Ključna beseda German
Django brez okovov 2012
Django brez okovov se dogaja dve leti pred ameriško državljansko vojno. Django je suženj, ki ga brutalna preteklost z nekdanjimi lastniki pripelje do srečanja z v Nemčiji rojenim lovcem na glave dr. Kingom Schultzem . Schultz sledi morilskim bratom Brittle in samo Django ga lahko pripelje do njegovega plena. Nenavadni Schultz najame Djanga z obljubo, da ga bo osvobodil, ko ujameta Brittlove. Po uspehu Schultz osvobodi Djanga, a moška skleneta, da ne bosta šla vsak svojo pot, saj se Schultz odloči slediti najbolj iskanim kriminalcem juga. Django izpili ključne lovske veščine, a pred seboj ima samo en cilj: najti in rešiti Broomhildo, svojo ženo, ki jo je pred mnogimi leti izgubil zaradi trgovanja s sužnji. Iskanja ju nazadnje pripeljejo do Calvina Candieja , lastnika razvpite plantaže Candyland. Zemljišče raziščeta pod pretvezo, a vzbudita sum pri Stephenu, hišnemu sužnju, ki mu Candie zelo zaupa. Njune poteze so opažene in izdajalska organizacija okoli njiju sklepa obroč.
Buddymoon 2016
Das Rad 2003
Der Verlorene 1951
Carcinoma 2014
Debris Documentar 2012
Cildenie 2024
She Chef 2023
Dinner 2022
Willbaht 2024
Lara 2023
Duvec 2011
Berlin, Berlin 2002
Berlin, Berlin is a television series produced for the ARD. It aired in Germany from 2002 to 2005 Tuesdays through Fridays at 6:50PM on the German public TV network Das Erste. The show won both national and international awards.
Black Fruit 2024
When Lalo is thrown off course by the sudden death of his father, he suppresses his loss with impulsive actions that disrupt his life. While he and his best friend Karla, both in their mid-twenties, queer and Black in Germany, try to shape who they want to become, they are forced to grapple with the limits of their flexibility.
Was ist Was TV 2001
This is a children knowledge show. There are three animated figures: Theo (a blue question mark), Tess (a red exclamation mark) and Quentin (a yellow full stop), who are "the hosts" of this show. They introduce the show and entertain the young audience. The second part shows several small segments of documentaries, which explains simply for kids. The several topics are nature, animals, history and technics.
The Duel - Between Tulle and Tears 2022
Two experts can fullfill the dream of a bride with a perfect bridal dress. Each expert can propose 3 dresses. The bride decides which too choose and which expert wins the duel.
Brennpunkt Braunschweig's "Italy" 2021
12 friends travel together to Italy over the summer and experience various small adventures and everyday mishaps.