Dune: Peščeni planet, 2. del

Dune: Peščeni planet, 2. del 2024


2. del raziskuje Paulovo mistično potovanje, po tem, ko se je pridružil Chani in domorodnim Fremenom na svoji bojni poti maščevanja proti zarotnikom, ki so uničili njegovo družino. Paul si prizadeva preprečiti strašno prihodnost, ki jo lahko vidi le on, pri tem pa mora izbirati med ljubeznijo svojega življenja in usodo celotnega znanega vesolja.



Batman 2022


Po letih tavanja po ulicah Gothama in z le nekaj zanesljivimi zavezniki, osamljen maščevalec Batman postane edino utelešenje pravice med svojimi someščani. Ko elito Gothama napade sadističen morilec, vrsta skrivnostnih namigov popelje »viteza teme« globoko v podzemlje, kjer naleti na Selino Kyle aka. Catwoman, Pingvina, Carminea Falconea in seveda Ugankarja. Ko se dokazi začnejo kopičiti in vodijo vedno bliže in bliže domu ter razkrivajo veličino storilčevega zloveščega plana, mora Batman skovati nova zavezništva, razkriti krivca in vrniti pravico mestu Gotham, kateri je bil preveč dolgo zlorabljen s strani pokvarjene oblasti.


Aquaman in izgubljeno kraljestvo

Aquaman in izgubljeno kraljestvo 2023


Ker prvič ni uspel premagati Aquamana, se Black Manta, ki ga še vedno žene potreba po maščevanju očetove smrti, ne bo ustavil pred ničemer, da bi ga uničil enkrat za vselej. Tokrat je močnejši kot kadarkoli prej, saj poseduje moč mitskega črnega trizoba, ki sprošča starodavno in zlonamerno silo. Da bi ga premagal, se Aquaman obrne na svojega brata Orma, nekdanjega kralja Atlantide, da bi z njim sklenil malo verjetno zavezništvo. Skupaj bosta morala pozabiti na razlike med njima, če bosta želela zaščititi kraljestvo in rešiti Aquamanovo družino ter svet pred nepopravljivim uničenjem.


Fant proti vsem

Fant proti vsem 2024


Potem ko je njegova družina umorjena, gluhonemi Boy pobegne v džunglo, kjer ga skrivnostni šaman uri, da zatre svojo otroško domišljijo in postane orodje smrti.


Skrivnostna reka

Skrivnostna reka 2003


Tri prijatelje iz otroštva ponovno združi tragičen dogodek, ki prebudi strahove iz preteklosti. V izjemno doživeti drami Clinta Eastwooda blestijo Kevin Bacon, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins in Marcia Gay Harden.



Orca 1977



Italijanska misija

Italijanska misija 2003


Načrt je bil brezhiben, izpeljan do popolnosti in imeli so jasno pot pobega. Edini dejavnik tveganja, ki ga glavni kriminalni um Charlie Croker ni mogel preprečiti, je prišel od enega od članov tolpe, ki so ga sestavljali njegov notranji mož Steve, računalniški genij Lyle, voznik Rob, strokovnjak za eksplozive "Levo uho" in veteran John-Bridger . Potem ko sta v močno varovanem beneškem palazzu udarila osupljiv milijon dolarjevski udarec, sta Charlie in tolpa šokirana, ko sta ugotovila, da ju je izdal eden od njih. Zdaj ne gre več za plen, ampak za maščevanje. Potem na sceno stopi lepa Stella, strokovnjakinja, ki se pridruži Charlieju in tolpi, ko se vrnejo v Kalifornijo v iskanju izdajalca.



Kate 2021


Poklicna morilka ima 24 ur časa, da se maščuje svojemu zastrupljevalcu, preden umre.


Los títeres

Los títeres 1984


Artemisa returns to Chile in search of the group of people who made her life miserable 20 years ago, as fate has prepared a real puppet show for them.



Hanna 2019


This thriller and coming-of-age drama follows the journey of an extraordinary young girl as she evades the relentless pursuit of an off-book CIA agent and tries to unearth the truth behind who she is. Based on the 2011 Joe Wright film.


The Terminal List

The Terminal List 2022


Navy SEAL Commander James Reece turns to vengeance as he investigates the mysterious forces behind the murder of his entire platoon. Free from the military’s command structure, Reece applies the lessons he’s learned from nearly two decades of warfare to hunt down the people responsible.



Swarm 2023


A young woman's obsession with a pop star takes a dark turn.



Biohackers 2020


Mia goes to medical school to get close to a professor she suspects had a hand in her past family tragedy and gets tangled in the world of biohacking.


Shenmue the Animation

Shenmue the Animation 2022


After he witnesses his father’s murder at the family dojo, Ryo Hazuki dedicates his life to finding the man responsible — a mission that takes him from the streets of Yokosuka, Japan to the sprawling metropolis of Hong Kong, and beyond. Soon he’ll learn that larger, mystical forces are at play as he trains to become the ultimate martial artist in his quest for revenge.


The Scorpio Season

The Scorpio Season 2023


The series is about a mysterious serial killer who keeps the whole city in fear and terror. All attempts to find the killer have failed. As a result, experienced detectives Rauf Eyvazov and Kanan Orujov are assigned to find the killer. Each murder carries a message and makes the crime case more complicated.


Sword Dynasty

Sword Dynasty 2019


A story revolving around a young man with a seemingly ordinary background who dreams everyday of overthrowing the ruling regine and assassinating the King who stands at the epitome of power. It was a period of chaos and instability as wars range the land. Through the alliance held once every seven years, the Wu State returns to a position of power which leaves the three states Ye, Qing and Su at a dangerous disadvantage. Ding Ning is a young man afflicted with a chronic illness, yet he moves into action to shake the invincible Wu State and shocks the world of jianghu with his extraordinary feats to achieve immortal cultivation.


Vengeance Unlimited

Vengeance Unlimited 1998


Vengeance Unlimited was an American crime drama series broadcast during 1998-1999 on ABC which lasted for just one season of sixteen episodes. The show starred Michael Madsen and Kathleen York. The show originally aired Thursdays at 8:00 pm up against NBC's Top 5 hits Friends and Jesse.



Coma 2006


A horror-mystery set in a hospital that is being shut down due to its dubious practices.