Ježek Sonic

Ježek Sonic 2020


Ježek Sonic je najhitrejši ježek, ki po nesrečnem naključju pride na Zemljo. Med pustolovščinami na našem planetu pa se spoprijatelji s policistom Tomom Wachowskim iz majhnega mesta in skupaj se podata v boj proti zlobnemu dr. Robotniku, ki skuša ježka Sonica ugrabiti in prevzeti njegove supermoči, da bi zavladal svetu.


Jumanji: Dobrodošli v džungli

Jumanji: Dobrodošli v džungli 2017


Ko štirje srednješolci odkrijejo staro videoigro Jumanji, za katero še nikoli prej niso slišali, se nenadoma znajdejo v zabavnem svetu džungle in postanejo avatarji po svojem izboru: Spencer tako postane piflarski raziskovalec, športnik Fridge postane pravi Einstein, priljubljena Bethany postane srednjeveški profesor, nežna Martha pa se spremeni v neustrašno bojevnico. Toda zabava bo kmalu prerasla v nekaj drugega, ko bodo odkrili, da se Jumanjija ne samo igra – treba ga je preživeti.



Piksli 2015


Nezemljani vzamejo posnetke videoiger kot vojno napoved in napadejo Zemljo z liki iz teh istih iger. Ameriški predsednik mora poklicati stare prijatelje in strokovnjake za videoigre, da bi rešili svet, preden ga uničijo vesoljski piksli.


Glavni junak

Glavni junak 2021


Bančni uslužbenec po imenu Guy (Ryan Reynlods, Deadpool) spozna, da je v resnici stranski lik v Open-World igri z imenom Svobodno mesto (Free City), ki bo kmalu ostala brez povezave.


Stopnja smrti

Stopnja smrti 2021


Upokojeni veteran specialnih vojaških enot je ujet v neskončno dirko s časom. Vsako jutro se ob njegovi postelji pojavi zamaskiran in oborožen moški, ki mu streže po življenju. Poleg morilca v spalnici, se čez dan na različnih lokacija pojavljajo novi morilci … ko končno umre, se naslednje jutro prebudi in scenarij se ponovi. Da bi končno ustavil to neskončno trpljenje in prekinil časovno zanko, v kateri se je znašel, mora ugotoviti, kdo ali kaj stoji za vsem skupaj in zakaj ga želijo mrtvega.



Tetris 2023


Film pripoveduje zgodbo o tem, kako je ena najbolj priljubljenih videoiger na svetu našla pot do igralcev po vsem svetu. Poslovnež Henk Rogers in izumitelj Tetrisa Alexey Pajitnov združita moči v ZSSR in tvegata vse, da bi Tetris prinesla množicam.



Tron 1982



Mali vohuni: Armagedon

Mali vohuni: Armagedon 2023


Ko otroci najboljših tajnih agentov na svetu nehote pomagajo močnemu programeju video iger sprostiti računalniški virus, ki mu daje nadzor nad vso tehnologijo, morajo sami postati vohuni, da lahko rešijo svoje starše in svet.


Črno ogledalo: Bandersnatch

Črno ogledalo: Bandersnatch 2018


Zgodba nas iz skrivnostne hiše, v kateri Stefan živi z očetom, popelje v mesto. Sledi sestanek z založbo Tuckersoft, ki jo vodi poslovnež Mohan Thakur (Asim Chaudhry – Taskmaster) in za katero igre piše Stefanov idol, legendarni Colin Ritman (Will Poulter – Kids in Love). Mohan je nad igro navdušen in Stefanu takoj ponudi delovni prostor v novih pisarnah Tuckersofta. To ponudbo lahko sprejmemo ali zavrnemo. Navidezno. Ne glede na to, po kateri poti zgodba teče, se konča okoli 12. septembra istega leta. Ta datum založnik določi kot skrajni rok, do katerega mora Stefan končati igro. Čeprav se dela loti z navdušenjem, časovni pritisk, tematika knjige in tragična usoda njenega avtorja Stefana vse boj žene v norost. Stefan se kmalu znajde na robu norosti, preko katerega ga lahko, dobesedno, potisne gledalec.



ReBoot 1994


Bob, a guardian from the Super Computer, helped by his friends Dot, Enzo, and dog Frisket, defend the digital city of Mainframe from evil computer viruses that seek to dominate the city and infect the entire net.


Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country 1998


Taking place on Kongo Bongo Island, the show focuses on Donkey Kong, the island's resident hero. Before the series' events, he was chosen as the island's future ruler by a magical artifact known as the Crystal Coconut, which is connected to a spirit known as Inka Dinka Doo. In the present, Donkey Kong must prove he deserves the role through his heroics and by simply guarding the coconut. Alongside various allies such as his best friend and sidekick Diddy Kong and his mentor Cranky Kong, he must protect the Crystal Coconut from various threats, most notably the villainous King K. Rool and his Kremling army who long to steal it in order to rule Kongo Bongo. Oftentimes, Donkey Kong has to juggle his guardian duties with his social life, his relationship with Candy Kong, and his love of gorging on bananas.


Let's Play Minecraft

Let's Play Minecraft 2012


Achievement Hunter takes on the hardest tests in the search for power, fame, and the coveted Tower of Pimps: a gold monolith that grants the winner special powers like arrogance and hatred from coworkers. Welcome to...Achievement City.


Good Game

Good Game 2006


Good Game is a program dedicated to video gaming. Each week it is jam-packed with the latest gaming news and events, top gaming tips, reviews and interviews with game developers and the people behind the scenes.


