
Deadpool 2016


Film pripoveduje zgodbo o bivšem agentu Wadeu Wilsonu, ki po rigoroznem eksperimentu pridobi nadnaravno moč celjenja in se preobrazi v svoj alterego, Deadpool. Oborožen s svojo novo sposobnostjo ter temačnim smislom za humor se Deadpool odpravi iskati moža, ki mu je uničil življenje.


Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 2018


Iz Marvelovega vesolja herojev na velika platna prihaja nadaljevanje zgodbe o nevsakdanjem antijunaku s hudomušnim in pikrim smislom za humor. Nekdanji operativec posebnih enot in plačani morilec je testni zajček za neodobrene preizkuse, zaradi katerih pridobi pospešene sposobnosti celjenja in ozdravitve, ter se tako prelevi v svoj drugi jaz - v junaka z imenom Deadpool.


Poslednji samuraj

Poslednji samuraj 2003


Z zahtevnimi in atraktivnimi akcijskimi scenami, ki bodo v veselje vsem ljubiteljem akcije in mečevanja, z obetavnim scenarijem, z izdelanimi liki in dramatičnostjo, ter nenazadnje s Tomom Cruisem v glavni vlogi, je Poslednji samuraj prav gotovo prava poslastica za ljubitelje filmskih spektaklov!


Nasilna noč

Nasilna noč 2022


Ko skupina plačancev na božični večer napade posestvo premožne družine, mora Božiček vskočiti, da reši dan.


Rambo 4

Rambo 4 2008


Ko vlade ne ukrepajo v imenu ujetih misijonarjev, nekdanji zeleni baretki John James Rambo pusti svoj miren obstoj ob reki Salween v od vojne razdejani regiji Tajske, da bi ukrepal. Čeprav ga še vedno preganjajo nasilni spomini na čas, ko je bil ameriški vojak med vietnamsko vojno, Rambo težko obrne hrbet humanitarnim delavcem, ki tako obupno potrebujejo njegovo pomoč.



Herkules 2014


Film predstavi Herkula, legendarnega sina Zevsa in enega največjih junakov antične Grčije, in skupino njegovih sledilcev, ko se spopadajo s pustolovščinami v Trakiji.


Reševanje 2

Reševanje 2 2023


Potem, ko je na misiji v Daki v Bangladešu hudo ranjen Tyler Rake komaj preživel, se po okrevanju vrne in njegova ekipa je pred novo misijo. Rešiti morajo družino, ki je prepuščena na milost in nemilost gruzijskemu gangsterju, zato se Tyler infiltrira v enega najbolj smrtonosnih zaporov na svetu. Toda ko se ekstrakcija razvne in gangster umre v žaru bitke, njegov enako neusmiljeni brat izsledi Rakea in njegovo ekipo na Dunaju, da bi se maščeval.



Extraction 2020


Tyler Rake, neustrašni plačanec, ki svoje storitve ponuja na črnem trgu, se poda na nevarno misijo, ko ga najamejo, da reši ugrabljenega sina mumbajskega kriminalnega gospodarja.



Riddick 2013


Po izdajstvu se vesoljski bojevnik Riddick znajde na opustelem planetu, kjer je vsak korak neusmiljen boj za preživetje. Ne traja dolgo, da na planet prispejo najbolj zakrknjeni lovci na glave, ki želijo ubežnika Riddicka ujeti in pobrati zajetno nagrado. Ne zavedajo se, da je Riddick v dolgih letih boja s krvoločnimi bitji postal še bolj nevaren in neusmiljen. Toda ko planet zagrne tema, so Riddickovi ubijalski instinkti edini, ki jih lahko rešijo pred nenasitnimi pošastmi.


Osmi potnik 4: Ponovno vstajenje

Osmi potnik 4: Ponovno vstajenje 1997


Dvesto let po smrti častnice Ripley jo skupina znanstvenikov klonira, da bi ustvarila popolno orožje. Toda nova Ripleyjeva je polna presenečenj ... kot so tudi novi nezemljani. Ripleyjeva in druščina tihotapcev morajo stvorom preprečiti prihod na Zemljo.


