Ključna beseda Music Producer
Going the Distance 2004
Ljubezen in milost 2015
Love & Mercy nam prinaša portret Briana Wilsona, enega izmed ustanovnih članov skupine z enakim imenom in človeka, ki je zaradi svoje ustvarjalnosti najzaslužnejši za izjemne glasbene dosežke skupine. Film nam predstavi ključni obdobji njegovega življenja. Del zgodbe se vrne v 60. leta, ko je Wilson zaradi napadov panike nehal hoditi na turnejo s skupino, se zaprl v studio in se posvetil pisanju glasbe. Brian je v tem izjemno plodnem obdobju ustvaril številne uspešnice in glasbeni izraz skupine kljub nasprotovanju nekaterih članov dvignil na višjo, bolj sofisticirano raven. Rezultat tega je album Pet Sounds iz leta 1966, s katerim se je skupina oddaljila od preprostega »surf rocka« in ustvarila enega od najpomembnejših albumov v zgodovini popularne glasbe. Drugo ključno obdobje Wilsonovega življenja so 80. leta, ko je Wilson psihično zlomljen, nestabilen, potrebuje spremstvo in pomoč svojega legalnega skrbnika, psihoterapevta Eugena Landyja.
You and I 2011
Scotland the Rave 2021
The Miner's Son 2024
Johnny Rock 2024
NYC Foetus 2009
Magicenelbeat 2023
When the Devil Calls Your Name 2019
Music producer and composer Ha Rib made a contract with the devil to trade his soul for fame. This devilish transaction brought him all the fame he could ask for, producing many hit songs. As the contract expiration draws near, he bargains with the devil for an extension. For that, he must find another person to sell the soul. Ha Rib finds a perfect candidate, but contemplates because she would have to suffer for 10 years for his selfish fame.
BREAK IT ALL: The History of Rock in Latin America 2020
Soda Stereo, Café Tacvba, Aterciopelados and others figure in this 50-year history of Latin American rock through dictatorships, disasters and dissent.
jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy 2022
The lives of an emerging superstar and a filmmaker intertwine in this intense, intimate docuseries charting Kanye West's career, filmed over two decades.
A new show that’s searching for the next teen K-pop star, and it invites the contestants’ parents to receive direct feedback from the show’s panel of judges.
人生海海 1995
Det svenska popundret 2019
A documentary about the story of the Swedish pop wonder.
This documentary captures the process of JOOHONEY’s solo debut album 'LIGHTS'.