
Boksar 2024


Obetavni mladi boksar Jędrzej, le z ženo Kasio ob strani, pobegne iz komunistične Poljske v London, da bi sledil svojim sanjam in postal svetovni prvak.



Šund 1994


Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) in Vincent Vega (John Travolta) sta gangsterska morilca po naročilu, ki naj bi po ukazu mafijskega šefa Marsellusa Wallaca (Ving Rhames) prevzela ukradeno aktovko. Poleg tega je Wallace naročil Vincentu, naj nekaj dni pozneje, ko bo sam zunaj mesta, odpelje njegovo ženo Mio (Uma Thurman) na večerjo in zabavo. Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis) je ostareli boksar, ki ga je Wallace podkupil, da bi načrtno izgubil dvoboj. Honey Bunny ter Pumpkin (Amanda Plummer in Tim Roth) sta mlad zaljubljeni par nepomembnih nepridipravov, ki skupaj ropa v lokalih. Življenja vseh čudaških likov se prepletejo v divje zabavno, nelinearno kriminalno zgodbo o naključjih in pomenljivih podrobnostih.


Pljuni in jo stisni

Pljuni in jo stisni 2000


Franky je diamantni tat, ki mora svojemu šefu Aviju dostaviti ogromen kos, na poti pa ga Boris mika, da bi stavil na nezakonito boksarsko tekmo. V resnici je past, da ga tako oropajo, ko Avi izve, najame Tonyja, da najde Frankyja in diamanta. Frankyjeva žalostna usoda se kmalu odkrije, lov in ujetje manjkajočega dragulja pa vse privede v noro igro, ki tvega, da uidejo nadzoru, kjer se prevara, izsiljevanje in goljufije krvavo mešajo s psi, diamanti, bokserji in raznolikim orožjem v kaotično črno kosilo.


Punčka za milijon dolarjev

Punčka za milijon dolarjev 2004


Frankie Dunn, potem ko je treniral in zastopal najboljše borce, telovadi s pomočjo Scrap-a, nekdanjega boksarja, ki je tudi njegov edini prijatelj. Frankie je osamljen in drzen človek, ki se je leta zatekal v religijo in išče odrešitev, ki ne pride. Nekega dne vstopi v svojo telovadnico Maggie Fitzgerald, voljna punca, ki se želi boksati in se je pripravljena močno boriti, da bi jo dobila. Ampak tisto, kar želi in najbolj potrebuje, je, da nekdo verjame vanjo. Frankie to zavrača z obrazložitvijo, da je prestar in da poleg tega ne trenira deklet. Toda Maggie ne popušča in se vsak dan drobi v telovadnici, z edino podporo Scrap-a. Končno, prepričana v neomajno odločnost Maggie, se Frankie odloči, da jo usposobi.



Hurikan 1999


Rubin "Hurikan" Carter (Denzel Washington) je bil obetaven boksar srednje kategorije, dokler ga neke noči leta 1966 niso po krivem obdolžili več umorov. Čeprav ni zagrešil ničesar, je postal žrtev rasizma in bil obsojen na dosmrtno ječo. Minevajo leta in Carter izgublja upanje, da bo še kdaj na svobodi, dokler mu nekega dne ne piše Lesra Martin (Vicellous Reon Shannon), najstnik, ki ga je navdušila Hurikanova avtobiografija. Lesra in njegovi kanadski mentorji (John Hannah, Deborah Kara Unger, Liev Schreiber) se odločijo, da mu bodo pomagali. Denzel Washington je bil za svojo vlogo nominiran za oskarja in za nagrado igralskega ceha, prejel pa je zlati globus. Za zlati globus je bil nominiran tudi režiser Jewison, film pa je prejel tudi nominacijo za najboljši celovečerec.


Harry Haft

Harry Haft 2022


Boksar Harry Haft se je boril s sojetniki v koncentracijskih taboriščih, da bi preživel. Preganjajo ga spomini in krivda, odmevne dvoboje proti legendam, kot je Rocky Marciano, pa skuša izkoristiti, da bi znova našel svojo prvo ljubezen.



Made 2001




Ali 2001




Minder 1979


This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.



Bloodhounds 2023


Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who preys on the financially desperate.



Mike 2022


Explore the wild, tragic and controversial life and career of heavyweight champion Mike Tyson - one of the most polarizing figures in sports culture.


Our Only Chance

Our Only Chance 2022


Candela works at a logistics company while she pursues her dream of becoming a singer. Her life changes one night when a multinational record company executive hears her sing in a bar. That same night, Candela meets up with Diego, an old high school classmate of hers who is fighting to be a professional boxer.


La Máquina

La Máquina 2024


An aging boxer's crafty manager secures him one last shot at a title. But to make it to fight night, they must navigate a mysterious underworld force.


Bad Papa

Bad Papa 2018


Yoo Ji-Cheol used to be a top boxer, but he lost everything in a moment. All of his money and fame vanished and his life was ruined. He decides to gain control of his life through mixed martial arts.


Clean Break

Clean Break 2015


Car dealer Frank Mallon (Adam Fergus, Being Erica) is watching his life fall apart around him. His wife has left, his cars aren't selling, and his teenage daughter is out of control. Desperate for a solution, Frank devises a plan to fix his money problems while also getting revenge on the people who make his life miserable.


My Lovely Boxer

My Lovely Boxer 2023


Vanished genius boxer Kwon-sook and cold-hearted agent Tae-young risk all to defy match-fixing's clutches.


At Home with the Furys

At Home with the Furys 2023


Undefeated heavyweight champion Tyson Fury retires from boxing to embrace the eccentricities of family life in this hilarious and heartfelt docusoap.


Being Mike Tyson

Being Mike Tyson 2013


A six-part documentary series offering viewers a raw and cinematic look at the former heavyweight champ. Not a look back, but instead, a look inward at one of the most iconic and divisive characters in recent history.


I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali

I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali 1977


I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali is an animated series featuring heavyweight boxing legend Muhammad Ali, who starred as his own voice. The short-lived series was broadcast Saturday mornings on NBC in the fall of 1977, but was cancelled by January 1978.


Even Sun

Even Sun 2022


Sun is a debt collector unable to successfully collect a debt. Thai is a new debt collector, his rival. Instead of collecting debt, Thai gets Mangkorn in exchange for interest. Sun's father presses him to collect a debt from Athit. Without it, he will go bankrupt. On the way to Athit island, Sun meets Talay and Nai, friends and henchmen of Athit. Sun plans to get close to Athit through the two. Athit is unimpressed and attempts to send Sun back to Bangkok, but Sun stubbornly refuses.



Robber 2008


Romance blossoms between a single mom and a womanizing bad boy.



Tyson 1970


A biographical TV limited series about the legendary boxer Mike Tyson


The Contender

The Contender 2005


A reality television series that follows a group of boxers as they compete with one another in an elimination-style competition, while their lives and relationships with each other and their families are depicted.


The Duke

The Duke 1954


The Duke is an American comedy series that aired on NBC from July to September 1954.


The Greatest

The Greatest 1970


The Greatest intimately explores the incomparable life of Muhammad Ali. The amazing victories and defeats that made Ali a legend, both in and out of the ring, have been well documented and while those landmark events will live in The Greatest, the heartbeat of the story is fueled by all the moments that took place outside of the spotlight. The world remembers an icon, but The Greatest is about a man, a husband, a father, a brother, and a son.