Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 2024


Beetlejuice je nazaj! Po nepričakovani družinski tragediji se tri generacije družine Deetz vrnejo domov v Winter River. Še vedno obsedena z Beetlejuiceom, se Lydijino življenje obrne na glavo, ko njena uporniška najstniška hči Astrid na podstrešju odkrije skrivnostni zemljevid mesta in nenamerno odpre portal v onstranstvo. S težavami na obeh straneh je zgolj vprašanje časa, kdaj bo nekdo trikrat izrekel ime Beetlejuice in nagajivi demon se bo vrnil, da bi sprostil svoj edinstven kaos.


Furiosa: Del sage Pobesneli Max

Furiosa: Del sage Pobesneli Max 2024


Medtem ko se svet propada, je mlada Furiosa ugrabljena iz Zelenega Mesta Mnogih Mater in pade v roke velike motoristične horde, ki jo vodi vojskovodja Dementus. Na potovanju po poščavi naletijo na citadelo, ki ji predseduje Nesmrtni Joe. Medtem ko se dva tirana borita za prevlado, mora Furiosa preživeti številne preizkušnje in zbrati sredstva, da najde pot domov.



Barbie 2023


Živeti v Barbie deželi pomeni biti popolno bitje na popolnem mestu. Razen, če imaš popolno krizo eksistence. Ali pa si Ken. Ona je vse. On je samo Ken. Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird, Čas deklištva) je film posnela po scenariju, ki ga je napisala z Noahom Baumbachom (Frances Ha, Marriage Story).


Jaz, rdeča panda

Jaz, rdeča panda 2022


Mei je čisto navadna najstnica, saj je razpeta med tem, da bi bila mamina poslušna deklica in da jo na drugi strani dobro premetavajo pubertetniška čustva. Njena preveč zaščitniška mati Ming, se trudi, da nikoli ni predaleč od svoje hčere in za najstnico je to prava nočna mora. In kot da že same spremembe v odraščajočem telesu in njenih odnosih ne bi bile dovolj, se za nameček vsakič, ko se malce preveč navduši, spremeni v velikansko rdečo pando! In najstnici se to dogaja zelo pogosto.


Ledeno kraljestvo II

Ledeno kraljestvo II 2019


lza in Ana živita idilicno vsakdanje življenje, ko Elza zasliši notranji glas, ki jo klice. Ko kraljestvo zatrese čudna sila in morajo vsi prebivalci pobegniti na varno, je jasno, da bo morala Elza na klic odgovoriti. Zdi se, da razlog za strašljive dogodke tiči v preteklosti, Elza namreč ves čas sliši pesem, ki jima jo je prepevala mama, ko sta bili še majhni deklici. Elza, Ana, Krištof, Olaf in Sven se zato odpravijo na nevarno potovanje globoko v gozd, na katerem bodo poskusili odkriti izvor Elzinih čarobnih moči. Če se je Elza v prvem delu bala svojih nadnaravnih sposobnosti, bo v drugem zgolj upala, da jih bo dovolj.



Blondinka 2022


Drama o Marilyn Monroe, posneta po romanu Joyce Carol Oates, v katerem se življenje hollywoodske ikone med dejstvi in fikcijo spleta v novo interpretacijo igralkinega javno-zasebnega jaza.


Enola Holmes

Enola Holmes 2020


Spoznamo 16-letno Enolo, katero je mati vzgajala kar doma in jo naučila branja, pisanja, športa in celo borilnih veščin. Na Enolin 16. rojstni dan mama izgine neznano kam, zato se dekle navkljub nasprotovanju svojih starejših bratov Mycrofta in Sherlocka odpravi v London, da bi odkrila razloge za skrivnostno izginotje, pri tem pa naleti na veliko zaroto in hkrati naleti na mnoge pasti odraščanja mladih deklet v strogo tradicionalni viktorijanski družbi.


Rdeči vrabec

Rdeči vrabec 2018


Dominika Egorova (Jennifer Lawrence) je marsikaj. Je predana hči, ki bo svojo mamo zaščitila za vsako ceno, je prima balerina, ki je svoj um in telo pripeljala do absolutne meje in je strokovnjakinja v zapeljevanju in manipulaciji. Ko mora zaradi poškodbe prenehati s svojo kariero, jima skupaj z mamo grozi temna in negotova prihodnost. Dominiki je zaradi nesrečnega spleta okoliščin naročeno, da se proti svoji volji prijavi v "šolo za Vrabce", rusko tajno obveščevalno službo, ki mlade in izjemne ljudi pripravi do tega, da svoje telo in um uporabljajo kot orožje. Po tem, ko opravi perverzen in sadističen proces rekrutacije, Dominika postane najnevarnejši Vrabec kar jih je kdaj bilo. Naročeno ji je, da zavede mladega agenta CIE Nathaniela Nasha (Joel Edgerton), kar jo spravi v nemogoč in nevaren položaj ter ogrozi oba naroda. Film je posnet po knjižni uspešnici s seznama New York Timesa.


