Božje mesto

Božje mesto 2002


Resnična zgodba, posneta po istoimenski knjižni uspešnici Paula Linsa, opisuje porast organiziranega kriminala v revnem predmestju Ria de Jaineira, Cidade de Deus, med koncem 60. ter začetkom 80. let. Spremlja življenjsko zgodbo dveh glavnih junakov, ki izbereta različni poti – eden podleže okoliščinam ter postane preprodajalec drog, drugi pa se upre kriminalu in doživi uspeh kot poklicni fotograf.


Tolpe New Yorka

Tolpe New Yorka 2002


New York, 1863. Spodnji Manhattan je mesto nezakonitosti, brezmejne politične korupcije in velikih nemirov. Zaradi državljanske vojne je država razcepljena in na pragu kaosa. Tudi prebivalcem razvpitega predela Manhattna "Five Points" je vojna vse bliže. Amsterdam Vallon, mladi irsko-ameriški priseljenec se vrne v Five Points po petnajstih letih. Tam se hoče maščevati Williamu Cuttingu, oz. Billu Klavcu, mogočni vodji antiimigrantske bande, ki je ubil njegovega očeta. Amsterdam ve, da je prvi korak do uresničitve njegove naloge prebiti se v Billov krog. Toda s svojo neizmerno samostojnostjo in lepoto ga privlači tudi skrivnostna tatica Jenny Everdeane. In prav njena skrivna preteklost nepričakovano zaplete Amsterdamov načrt. Njegova pot postane bitka tako za njegovo osebno preživetje kot za preživetje njegovega naroda. Višek doseže med vojno leta 1863, ko je Amerika priča najhujšim mestnim nemirom v vsej zgodovini.


Romeo + Juliet

Romeo + Juliet 1996


V sodobnem pogledu režiserja Baza Luhrmanna na klasično tragedijo Williama Shakespeara sta Montague in Capulettova svoj nenehni spor preselila v soparno predmestje Verona Beach, kjer se Romeo in Julija zaljubita in se na skrivaj poročita. Čeprav je film vizualno sodoben, ostaja bardov dialog.


Za pest dolarjev

Za pest dolarjev 1964


Prvi veliki uspeh Sergia Leoneja, s katerim je žanru špageti vesterna postavil temelje in ga tudi močno populariziral, zagotovo pomeni enega od vrhuncev v zgodovini italijanskega filma. V mehiško vas San Miguel prispe brezimni revolveraš. V vasi že dolgo tli spor med brati družine Rojo in vaškim šerifom Baxterjem. Ko bratje Rojo nekega dne postavijo zasedo regimentu mehiških vojakov, ki v vas prinese zlato za odkup orožja, brezimni revolveraš pri priči zasluti priložnost za zaslužek in se odloči, da bo z ukano zaostril odnose med sprtima stranema ter se tako sam dokopal do dobička.


Gangs of London

Gangs of London 2020


When the head of a criminal organisation, Finn Wallace is assassinated, the sudden power vacuum his death creates threatens the fragile peace between the intricate web of gangs operating on the streets of the city. Now it’s up to the grieving, volatile and impulsive Sean Wallace to restore control and find those responsible for killing his father.


Ikebukuro West Gate Park

Ikebukuro West Gate Park 2000


Living in an area known for its juvenile crime, 21-year-old Makoto has become a member of a youth gang called the G-Boys. Known for his cool head and ability to get things done, Makoto becomes a key troubleshooter for the gang by diffusing tense situations and keeping his friends out of harm's way. However, the death of his girlfriend and an escalating turf war with a rival gang threaten to be more than Makoto can handle.



DMZ 2022


In the near future after a bitter civil war leaves Manhattan a demilitarized zone (DMZ), destroyed and isolated from the rest of the world, fierce medic Alma Ortega sets out on a harrowing journey to find the son she lost in the evacuation of New York City at the onset of the conflict. Standing in her way are gangs, militias, demagogues and warlords, including Parco Delgado, the popular — and deadly — leader of one of the most powerful gangs in the DMZ.



Dealer 2021


Tensions erupt when two filmmakers infiltrate an area ruled by gangs to shoot a music video for a rapper in this gritty found-footage series.



Raven 2018


Adam Kruk, a 40 year old police officer addicted to painkillers and psychotropic drugs, returns to the town he grew up in to find the paedophile who abused his friend Slawek years ago. Once there, he is unexpectedly called to investigate a new case: the kidnapping of a powerful man's grandson, which he undertakes to help set him free from his past mistakes. As he was unable to protect Slawek, he sees this case as a second chance to protect a child and an opportunity for justice. Adam must control the darkest corners of his mind to solve the kidnapping and as the case unfolds, he discovers answers which will reveal an unexpected link between these two cases.


Bad Boys

Bad Boys 1993


Tsukasa, Yoji, and Eiji are friends and members of the motorcycle gang called the Paradise Butterflies. Riding the streets of Hiroshima, their goal in life is to top all other gangs in their city.



Glina 2004


A tough, stubborn and devoid of illusions cop in a story of love, hatred, death and human emotions, so strong that they push people to crime.


Mafia the Series: Guns and Freaks

Mafia the Series: Guns and Freaks 2022


The story is about Beam, an ordinary sophomore university student. Even if he is weak to the world, after his father Rachen died mysteriously, he gets the dream of becoming a hero. His life will never be the same again when he finds that his father was the leader of the Nemesis gang, the biggest mafia organization in Thailand, and Beam, instead of becoming the hero of his dreams, must become the head of a terrorist organization.