Schindlerjev seznam

Schindlerjev seznam 1993


Film pripoveduje resnično zgodbo nacističnega poslovneža, kockarja in ženskarja Oskarja Schindlerja, ki je med drugo svetovno vojno gotove smrti rešil na tisoče Židov, tako da jih je zaposlil v svoji tovarni. Čeprav ga je sprva gnala le misel na denar in življenje v visokih družbenih krogih, ga je vojna spremenila v velikega človekoljuba, ki je bil za to, da bi rešil druge, pripravljen žrtvovati tudi lastno življenje ...


Resnična bolečina

Resnična bolečina 2024


Karakterno povsem različna bratranca David in Benji se znova združita na poti po Poljski, da bi počastila spomin na svojo ljubljeno babico. Toda družinska preteklost razkrije stare zamere in napetosti, ki zaživijo na ozadju njunega popotovanja.



Pianist 2002


Resnična zgodba pianista Wladyslawa Szpilmana in njegovega življenja v Varšavi med nacistično okupacijo.


Dvojno Veronikino življenje

Dvojno Veronikino življenje 1991


Dve vzporedni zgodbi o dveh enakih ženskah, ena živi na Poljskem, druga v Franciji. Med seboj se ne poznata med seboj, vendar so njuna življenja kljub temu močno povezana.



Ida 2013



Taras Bulba

Taras Bulba 1962


Zgodba o "Romeu in Juliji", ki se dogaja v poznem 16. stoletju. Ukrajina. Taras se je po letih pustolovščin in prepirov s svojimi tovariši kozaki ustalil v udobnem kmečkem življenju. Čeprav ni premožen, lahko svojega sina Andreja pošlje v poljsko šolo. V tem času so Poljaki vladarji Ukrajine. Kozaki izvirajo iz boja ukrajinskih podložnikov, da bi sebe in svojo deželo osvobodili poljske nadvlade. Taras upa, da bo uspel svojega sina vzgojiti v domoljubnem smislu kot borca za osvoboditev izpod osovraženih Poljakov. Namesto tega se Andrej zaljubi v hčer poljskega plemiča, kar pripravi teren za spopad med ljubeznijo, družinsko častjo in bojem za nacionalno identiteto.


The Crown of the Kings

The Crown of the Kings 2018


Piasts' reign is coming to end on Casimir the Great, who have no sons. Polish throne comes to Anjous. Thanks to the marriage of Saint Jadwiga of Poland with Lithuanian Grand Duke Jogaila, an alliance is made and a new dynasty - Jagiellons, who rule Poland for next two hundred years



Przyjaciółki 2012


Four thirty-something women who met in highschool continue to maintain a strong friendship despite the passing of time. Although very different, they also have much in common, each earnestly trying to find themselves and their place in the world.


The Border

The Border 2014


After a bombing attack at the Poland–Ukraine border which killed his friends from the Border Guard, Captain Wiktor Rebrow tries to unravel the mystery and figure out what happened and who is behind it all.


Clouds of War

Clouds of War 1973


Polish Fanfan, the first Polish series from the "cloak and dagger" - written about the "black cloud" in the press of the 70's. Axis of the plot became a dramatic episodes of the struggle for the maintenance of the Polish Prussia. They remained in feudal depending on the Republic from 1525, when Albrecht Hohenzollern secularized religious state and filed in Krakow tribute to the Polish king.



Sexify 2021


To build an innovative sex app and win a tech competition, a sexually inexperienced student and her friends must explore the daunting world of intimacy.


Blinded by the Lights

Blinded by the Lights 2018


An eight-episode story charting seven days from the life of a cocaine dealer whose perfectly organized life begins to sink into chaos while he is forced to make the most important choices in his life.


The Behaviorist

The Behaviorist 2022


Gerard Edling is a well-to-do lecturer, an expert in kinesics (the science of body language) and a former prosecutor with vast experience. Horst Zeiger is a shy young man, an outsider, a computer geek and... a totally unpredictable murderer. When one of them intends to commit a crime, the other, known for being able to decipher any criminal and solve any case, tries to prevent it. Unfortunately, the result of their duel is a macabre spectacle, broadcast online to thousands of viewers...


Cracow Monsters

Cracow Monsters 2022


A young woman haunted by her past joins a mysterious professor and his group of gifted students who investigate paranormal activity — and fight demons.


Hold Tight

Hold Tight 2022


When a young man goes missing soon after his friend dies, life in a tight-knit, affluent Warsaw suburb slowly unravels, exposing secrets and lies.


From City to City

From City to City 2006


"Talent" Chip Tsao went to London, Greenwich, Wales, Oxford, Cambridge, England, to analyze the British people's living habits, academic development, economic conditions, etc .; and went to Warsaw, Gdansk, Krakow to know a country with a hundred years of blood and tears. Eason Chan visited Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Fukuoka in Japan to learn about the cultural differences; Social worker Shiu Ka-chun went deep into Finland's Turku, Helsinki, Nokia and other places to experience the local customs through living with locals. They will introduce the details of each famous city from a social, historical, and cultural perspective, bringing different connotations, depths, and education.


The Pleasure Principle

The Pleasure Principle 2019


Mysterious murders has been committed in four post-communist cities: Warsaw, Prague, Odesa, and Leipzig. The investigations are carried out by three absolutely different in many aspects criminal police officers. Independently of one another, they soon come to the conclusion that all four murders are connected. Now, to solve the crimes they have to work together.


High Water

High Water 2022


In 1997, scientists and local government officials in Wrocław face life-and-death decisions when a destructive flood wave threatens the city.


Kayko and Kokosh

Kayko and Kokosh 2021


Two Slavic warriors do everything in their power to defend the village of Mirmiłowo from the evil order of Knaveknights.


Belle Epoque

Belle Epoque 2017


Krakow, 1908. Jan Edigey-Korycki is employed by the police department to solve murder cases. He is also investigating a fatal duel in which he supposedly killed a man ten years earlier.