Vse povsod naenkrat

Vse povsod naenkrat 2022


Evelyn Wang je zaskrbljena lastnica propadajoče pralnice. Zdravje njenega očeta je v slabem stanju, mož Waymond ji vroči ločitvene dokumente, hčerka Joy je zelo razočarana z življenjem. Na koncu se pojavi še neusmiljena delavka davčne uprave Deirdre. Potem, ko Evelyn poskuša še zadnjič rešiti svoj posel, Waymondovo telo nenadoma obsede dvojnik iz ene od skoraj neskončnih alternativnih resničnosti. Pove ji, da je edina oseba, ki lahko reši multiverzum pred grožnjo, ki uničuje resničnost. Evelyn pa mora še vedno plačati davke.


Totalno ubijalsko

Totalno ubijalsko 2023


Ko se zloglasni "Sweet Sixteen Killer" 35 let po svojem prvem morilskem pohodu vrne, da bi prišel do nove žrtve, se 17-letna Jamie pomotoma vrne v čas v leto 1987, odločena, da ustavi morilca, preden lahko začne.


Črni labod

Črni labod 2010


Mojster psiholoških dram Rekvijem za sanje in Rokoborec se potopi v um ambiciozne baletke Nine, ki si želi v naslednji predstavi zagotoviti glavno vlogo. Toda kmalu spozna, da dvolični direktor baletne hiše od nje pričakuje intimne usluge, težave ji povzroča radoživa konkurentka Lily, doma pa jo dodatno obremenjuje zahtevna mama. Fizični napori in psihološki stres Nino pahne v vrtinec samouničujočega iskanja popolnega baletnega nastopa.



Mama 2013




Pearl 2022


Dogajanje je postavljeno v leto 1918 in spremljamo Pearl kot mlado in ambiciozno dekle, ki hrepeni po glamuroznem življenju filmske plesalke, vendar je njena realnost e življenje na osamljeni družinski kmetiji (njen mož je v vojni v Evropi), kjer je prisiljena skrbeti za njegovega bolnega očeta in je v stalnem konfliktu z njegovo pobožno in strogo materjo. Zaplet nastane, ko izve, da bodo v tamkajšnji cerkvi razpisali tekmovanje za plesalko, ki bo potovala po državi kot del plesne skupine in Pearl se odloči, da se bo prijavila za vsako ceno.


Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls 2000


Set in the charming town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, the series follows the captivating lives of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, a mother/daughter pair who have a relationship most people only dream of.



Klan 1997


Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.



Mom 2013


Aan irreverent and outrageous take on true family love‐and dysfunction. Newly sober single mom Christy struggles to raise two children in a world full of temptations and pitfalls. Testing her sobriety is her formerly estranged mother, now back in Christy's life and eager to share passive-aggressive insights into her daughter's many mistakes.


Mother of Mine

Mother of Mine 2019


Story of a mother and three daughters living in modern day Korean society. The drama conveys a message about the low fertility rate, divorce rate, and the problems of the younger generation who are avoiding marriage.


Best Choice Ever

Best Choice Ever 2024


Mai Chenghuan, a post-95 girl born into an ordinary family in Shanghai, agrees to marry her boyfriend, Xin Jialiang, under her mother’s urging. However, the economic gap between them creates an imbalance in their relationship, ultimately leading to its end. Mai Chenghuan then gains her grandmother's approval and is entrusted with the heavy responsibility of managing a hotel. Through cooperation, Mai Chenghuan and the professional hotel manager Yao Zhiming become working partners and go hand in hand. Mai Chenghuan transitions from being under her family's control to achieving self-fulfillment, forging her own path.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


Ginny & Georgia

Ginny & Georgia 2021


Angsty and awkward fifteen year old Ginny Miller often feels more mature than her thirty year old mother, the irresistible and dynamic Georgia Miller. After years on the run, Georgia desperately wants to put down roots in picturesque New England and give her family something they've never had... a normal life. But it's not all carpool and Kombucha as Georgia's past threatens her and her family's new way of life... and Georgia will do anything to protect her family.


