Ključna beseda Gulf War
Mandzurski kandidat 2004
Ameriški poveljnik Bennett Marco v svojih govorih nenehno govori o zasedi, ki jo je njegov vod utrpel v kuvajtski puščavi, in o junaštvu narednika Raymonda Shawa, ki je prejel medaljo časti za reševanje svojih tovarišev. Vendar pa se niz ponavljajočih se nočnih morev dvomi v narednikovo junaštvo. Ko Shaw, ki ga je potisnila njegova mati, kontroverzna senatorka Eleanor Prentiss, kandidira za podpredsednico Združenih držav, Marcovi sumi rastejo in kljub vsem oviram, s katerimi se srečuje, se loti preiskave dejstev, da bi pred tem našel resnico Shaw in njegova ekipa dosežejo Belo hišo.
Jarhead 2005
Three Kings 1999
Courage Under Fire 1996
The Pentagon Wars 1998
Wag the Dog 1997
Live from Baghdad 2002
Towelhead 2008
The Finest Hour 1992
Uncle Saddam 2000
Thirst 2018
Rome désolée 1995
House of Saddam 2008
The intimate world of Saddam Hussein and his closest inner circle is in this gripping four-part drama that charts the rise and fall of one of the most significant political figures in recent history.
Sworn to Secrecy: Secrets of War 1998
Secrets are divulged and stories of espionage, conspiracy, murder, sabotage and greed are uncovered.
The Gulf War 1996
Two-part documentary about the Gulf War
History's Greatest Lies 1970
Often forgotten, and rarely punished, the lies of those in power always achieve their goals: THEY CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY Who are the liars? Heads of state, politicians or military leaders, supported by their hierarchies. They have no qualms about lying to the radio, to television, to millions of people, end even, on oath, to the highest authorities and institutions. They use secret services, military strategy or communications agencies to make their lies more credible. The only motto is: «the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed!» In affairs of state, all and every means can be used to certify or conceal an operation. Lies are not just a matter of words, or of silence. They entail practical acts as well as technical support. Whole teams are sometimes necessary to construct believable illusions. In the service of a nation, lying just means reinventing the world.