Stari stražar

Stari stražar 2020


Film o skrivni skupini štirih nesmrtnih plačancev – s poudarkom na 'Stari'. Nekateri živijo že stoletja, medtem ko je vodja skupine, apatična in razočarana Andy tako starodavna, da se sploh ne more spomniti, kako dolgo živa je že. Militarizirano farmacevtsko podjetje izve za skrivnost skupine in jih lovi, da bi lahko unovčili vse, kar jim omogoča nenaravno dolgo življenje. Hkrati se pojavi peta nesmrtna oseba in zelo hitro postane član ekipe.



Berserk 1997


Guts, a man who calls himself "The Black Swordsman", looks back upon his days serving as a member of a group of mercenaries. Led by an ambitious, ruthless, and intelligent man named Griffith, together they battle their way into the royal court, and are forced into a fate that changes their lives.


Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Star Wars: The Bad Batch 2021


The 'Bad Batch' of elite and experimental clones make their way through an ever-changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone Wars.


Black Lagoon

Black Lagoon 2006


The story follows a team of pirate mercenaries known as the Lagoon Company, that smuggles goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia in the early to mid 1990s. Their base of operations is located in the fictional harbor city of Roanapur in southeast Thailand near the border of Cambodia.


Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 2022


In a dystopia riddled with corruption and cybernetic implants, a talented but reckless street kid strives to become a mercenary outlaw — an edgerunner.


The Book of Boba Fett

The Book of Boba Fett 2021


Legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett and mercenary Fennec Shand must navigate the galaxy’s underworld when they return to the sands of Tatooine to stake their claim on the territory once ruled by Jabba the Hutt and his crime syndicate.


Dimension W

Dimension W 2016


Humanity has found a way to achieve infinite energy by using coils to draw it from the fourth plane: dimension "W". With the production of coils having been monopolized by the New Tesla energy company, freelance collectors are hired to find and remove any illegal, unofficial coils. This is the story of collector Kyōma, who also happens to have a huge hatred towards coils. During one of his missions he stumbles upon a female android that perceives herself as being human, leading the two to enter an unlikely partnership.


Thunder in Paradise

Thunder in Paradise 1994


Thunder in Paradise was a one-hour action-adventure TV series from the creators of Baywatch, which starred Hulk Hogan, Chris Lemmon, and Carol Alt. This first-run syndicated TV series originally premiered as a straight-to-video feature film in September 1993, then ran for one season in 1994, before being cancelled. The series was later rebroadcast on the TNT cable network.


The Blacklist: Redemption

The Blacklist: Redemption 2017


Covert operative Tom Keen joins forces with Susan "Scottie" Hargrave, the brilliant and cunning chief of a covert mercenary organization that solves problems that are too dangerous for the government.


The Influential

The Influential 2022


A mercenary's brother returns to search for the truth behind his older brother's mysterious death. The search is made dangerous by powerful enemies. He must use his skills in battling a great many dangerous foes to bring justice to his brother. Even if the price is his life, he's willing to stand in the way of their guns to avenge his brother. But he needn't fight alone; he has friends ready to fight alongside him to restore peace.


Area 88

Area 88 1985


Shin Kazama, tricked and forced into flying for the remote country of Aslan, can only escape the hell of war by earning money for shooting down enemy planes or die trying.


Crusher Joe: The OVA's

Crusher Joe: The OVA's 1989


In the 22nd century, mankind expanded into outer space. However, it was the Crushers who paved the way, performing jobs that ranged from terraforming to asteroid busting, warp lane plotting to transportation. These days, the Crushers still accept jobs of all kinds, so long as they're legal and ethical, and Crusher Joe's team is the best. Joe, Alfin, Ricky, and Talos, along with the robot Dongo, take on jobs that require all the tools, tricks, and knowledge that the Crushers are known for.


Bastard Boys

Bastard Boys 2007


Bastard Boys is an Australian television miniseries broadcast on the ABC in 2007. It tells the story of the 1998 Australian waterfront dispute. The script, published by Currency Press, won the 2007 Queensland Premier's Literary Award for Best Television Script.