
Duša 2020


Učitelj glasbe sanja, da bi nastopil kot jazzovski glasbenik. Ko končno dobi priložnost, se zgodi nekaj nepričakovanega: na poti iz službe pade v kanal in ostane brez duše ... Nova animirana mojstrovina studiev Disney in Pixar gledalca popelje na ulice New Yorka in mu zastavi življenjska vprašanja.


Top Gun

Top Gun 1986


Filmska uspešnica Top Gun nas bo očarala z vratolomnimi akcijami pod nebom in odlično glasbo. Glavni junak filma je Tom Cruise, ki ga kot Mavericka srečamo v elitni vojaški letalski šoli. Tam čez noč zaslovi s pogumnim podvigom, ko v zraku posname sliko ruskega letala. Hkrati se med mladimi piloti vname prava bitka za bleščeči naziv 'Top Gun', ki ga dobi najboljši diplomiranec letnika. Maverick je prepričan, da je za njegovo slavo kriv sloves njegovega očeta, izvrstnega pilota, ki je v Vietnamu izginil v nepojasnjenih okoliščinah. Poleg tega se fant zaplete v romanco s prikupno inštruktorico Charlie.


Poslednji samuraj

Poslednji samuraj 2003


Z zahtevnimi in atraktivnimi akcijskimi scenami, ki bodo v veselje vsem ljubiteljem akcije in mečevanja, z obetavnim scenarijem, z izdelanimi liki in dramatičnostjo, ter nenazadnje s Tomom Cruisem v glavni vlogi, je Poslednji samuraj prav gotovo prava poslastica za ljubitelje filmskih spektaklov!


The Forge

The Forge 2024


19-letni Isaiah Wright živi le za košarko in videoigre. Leto po končani srednji šoli je še brez službe, brez načrtov in brez ideje, kako postati moški. Ker je v sporu z materjo samohranilko Cynthio, dobi ultimat - ali se bo poboljšal ali pa odselil. Zato se pod pritiskom prijateljev in mame zaposli v Moore Fitness, ne da bi vedel, kako bo lastnik osebno vplival na njegovo življenje. Z maminimi prošnjami in nepričakovanim vodstvom novega mentorja se je prisiljen soočiti s svojo preteklostjo, se odreči svoji sebičnosti in odkriti, kako ima nekdo tam zgoraj morda večji namen za njegovo življenje.


Adelino življenje

Adelino življenje 2013


Za gimnazijko Adèle je samoumevno, da punce hodijo s fanti. Njen zasanjani sošolec Thomas je zatreskan vanjo, toda Adèle ne more pozabiti bežnega srečanja s študentko umetnosti modrih las Emmo. Dekleti se znova srečata, ko se Adèle prvič opogumi za obisk lezbičnega bara. Ljubezen med njima hitro vzplamti in ju popelje do vrhunca sreče in čutnih užitkov. Vendar se v nasprotju s starejšo, bolj svetovljansko Emmo Adèle ne vživi povsem v svojo spolno identiteto in jo še vedno previdno prikriva. Nekaj let pozneje par zaživi skupaj v krhki sreči. Adèle raste, se išče, se izgublja in se najde…


Pobegla nevesta

Pobegla nevesta 1999


Ike Graham je newyorški kolumnist, ki ga pesti prenekatera težava. Ko se skrije v svoje najljubše pribežališče, da bi si malce pretegnil možgančke in dobil navdih, sliši zgodbo o mladenki na podeželju v Marylandu po imenu Maggie, ki je, kaže, zelo rada zaročena, poroke pa se boji kot hudič križa. Ker se mu zdi zadeva zanimiva, Ike o Maggie spesni članek, s katerim sproži plaz dogodkov, ki ga privedejo do njenega rojstnega kraja. Maggie Carpenter tudi pesti ena težava - Ike Graham. Članek in njen avtor jo strašansko razjezita, zato načrtuje maščevanje. Ike zlagoma ugotovi, da se v Maggijinem svetu ne vrti vse okrog strahu pred resno zvezo in nazadnje mu v naročje pade celo najboljša zgodba njegovega življenja.


Kraljevi ribič

Kraljevi ribič 1991


Nekdanji radijski voditelj Jack Lucas (Jeff Bridges) se po tragični napaki utaplja v samopomilovanju in razmišlja o samomoru. Odrešitev najde v brezdomcu Parryju (Robin Williams), ki je bil po čudnem naključju žrtev Lucasove napake.


