Bradov položaj

Bradov položaj 2017


V komični drami Brad pospremi sina Troya na kolidž na vzhodno obalo in pot v njem sproži krizo samozavesti. Brad ima uspešno kariero in udobno življenje – a vendarle ne takega, kot si je svojo prihodnost predstavljal v lastnih zmagoslavnih dneh kolidža. Brad razkaže sinu Boston, kjer je sam študiral – in ne more si kaj, da ne bi svojega življenja primerjal s svojimi štirimi najboljšimi prijatelji s kolidža.


History Uncovered

History Uncovered 2019


Myths die hard, and the history of the 20th century is no exception to this rule. Even today, we hold popular beliefs that we take for Evangelical truths. Thus, we believe that Hiroshima caused Japan to surrender, that the Marshall Plan saved Europe, that Adolf Hitler was a military genius, or that Mao Zedong was a necessary evil for China’s modernization. Of course, these judgements contain some truth; but, too broad-stroked to be accurate, they contradict the historical reality by denying its complexity. What if the truth was slightly different? Through an exploration of great national or international myths, this full archive documentary collection revisits the key moments of the 20th century with a new perspective in order to provide a new, smarter and more subtle interpretation, bringing elements to light that have been forgotten or sometimes overshadowed.