Zora Planeta opic

Zora Planeta opic 2014


Rastoči populaciji gensko naprednih opic, ki jih vodi Cezar, grozi tolpa ljudi, ki so pred desetimi leti preživeli epidemijo smrtonosnega virusa. Dosežejo nestabilno premirje, ki pa ne traja dolgo, saj se nasprotni strani znajdeta na robu vojne, ki bo odločila, katera vrsta bo prevladala planetu Zemlja.


Pot v El Dorado

Pot v El Dorado 2000


Sleparja Tulio in Miguel se dokopljeta do zemljevida legendarnega zlatega mesta El Dorada. Na poti do bogastva ju čaka samo en problem: zaklenjena sta v ječi na ladji španskega raziskovalca Cortesa. Po drznem pobegu fanta naposled prispeta v El Dorado, kjer se njune težave šele dobro začnejo. Na pomoč jima priskoči pretkana lepotica Chel in usoda El Dorada leži v njihovih rokah.


Lawrence arabski

Lawrence arabski 1962


Zgodovinski spektakel Lawrence Arabski je za številne eden najboljših filmov vseh časov. V zadnji anketi uglednega britanskega filmskega časopisa Sight and Sound je bil izbran za četrtega najboljšega vseh časov po izboru anketiranih režiserjev. Leta 1967 je osvojil sedem oskarjev, med drugimi za najboljši film in režijo. Kontroverzni vojak in pustolovec T. E. Lawrence med vožnjo z motorjem umre. Po pogrebu se med prisotnimi odpre razprava o pokojniku. Njegovo ključno obdobje je bilo obdobje prve svetovne vojne. V tem času je bil poročnik britanske vojske v Kairu. Znan je bil kot ljubitelj arabske kulture in svojeglav ter neposlušen častnik. Kljub temu je bil zaradi poznavanja arabskega sveta poslan na misijo, da bi preiskal možnosti arabskega princa Faisala v uporu proti Turkom. Lawrence, izjemno šarmanten in iznajdljiv človek, je postal pomemben udeleženec v dogajanjih, ki so spremenila svet.


Sedem veličastnih

Sedem veličastnih 1960


Legendarni ameriški vestern o sedmih revolveraših, ki poskušajo ubraniti vas pred napadom odpadnikov. Mehiška vas, katere prebivalstvo ne pozna nasilja, ampak samo težko delo na zemlji, je na stalnem udaru banditov, ki jim jemljejo hrano in jim grenijo življenje. Utrujeni od konstantnega izrabljanja in terorja, konzultirajo z vaškim modrecem, ki jim sporoča, da je čas za boj. Predstavniki vaščanov odidejo preko meje, da bi našli orožje, medtem pa v mirnem ameriškem mestu srečajo Vina (Steve McQueen) in Chrisa (Yul Brynner), dva prijatelja in revolveraša, ki jih prepričujeta, da je najpametneje najeti ljudi, ki znajo z orožjem. Zbereta ekipo sedmih izkušenih revolverašev, od katerih večina verjame, da bodo dobili nagrado, če ubranijo vas. Pridejo med vaščane in jih poskušajo naučiti revolverskih veščin in istočasno pripravljajo obrambo vasi.



Krog 2002


Rachel Keller je preiskovalna novinarka, ki ne daje veliko zaupanja tistemu, kar meni, da je nekakšna urbana legenda: na videz kroži videokaseta z grozljivimi podobami, ki jo spremlja telefonski klic, ki napoveduje, kakšen teden vnaprej smrt osebe kdo ga je videl. Ko pa štirje najstniki točno en teden po ogledu posnetka najdejo smrt, radovednost prevzame in ne bo nehala, dokler ne najdejo kasete in jo gledajo.



Nak 2022


Blizu Los Angelesa, v dolini Santa Clarita v južni Kaliforniji, brat OJ Haywood in sestra Emerald Haywood podedujeta ranč s konji. Ko nekega dne OJ in Emerald nad prostranim rančem opazita nepojasnjene pojave, si zadata cilj, da skrivnost na nebu ujameta na kamero. Stvari pa se malce zapletejo, ko jima na pomoč priskočita zaposleni v elektronski trgovini Angel Torres in priznani kinematograf Antlers Holst, ki je tik pred upokojitvijo. Potem ko s svojimi prizadevanji in ošabnostjo prestopijo mejo, od koder ni več poti nazaj in kar pripelje do grozovitih posledic, glavne junake povleče naravnost v oko viharja.