The 100

The 100 2014


100 years in the future, when the Earth has been abandoned due to radioactivity, the last surviving humans live on an ark orbiting the planet — but the ark won't last forever. So the repressive regime picks 100 expendable juvenile delinquents to send down to Earth to see if the planet is still habitable.


How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother 2005


A father recounts to his children - through a series of flashbacks - the journey he and his four best friends took leading up to him meeting their mother.


Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew 2024


Four ordinary kids search for their home planet after getting lost in the Star Wars galaxy.



Girls 2012


The assorted humiliations, disasters and rare triumphs of four very different twenty-something girls: Hannah, an aspiring writer; Marnie, an art gallery assistant and cousins Jessa and Shoshanna.


That '70s Show

That '70s Show 1998


Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage in this hilarious retro-sitcom. For Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Donna and Fez, a group of high school teens who spend most of their time hanging out in Eric’s basement, life in the ‘70s isn’t always so groovy. But between trying to figure out the meaning of life, avoiding their parents, and dealing with out-of-control hormones, they’ve learned one thing for sure: they’ll always get by with a little help from their friends.


Violet Evergarden

Violet Evergarden 2018


The war is over, and Violet Evergarden needs a job. Scarred and emotionless, she takes a job as a letter writer to understand herself and her past.



Knuckles 2024


Knuckles embarks on a hilarious and action-packed journey of self-discovery as he agrees to train Wade as his protégé and teach him the ways of the Echidna warrior.


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.


Invincible Fight Girl

Invincible Fight Girl 2024


Andy dreams of becoming the greatest pro wrestler of all time. Assuming the wrestler alias: "Fight Girl", Andy sets out into the bizarre and colorful Wrestling World, determined to make a name for herself.



Cucumber 2015


Original drama series from Russell T Davies exploring the passions and pitfalls of 21st century gay life, beginning with the most disastrous date night in history.


DNA Says Love You

DNA Says Love You 2022


Inseparable childhood friends Pu Le Jian, Zhuang Xi Wen, and Xie Yu He swore they’d be together forever, but fate forced Le Jian and Xi Wen to part. Years later, Le Jian is struggling to keep his adventure YouTube channel going when a mysterious figure named Amber appears out of nowhere, claiming to be a fan of his, and offers him information on a place called Guilai Abbey…



Banana 2015


Through eight stand-alone stories, this series follows different aspects of LGBT life. Each episode focuses on the unique storyline of a diverse character dealing with life, loves and losses. Scotty is a young lesbian dealing with unrequited love, while Dean harbors family secrets and has an affair with a mystery man from Newcastle. Sian is torn between her lover and her overprotective mother. Helen has an ex who won't leave her alone.


How to Screw It All Up

How to Screw It All Up 2022


After her school’s year-end trip is canceled, Alba discovers that some of her classmates are secretly planning an epic road trip – and does everything she can to land an invite.



Hindsight 2015


The series begins with Becca on the eve of her second wedding. It all seems perfect this time around, but she is still plagued by doubt. What if she could fix everything, and make the 'right' choices this time? Becca finds herself thinking about her former best friend Lolly, with whom she had a falling out many years ago. If only she could talk to her once again… Suddenly, after a freakish elevator ride, Becca gets the opportunity to do just that as she wakes up in New York City on the morning of her first wedding day in 1995. She's about to marry Sean, a bad-boy artist who is all wrong for her – and she knows her first move must be to reconnect with Lolly to re-live that day. Can she 'make it right' by living her life all over while re-adapting to life in New York City in the 90's – a time of smoking in bars, carrying pagers, having an AOL email address? Becca will soon discover there's no sure-fire way to make the right choices in life – even knowing everything she thinks she knows now.



Overcompensating 1970


Closeted former football player and homecoming king Benny becomes fast friends with Carmen, a high school outsider on a mission to fit in at all costs. With guidance from Benny’s older sister and her campus-legend boyfriend, Benny and Carmen juggle horrible hookups, flavored vodka, and fake IDs.


Off Campus

Off Campus 1970


The unlikely romance between a wry, hockey-hating music major and Briar University's playboy star center.


Endangered Species

Endangered Species 2024


Excelsior, a ski-resort without snow. A missing bride-to-be, a course for men in search of meaning, a couple in crisis, a Carnival monster, marmot hunters and a glacier in peril: the uncertain future of an Alpine community hinges on its ability to face up to its contradictions when everything collapses.