Thor: Ljubezen in grom

Thor: Ljubezen in grom 2022


V novi Marvelovi kino uspešnici je Thor soočen z najtežjim potovanjem do sedaj. Podal se bo namreč na pot iskanja notranjega miru. Thorovo upokojitev prekine galaktični morilec, poznan kot »Gorr the God Butcher«, ki si želi uničiti vse bogove. Thor se bo moral pri soočenju z njim obrniti na pomoč Valkyrie, Korga in svoje bivše dekle Jane Foster, ki, na Thorovo veliko presenečenje, nepojasnjeno naekrat upravlja z njegovim čarobim kladivom, Mjolnirom in to enako, kot on sam. Skupaj se podajo v neznano avanturo, da bi odkrili razloge za Gorrovo maščevanje in ga ustavili preden bo prepozno.


Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok 2017


V filmu Thor: Ragnarok iz studia Marvel je Thor brez svojega močnega kladiva ujet na drugi strani vesolja ter se trudi, da bi se čimprej vrnil v Asgard in preprečil Ragnarok - uničenje svojega rodnega sveta in konca asgardske civilizacije, ki ga izvaja vsemogočna in nemilostna Hela. Pred reševanjem civilizacije pa mora preživeti še smrtonosno gladiatorsko tekmovanje, v katerem bo soočen s svojim bivšim zaveznikom in kolegom Maščevalcem - Neverjetnim Hulkom!


Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok

Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok 2003


Loki, the Norse god of mischief, has been exiled to the human world for what was apparently was a bad joke. Along with being exiled, he’s forced to take the form of a child. He’s told the only way he can get back to the world of the gods is if he can collect auras of evil that take over human hearts, and so to do this he runs a detective agency. Loki is soon joined by a human girl named Mayura who is a maniac for mysteries, and she soon helps out in her own way. However, soon other Norse gods begin to appear, and most have the intent to assassinate Loki for reasons unclear.


Clash of the Gods

Clash of the Gods 2009


Clash of the Gods is a one-hour weekly mythology television series that premiered on August 3, 2009 on the History channel. The program covers many of the ancient Greek and Norse Gods, monsters and heroes including Hades, Hercules, Medusa, Minotaur, Odysseus and Zeus.


Norse Mythology

Norse Mythology 2021


Packed with gods, anti-gods, magical figures, human heroes, religious practices, and literary devices, Norse Mythology lays bare the reasons for our enduring fascination with Norse myths. Jackson Crawford also connects the dots between the Icelandic sagas of human heroes and the culture and worldview of the pre-modern Scandinavian peoples.