko z denarjem, ki ga potrebuje za plačilo varščine za svojega bratranca.
Dvestoletni vampir Louis novinarju Danielu Malloyju razkrije svojo življenjsko zgodbo. Popelje ga v pozno 18. stoletje v New Orleans. Po smrti žene in hčerke Louis ne more nehati žalovati. Nekega dne mu pot prekriža krvoses Lestat, ga spremeni v vampirja in mu tako podari večno življenje in mladost. Toda Louis, ki se mora prehranjevati s svežo človeško krvjo, se ne more znebiti svojih človeških čustev.
Leta 1971 je Amerika razklana zaradi vojne v Vietnamu, kjer se nasilje vedno bolj stopnjuje. Skupina novih vojaških rekrutov prispe v močvirnato Louisiano na urjenje, kjer naj bi jih pripravili na vietnamska bojna polja. Bodoči vojaki se s prihodnostjo, ki jih čaka, soočajo na različne načine. Jim Paxton je romantik, ki od vojne pričakuje navdih za pisanje romanov in poezije. Roland Bozz se izkaže za naravnega vodjo, vendar mu uporniški duh ne da miru. Ker je prišel do zaključka, da noče imeti nobenega opravka z vojsko ali vojno, se začne upirati ukazom, da bi tako dosegel izključitev.
Dolgo preden je Phil Robertson postal zvezdnik resničnostnega šova, se je zaljubil in si ustvaril družino, vendar so njegovi demoni grozili, da bodo razdrli njuno življenje. To osupljivo in resnično filmsko potovanje je kronika ljubezenske zgodbe, ki je sprožila dinastijo, pretresov, ki so jo skoraj zrušili, in upanja, ki je vstalo iz pepela in ustvarilo temelje za prihodnje generacije.
Two sisters, Nova Bordelon and Charley Bordelon, with her teenage son Micah moves to the heart of Louisiana to claim an inheritance from her recently departed father - an 800-acre sugarcane farm.
Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery tells the remarkable story of the entire Corps of Discovery – not just of the two Captains, but the young army men, French-Canadian boatmen, Clark’s African-American slave, and the Shoshone woman named Sacajawea, who brought along her infant son. As important to the story as these many characters, however, was the spectacular land itself, and the promises it held.
Winningest NBA champion and civil rights icon Bill Russell builds a larger-than-life legacy on and off the court in this biographical documentary.
The five-part docu-series investigates the unsolved murders of eight women whose bodies were discovered between 2005 and 2009 in drainage canals and on desolate back roads in and around the town of Jennings, Louisiana in rural Jefferson Davis Parish.
Name, Image, and Likeness has turned many college athletes into celebrities. But fame and fortune won't shield them from the pressure of competition. Social media phenom and gymnast Olivia Dunne longs to win a championship in her senior year. Meanwhile, quarterback Jayden Daniels has his NFL dreams and the hopes of all Louisiana on his shoulders ahead of a showdown with archrival Alabama.
Follow the men and women of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries as they patrol one of the most mysterious and beautiful places on earth; the state of Louisiana.
Relentless sheriffs, trigger-happy gunslingers, steadfast saloon owners and cocky cowboys are all found in the "Lucky Luke" albums, which have influenced entire generations of comic readers. For the three-part series "In the boots of Lucky Luke", the French comic author Jul traveled to the USA to trace the role models of the familiar comic characters.
From 1994-2004, more than 36 women are brutally murdered in Baton Rouge, La.; investigators struggle for more than a decade until the evidence finally shows there have been three different murderers stalking the bayou at the same time.