Grivasti vojak

Grivasti vojak 2011


Režiser akcijskih pustolovščin Lov za izgubljenim zakladom in Reševanje vojaka Ryana prinaša nepozabno zgodbo o angleškem konju Joeyju, ki ga ob začetku prve svetovne vojne prodajo in pošljejo na fronto v Francijo. Najstnik Albert ne more preboleti izgube štirinožnega prijatelja, zato se pridruži vojski in ga skuša najti na evropskih bojiščih. Joey s svojim neomajnim pogumom navdihuje britansko konjenico in nemške vojake, dokler ne pristane v osrčju najbolj srditih spopadov – njuna zgodba pa se bo čustveno razpletla v osrčju nikogaršnje dežele. Prva svetovna vojna v očeh konja: odisejada veselja in bolečine, prijateljstva in velike pustolovščine.


13. bojevnik

13. bojevnik 1999


Ahmada pošljejo na sever kot odposlanca, ker se je zaljubil v napačno žensko. Leta 922 je to slovo za vedno. Na poti sreča Vikinge in se spoprijatelji z njimi. Ko pošast napade njihov dom, se jim mora Ahmad pridružiti kot trinajsti bojevnik.


Hitra zebra

Hitra zebra 2005


Stripes že od nekdaj sanja, da bi se lahko na dirkališču pomeril s pravimi konji. Toda on je zebra, kar gre hudo v nos čistokrvnim žrebcem in njihovim lastnikom. Stvari se pričnejo obračati na bolje, ko na pomoč priskočijo ostale živali na kmetiji, mlada jahačica Channing in njen oče, ki verjamejo v Stripesa.


Osamljeni jezdec

Osamljeni jezdec 2013


Ustvarjalci zabavne gusarske pustolovščine Pirati s Karibov nas iz morskih prostranstev vabijo na Divji zahod, ki ga spoznamo preko oči čudaškega Indijanca Tonta. Ta v puščavi naleti na napol mrtvega šerifa Johna in ga s pomočjo indijanske magije vrne v svet živih. Da bi se maščeval zlobnim zločincem in podkupljenim uradnikom, si John nadene identiteto skrivnostnega pravičnika Osamljenega jezdeca. S Totom se pogumno spustita v številne vrtoglave dogodivščine in divje spopade, ki jih lahko preživita le s pomočjo neustrašne drznosti, velike mere spretnosti in tudi kančkom neverjetne sreče.


Pustite ga

Pustite ga 2020


Po izgubi sina, upokojeni šerif George Blackledge (Costner) in njegova žena Margaret (Lane) zapustita svoj ranč v Montani, da bi rešila svojega mladega vnuka iz nevarne družine, ki živi v Južni Dakoti, na čelu z babico Blanche Weboy. Ko odkrijeta, da Weboysi ne nameravajo otroka zlahka izpustiti, Georgeu in Margaret ne preostane drugega, kot da se borita za svojo družino.


Mister Ed

Mister Ed 1961


Wilbur Post and his wife Carol move into a beautiful new home. When Wilbur takes a look in his new barn, he finds that the former owner left his horse behind. This horse is no ordinary horse . . . he can talk, but only to Wilbur, which leads to all sorts of misadventures for Wilbur and his trouble-making sidekick Mister Ed.


BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman 2014


Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the '90s , 20 years later. He's a curmudgeon with a heart of...not quite gold...but something like gold. Copper?


Kentucky Jones

Kentucky Jones 1964


Kentucky Jones is a half-hour comedy/drama starring Dennis Weaver as Kenneth Yarborough "K.Y. or Kentucky" Jones, D.V.M., a recently widowed former horse trainer and active rancher, who becomes the guardian of Dwight Eisenhower "Ike" Wong, a 10-year-old Chinese orphan, played by Ricky Der. Harry Morgan, previously of the CBS sitcoms December Bride and Pete and Gladys, was featured in the series as Seldom Jackson, a former jockey who assists Dr. Jones. Cherylene Lee appears as Annie Ng, Ike's friend. Arthur Wong portrays Mr. Ng, Annie's father. Keye Luke stars as Mr. Wong, a friend of Dr. Jones. Nancy Rennick appears as Miss Throncroft, a social worker. Kentucky Jones, which ran on NBC from September 19, 1964, to September 11, 1965, was the first of Weaver's four series, the most successful having been McCloud, since he left the role of the marshal's helper Chester Goode on CBS's western classic Gunsmoke, starring James Arness. Richard Bull, who later portrayed the henpecked storekeeper Nels Oleson on NBC's Little House on the Prairie, appeared twice on Kentucky Jones as Harold Erkel in episodes entitled "The Victim" and "The Return of Wong Lee".


Susei Pere

Susei Pere 2016


Israeli TV show about horses.



Immenhof 1994


Immenhof is a German television series.