I Need a Fairy

I Need a Fairy 2012


Fairy mother Wang-Mo and her daughter Chae-Hwa go down to the ground to have a bath at a hot spring, before Chae-Hwa is to get married. They see a bunch of extras for some kind of filming session and they are wearing fairy outfits. After taking their bath, they put on their fairy outfit. The try to go back up, but find themselves stil grounded. Se-Joo is the president of 2H Entertainment. He lives with his 2 children and his twin. His son Kook-Min, wants to become an actor, even though his acting skills are poor. His daughter Na-Ra is a model student. Se-Joo becomes upset after discovering his son is taking part in the filming. Along the way, Se-Joo happens to steal a glance at fairy mother Wang-Mo and her daughter Chae-Hwa taking a bath. He finds Chae-Hwa attractive, but leaves. Fairy mother Wang-Mo and her daughter Chae-Hwa go to the film shooting site to find their fairy outfits. They are handed the business for 2H Entertainment and told to go there to find their fairy costumes.


Hidden Truths

Hidden Truths 2015


A teenager who dreams with a career as a top model becomes part of a prostitution scheme and meets a powerful and obsessive businessman. As a last resort, he marries the girl's mother just to be near her. This series explores the limits of obsession, wealth and pleasure, using the fashion world as backdrop.


Abot-Kamay Na Pangarap

Abot-Kamay Na Pangarap 2022


Analyn is a genius who was born poor and raised by her illiterate and sickly mother. She graduates from high school at the age of 12 and dreams of becoming a doctor in order to help the less privileged. She graduates from med school at 19 years old and becomes the youngest surgical resident in a large hospital. Despite her achievements, she has to deal with bullying and competition from her fellow doctors, who are threatened by her age and intelligence. She soon finds herself in an emotional crisis which forces her to leave her profession indefinitely. She returns to the hospital when she learns that she is the only doctor skilled enough to save her father from a rare brain disease.


Body of Proof

Body of Proof 2011


Dr. Megan Hunt was in a class of her own, a brilliant neurosurgeon at the top of her game. But her world is turned upside down when a devastating car accident puts an end to her time in the operating room. Megan resumes her career as a medical examiner, determined to solve the puzzle of who or what killed the victims.


Strong Girl Nam-soon

Strong Girl Nam-soon 2023


Gifted with superhuman strength, a young woman returns to Korea to find her birth family — only to be entangled in a drug case that could test her power.


Live Your Own Life

Live Your Own Life 2023


The story of Hyo-sim, who sacrificed her life for her family trying to lead an independent life as she began to value herself.


Homemade Love Story

Homemade Love Story 2020


Strangers living together at the Samkwang Villa get to know each other and even fall in love.


Green Eggs and Ham

Green Eggs and Ham 2019


Guy-Am-I, an inventor, and his friend Sam-I-Am go on a cross-country trip that would test the limits of their friendship. As they learn to try new things, they find out what adventure brings.


A River Runs Through It

A River Runs Through It 2021


A coming-of-age story of a group of youths. Xia Xiaoju transfers to a new school just before the high school entrance examinations, and there she forge a friendship with a bunch of classmates. After entering university, Xia Xiaoju begins to fall in love with Cheng Lang, but finds out that Chen Lang likes her close friend Lin You, while Lin You has a crush on Yuan Ancheng. Meanwhile, Xiaoju does not notice that her protector and guardian Lu Shiyi has fallen for her.


The Rational Life

The Rational Life 2021


Shen Ruo Xin is a thirty-something professional who decides to take a stand against unfair societal expectations At her workplace she finds herself drawn to two different men - one her trusted, younger assistant, the other her bachelor boss. Knowing she is considered a 'leftover woman' weighs heavily on her. Will she opt to marry the man society deems appropriate, or will she listen to her heart and screw up the courage to pursue a romance with the younger man?


Witches of East End

Witches of East End 2013


The adventures of Joanna Beauchamp and her two adult daughters Freya and Ingrid -- both of whom unknowingly are their family's next generation of witches -- who lead seemingly quiet, uneventful modern day lives in Long Island's secluded seaside town of East Haven. When Freya becomes engaged to a young, wealthy newcomer, a series of events forces Joanna to admit to her daughters they are, in fact, powerful and immortal witches.



Hilda 2018


Fearless, free-spirited Hilda finds new friends, adventure and magical creatures when she leaves her enchanted forest home and journeys to the city.


Forecasting Love and Weather

Forecasting Love and Weather 2022


Inside a national weather service, love proves just as difficult to predict as rain or shine for a diligent forecaster and her free-spirited co-worker.