Mumija se vrača

Mumija se vrača 2001


Ko se že drugič zbudi starodavna mumija, novi val groze sproži še močnejša sila, Kralj škorpijon. Rick in Evelyn rešujeta njunega sina in ves svet pred vnovičnim pustošenjem vsemogočnega zla.


Mummy Mysteries

Mummy Mysteries 2020


An international team of archaeological experts reveal the true stories behind ancient Egypt's most infamous mummies, using modern forensic science, they uncover tales of life and death in one of history's most mysterious civilizations.


The Pyramids: Solving The Mystery

The Pyramids: Solving The Mystery 2019


The construction of the Egyptian pyramids remains an enigma, an unsolved mystery. But today, Egyptologists and archaeologists have developed a new tool which uses aerial and satellite images to provide valuable fresh clues about the position, construction, and evolution of these edifices. This series sets out to decode the mysteries of the pyramids' construction, and to recreate Egypt as it was more than 5000 years ago.


Egyptian Tomb Hunting

Egyptian Tomb Hunting 2018


Tony Robinson goes on a journey across Egypt where a series of incredible new tomb discoveries are being made.