Joe Pickett

Joe Pickett 2021


A game warden and his family navigate the changing political and socio-economic climate in a small rural town in Wyoming on the verge of economic collapse. Surrounded by rich history and vast wildlife, the township hides decades of schemes and secrets that are yet to be uncovered.



Wildfire 2005


After serving time at a juvenile detention center, eighteen-year-old Kris Furillo is given the opportunity to start a new life. Her talent with horses is recognized by a volunteer and local trainer, who arranges a job for her at the Ritter's family run ranch.



BraveStarr 1987


BraveStarr is an American Space Western animated television series. The original episodes aired from September 1987 to February 1988 in syndication. It was created simultaneously with a collection of action figures. BraveStarr was the last animated series produced by Filmation and Group W Productions to be broadcast. Bravo!, a spin-off series was in production along with Bugzburg when the studio closed down. Reruns of the show aired on Qubo Night Owl from 2010 to 2013, and reruns air on the Retro Television Network from 2010 to Present.



Follyfoot 1971


Follyfoot is a children's television series co-produced by the majority-partner British television company Yorkshire Television and the independent West German company TV Munich. It aired in the United Kingdom between 1971 and 1973, repeated for two years after that and again in the late 1980s. The series starred Gillian Blake in the lead role. Notable people connected with the series were actors Desmond Llewelyn and Arthur English and directors Jack Cardiff, Stephen Frears, Michael Apted and David Hemmings. It was originally inspired by Monica Dickens' 1963 novel Cobbler's Dream; she later wrote four further books in conjunction with the series—Follyfoot in 1971, Dora at Follyfoot in 1972, The Horses of Follyfoot in 1975, and Stranger at Follyfoot in 1976.



Outriders 2001


Outriders was an Australian children's television series that first screened on the Nine Network in 2001. It was a 26 part series produced by Southern Star Entertainment.


Spirit: Riding Free

Spirit: Riding Free 2017


In a small Western town, spunky ex-city girl Lucky forms a tight bond with wild horse Spirit while having adventures with best pals Pru and Abigail.


The Man from Snowy River

The Man from Snowy River 1994


The Man from Snowy River is an Australian television series based on Banjo Paterson's poem "The Man from Snowy River". Released in Australia as Banjo Paterson's The Man from Snowy River, the series was subsequently released in both the United States and the United Kingdom as Snowy River: The McGregor Saga. The television series has no relationship to the 1982 film The Man from Snowy River or the 1988 sequel The Man from Snowy River II. Instead, the series follows the adventures of Matt McGregor, a successful squatter, and his family. Matt is the hero immortalized in Banjo Paterson's poem "The Man from Snowy River", and the series is set 25 years after his famous ride.



Fury 1955


Fury is an American western television series that aired on NBC from 1955 to1960. It stars Peter Graves as Jim Newton, who operates the Broken Wheel Ranch in California; Bobby Diamond as Jim's adopted son, Joey Clark Newton, and William Fawcett as ranch hand Pete Wilkey. Roger Mobley co-starred in the two final seasons as Homer "Packy" Lambert, a friend of Joey's. The frequent introduction to the show depicts the beloved stallion running inside the corral and approaching the camera as the announcer reads: "FURY!..The story of a horse..and a boy who loves him." Fury is the first American series produced originally by Television Programs of America and later by the British-based company ITC Entertainment.


The Saddle Club

The Saddle Club 2001


The Saddle Club is a children's television series based on the books written by Bonnie Bryant Like the book series, the scripted live action series follows the lives of three teenage girls in training to compete in equestrian competitions at the fictional Pine Hollow Stables, while dealing with problems in their personal lives. Throughout the series, The Saddle Club navigates their rivalry with Veronica, training for competitions, horse shows, and the quotidian dramas that arise between friends and staff in the fictional Pine Hollow Stables. In each show, The Saddle Club prevails over its adversities, usually sending a message emphasizing the importance of friendship and teamwork.


The Adventures of Black Beauty

The Adventures of Black Beauty 1972


Black Beauty is a pure black, thoroughbred horse in late 19th Century rural England who is adopted into the household of James Gordon, a local doctor and widower, and befriended by his daughter Vicky, son Kevin, and their friends Albert and Robbie.


National Velvet

National Velvet 1960


National Velvet is an American drama series


Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's Travels 1996


Dr. Gulliver has returned from his journey to his family after a long absence - and tells them the story of his travels.


I Am Not an Animal

I Am Not an Animal 2004


I Am Not An Animal is an animated comedy series about the only six talking animals in the world, whose cosseted existence in a vivisection unit is turned upside down when they are liberated by animal rights activists.