How Not to Summon a Demon Lord

How Not to Summon a Demon Lord 2018


When it comes to the fantasy MMORPG Cross Reverie, none can match the power of the Demon King Diablo. Possessing the game’s rarest artifacts and an unrivaled player level, he overpowers all foolish enough to confront him. But despite his fearsome reputation, Diablo’s true identity is Takuma Sakamoto, a shut-in gamer devoid of any social skills. Defeating hopeless challengers day by day, Takuma cares about nothing else but his virtual life—that is, until a summoning spell suddenly transports him to another world where he has Diablo’s appearance! In this new world resembling his favorite game, Takuma is greeted by the two girls who summoned him. They perform an Enslavement Ritual in an attempt to subjugate him, but the spell backfires and causes them to become his slaves instead. With the situation now becoming more awkward than ever, Takuma decides to accompany the girls in finding a way to unbind their contract while learning to adapt to his new existence as the menacing Demon King.


Video Game High School

Video Game High School 2012


It's the near future: You're dead. Your kids are probably dead. Your grandkids (if they're alive) are playing video games. Why? Because professional gaming is the biggest sport on earth. Around the world, millions of players duke it out in fighters, RTS’s, First Person Shooters and more. To the victors go the spoils: glory, clan contracts and million dollar endorsements. The best young gamers are recruited by elite boarding schools to sharpen their skills. The best of the best go to VGHS: VIDEO GAME HIGH SCHOOL.


Good Game: Spawn Point

Good Game: Spawn Point 2010


Hosted by passionate gamers Hex (Stephanie Bendixsen) and Bajo (Steven O'Donnell) and not so nice Robot, Darren (Data Analysing Robot for the Ruthless Extermination of Noobs), Good Game: SP will be the show for younger gamers by gamers.


The Guild

The Guild 2007


Fantasy and reality collide when a surprisingly diverse group of online video-game addicts struggle to balance the game with personal relationships.


The Prince's Favorite Is the Villainess

The Prince's Favorite Is the Villainess 2022


One day, an office worker reincarnates into the world of her favorite otome game. Unfortunately, however, she has become the game's villainess, Diana. On top of that, Prince Sirius, supposedly the protagonist's primary target, is targeting her instead. To avoid a Bad End, she needs the prince to hate her. So she tries to seduce him, who supposedly admires purity. However, instead of being disgusted, the prince looks at her lustfully.



Noob 2008



The Angry Video Game Nerd

The Angry Video Game Nerd 2004


The Angry Video Game Nerd is an adult web television series of comedic retrogaming video reviews created by and starring James Rolfe. The show's format revolves around his commentary and review of older, but unsuccessful video games which are deemed to be of particularly low-quality, unfair difficulty or poor design. The series began as a feature on YouTube and later became a program on ScrewAttack Entertainment before moving to GameTrailers exclusively. The show was renamed The Angry Video Game Nerd to prevent any trademark issues with Nintendo and due to the fact he started reviewing games from non-Nintendo consoles such as those made by Atari and Sega. Rolfe's character, "The Nerd" is a short-tempered and foul-mouthed video game fanatic. He derives comic appeal from excessive and inventive use of anger, profanity, and habitual consumption of alcohol while reviewing video games.


Unlocked: The World of Games, Revealed

Unlocked: The World of Games, Revealed 2016


Unlocked is a groundbreaking 8 part documentary series that provides firsthand stories by industry icons, celebrities, consumers, and field experts on the culture, technology, history, and future of the video game industry.


Spyder Games

Spyder Games 2001


Spyder Games is a television series that was broadcast on MTV from June 18, 2001 through September 20, 2001. MTV's second foray into the soap opera format following the run of the anthology series Undressed, the series was originally called Spyder Web in development. Originally intended for a 3 pm time slot, Spyder Games ultimately debuted at 7 pm because of its racy content. The final episodes, originally scheduled to air during the week of 10 September 2001, were postponed by a week because of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The last episode was written as cliffhanger, but MTV did not pick the series up for a second season.


Sword Art Online

Sword Art Online 2012


In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using a piece of technology called Nerve Gear. One day, players discover they cannot log out, as the game creator is holding them captive unless they reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for survival starts now...


Mythic Quest

Mythic Quest 2020


Meet the team behind the biggest multiplayer video game of all time. But in a workplace focused on building worlds, molding heroes, and creating legends, the most hard-fought battles don’t occur in the game—they happen in the office.


Halo: The Fall of Reach

Halo: The Fall of Reach 2015


Kidnapped as children and conscripted into a brutal military training and augmentation program, the Spartans were designed to be the ultimate weapon against chaos and insurgency—but when a dangerous alien alliance known as the Covenant declares war on humanity, the Spartans might be our only hope.


Spike TV VGA Video Game Awards

Spike TV VGA Video Game Awards 2003


Spike TV's Video Game Awards pays tribute to the outstanding achievements of games, designers, animation, breakthrough technology, music and performances of the past year in the industry. The awards also provide a glimpse at the future of gaming, including exclusive sneak peeks and world premiere footage of some of the most anticipated games from the years to come.


Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals

Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals 1994


200 years after Bartz and his friends saved two worlds from Exdeath, a threat arises and seeks to take the Crystals for itself. Linaly, a descendant of Bartz, and her friend/protector Prettz journey to the Temple of Wind to seek the source of this new danger.