
Parazit 2019


Štiričlanska Ki-taekova družina si je sicer zelo blizu, vendar nihče nima službe, prihodnost pa ni obetavna. Sinu Ki-wooju se nasmehne sreča, ko ga prijatelj, ki obiskuje prestižno univerzo, predlaga za dobro plačano službo. Ki-woo, ki na ramenih nosi pričakovanja celotne družine, se odpravi k družini Park na razgovor. Glava družine je g. Park, lastnik mednarodnega računalniškega podjetja. Ki-woo tam spozna Yeon-kyo, prelepo mladenko. Kmalu po prvem srečanju se odnosi med družinama zapletejo, kar pripelje do niza nesrečnih pripetljajev.



Stari 2003


Poslovnež Oh Dae-su se neke noči leta 1988 znajde zaprt v majhni hotelski sobi brez oken in tam ostane petnajst let. Ne ve, kdo ali zakaj mu je naprtil kruto kazen. Kriv je brez krivde. Izdeluje sezname ljudi, ki jih je v življenju prizadel, da bi našel razlog. Njegovi neusmiljeni ugrabitelji ga preživljajo in hranijo s pomirjevali. Družbo mu dela le televizija. Po petnajstih letih samotne agonije je Oh Dae-su vržen v prostost. V žepu ima denar in mobilni telefon, na sebi drago obleko, v sebi pa sovraštvo in en sam cilj: maščevati se neznancu, ki mu je, dozdevno brez razloga, odvzel življenje.


Dvojna prevara

Dvojna prevara 2022


Policija preiskuje smrt moškega, ki je padel s pečine. Detektiv Hae-joon zasliši njegovo vdovo. Ker se ta ne zdi pretirano vznemirjena ob moževi smrti, hitro postane glavna osumljenka. Medtem ko jo zasleduje in opazuje, Hae-joon vse bolj ugotavlja, da ga skrivnostna mladenka neustavljivo privlači …


Nepozabni umori

Nepozabni umori 2003


V majhni korejski pokrajini v osemdesetih letih 20. stoletja se detektiva spopadata z več primeri posiljenih in umorjenih žensk.



Carter 2022


Carter se po dva mesecih kome prebudi v smrtonosno pandemijo (ki izvira iz DMZ-a), ki je že opustošila ZDA in Severno Korejo. Ne spominja se svoje preteklosti, najde pa skrivnostno napravo v svoji glavi in smrtonosno bombo v ustih. Glas v ušesih mu govori naj se ne ubije in mu izda ukaz, ki ga popelje v skrivnostno misijo. Medtem so mu agentje CIA-e in severnokorejske tajne službe, ki ga lovijo, prišli zelo blizu.



택시운전사 2017


Leta 1980 ovdoveli oče in taksist odpelje nemškega novinarja iz Seula na jug v Gwangju, da bi poročal o uporu tamkajšnjih prebivalcev proti vojaški diktaturi.



Lov 2022


Dva agenta korejske nacionalne obveščevalne službe (KNIS), Pyung-ho na mednarodnem oddelku in Jung-do na notranjem oddelku, neodvisno lovita severnokorejskega krta znotraj agencije. Med preiskavo se soočita z neverjetno resnico in se morata spopasti z nepredstavljivo zaroto, ki načrtuje atentat na južnokorejskega predsednika.



극한직업 2019


Detektivi skušajo uničiti kriminalno združbo, zato pod krinko začno delati v restavraciji z ocvrtimi piščanci.


Artificial City

Artificial City 2021


A mystery psychological thriller drama that depicts characters with various desires and different psychology, and their tangled relationships against the backdrop of a society that conceals their dark sides and is maintained through someone's sacrifice.


Itaewon Class

Itaewon Class 2020


In a colorful Seoul neighborhood, an ex-con and his friends fight a mighty foe to make their ambitious dreams for their street bar a reality.


The School Nurse Files

The School Nurse Files 2020


Wielding a light-up sword through the dark corners of a high school, a nurse with an unusual gift protects students from monsters only she can see.


Modern Korea

Modern Korea 2019


The documentary series were made to look back on Korea’s modern history. It tells stories of specific moments in time weaving together relevant video clips from news broadcasts, dramas, shows and other documentaries



Hero 2012


Set in the near future, the country of South Korea has gone bankrupt. In the fictional city of Mooyoung, irregularities and corruption has now become rampant. By chance, Kim Heug-Cheol receives superhuman strength and he fights against the corruption plaguing the city of Mooyoung.


In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal

In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal 2023


This docuseries examining the chilling true stories of four Korean leaders claiming to be prophets exposes the dark side of unquestioning belief.


Legend Hero Samgugjeon

Legend Hero Samgugjeon 2016


Legend Hero Samgugjeon is a Korean tokusatsu television series. Produced by MoonWatcher and Synergy Media. The Series is broadcasted in EBS1. Legend Hero Samgugjeon is heavily based off of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Many elements of the original story are carried over to the show. Many characters share names and attributes with characters of the original story. Several events in the show are also based on events in the classic story.


Pilgrimage of Wealth 2

Pilgrimage of Wealth 2 2013


Watch host Tony travel around the world and enjoy luxurious tourism with his companion Priscilla Wong. Destinations includes South Korea, Singapore, Shanghai etc. They enjoy what good money can buy, including great food, wine tastings, local culture.



X-Garion 2019


X-Garion is a Korean tokusatsu television series, produced by Chorokbaem Media, in association with Sonokong and HETO.



Butterfly 1970


The life of David Jung, an enigmatic, highly unpredictable former US intelligence operative living in South Korea, is blown to pieces when the consequences of an impossible decision from his past come back to haunt him, and he finds himself pursued by Rebecca, a deadly, sociopathic young agent assigned to kill him.


Aerial Mountains: South Korea

Aerial Mountains: South Korea 2018


Gracefully formed by the earth’s tectonic forces and massive volcanic eruptions, the mountains are a fascinating natural phenomenon, all the way from their beginnings to their present day formation. With their striking presence in our world, the mountains have always been revered by mankind for their beauty and overwhelming size. They have thus served to be an essential constituent to human history, culture, and religion throughout the world. With this universal phenomenon, many people say that there is something special about the mountains that have made them become a spiritual centre for many societies. In this aerial series, we explore some of the most mountain dominated countries in the world and discover the history and culture of the country through their mountains.