Ključna beseda Filmmaker
کلوزآپ ، نمای نزدیک 1990
Rotting in the Sun 2023
In the Soup 1992
Benjamin 2019
Oh, Canada 2024
Slavni kanadsko-ameriški dokumentarist, levo usmerjeni Leonard Fife je bil eden od 60.000 Američanov, ki so pobegnili v Kanado, da bi se izognili služenju vojaškega roka v Vietnamu. Fife v poznih sedemdesetih letih umira za rakom v Montrealu in je privolil v zadnji intervju, v katerem je razkril vse svoje dolgo varovane skrivnosti in mite. Fifejeve šokantne izpovedi sta spremljala njegova žena Emma in njegov dolgoletni študent Malcolm MacLeod.
Maria 2024
Smash Cut 2009
My First Film 2024
The Wild Party 1975
มนต์รักนักพากย์ 2023
Frogman 2024
Use Me 2019
Yvy Maraey 2013
Heavenly Bodies! 1963
Hollywood 2020
In post-World War II Hollywood, an ambitious group of aspiring actors and filmmakers will do almost anything to make their showbiz dreams come true.
James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction 2018
Explore the evolution of sci-fi from its origins as a small genre with a cult following to the blockbuster pop-cultural phenomenon we know today. In each episode, James Cameron introduces one of the “Big Questions” that humankind has contemplated throughout the ages and reaches back into sci-fi’s past to better understand how our favorite films, TV shows, books, and video games were born.
Absolute Beginners 2023
Two childhood best friends enjoying their final seaside summer as they prepare for film school meet an aspiring athlete who ignites unfamiliar desires.
Dreaming Whilst Black 2023
Kwabena is an aspiring filmmaker trapped in his recruitment job. When he is given the opportunity he's always dreamed of, is he brave enough to chase it?
Dead Talk Live 2020
Film/TV Entertainment TV Talk Show Featuring Celebrity Guest Interviews.
Curta Vídeo 1970
Audiovisual productions from Espírito Santo, Brazil, followed by interview with the filmmaker.