Wannseejska konferenca

Wannseejska konferenca 2022


20. januarja 1942 so se na povabilo Reinharda Heydricha v vili ob jezeru Wannsee pri Berlinu srečali vodilni člani nacističnega režima. Edina točka konference je bila: Končna rešitev judovskega vprašanja. V okviru srečanja je Heydrich predstavil načrt, verjetno ga je odobril Adolf Hitler, za deportacijo judovskega prebivalstva Evrope in francoske Severne Afrike (Maroko, Alžirija, Tunizija) na območja pod nemško zasedbo v Vzhodni Evropi, izkoriščanje Judov za delo pri projektih, gradnji cest in v tovarnah, kjer bi sčasoma od napora in podhranjenosti umrli. Namesto tega so ob prodiranju zavezniških sil večino Judov iz okupirane Evrope poslali v koncentracijska taborišča, mnoge pa so ubili že pred tem.


Nazi Hunters

Nazi Hunters 2022


Shortly after the end of the Second World War: In 1945 and 1946, the men of the British "War Crimes Investigation Unit" drove through northern Germany on the hunt for Nazi criminals. One of them is Captain Anton Walter Freud, the grandson of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. Anton Walter Freud fled to London with his family from the Nazis in 1938. Now an intelligence officer, he's back to track down killers on Allied wanted lists: hitmen in pinstripes, brutal SS henchmen, and ruthless doctors who conducted medical experiments even on children. The soldiers who witnessed the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp months earlier are not squeamish about it. 24-year-old Freud is a free spirit known for his unorthodox methods. He knows how to make war criminals talk. So he comes across a crime that has hardly been known before, the murder of 20 children in Hamburg in the last days of the war.