
Matrica 1999


Računalniški heker Neo odkrije pretresljivo resnico: življenje, kakršnega pozna, je digitalna simulacija, ki jo vodi zlobna kiber-inteligenca. Pridruži se odporniškemu gibanju, ki se trudi uničiti iluzijo sveta, v katerem so ljudje sužnji.


Socialno omrežje

Socialno omrežje 2010


Režiser filmov Sedem in Nenavadni primer Benjamina Buttona raziskuje nastanek najbolj priljubljenega spletnega družabnega omrežja Facebook, ki je leta 2003 nastal v glavi študenta Marka Zuckerberga. Zaradi občutka odrinjenosti želi Mark ustvariti svoje omrežje poznanstev, zato napiše program, ki kmalu preraste v svetovni fenomen. Toda z vsakim milijonom dobička se večajo nesoglasja med Markom in njegovimi prijatelji, znajde pa se tudi pod drobnogledom oblasti.


Duh v školjki

Duh v školjki 2017


Zgodba o možnem svetu prihodnosti, kjer se zabrišejo meje med človeštvom in umetno inteligenco. Postavna Major je hibrid med človekom in kiborgom, zaradi posebnih bojnih sposobnosti pa jo postavijo za vodjo enote Sekcije 9, ki se ukvarja z najnevarnejšimi zločinci. Njihova glavna tarča je ekstremist, ki goreče nasprotuje kibernetični tehnologiji. Toda v nasilnem svetu, kjer ne moreš nikomur zaupati, se resnica razkrije šele takrat, ko si drzneš odstraniti tančice svoje lastne preteklosti.



Nadgradnja 2018


Pri kritikih in gledalcih odlično sprejet akcijski ZF-triler s primesmi grozljivke o paralizirani in ovdoveli žrtvi krutega ropa, ki po vsaditvi čipa umetne inteligence dobi priložnost, da se maščuje zločincem.


Italijanska misija

Italijanska misija 2003


Načrt je bil brezhiben, izpeljan do popolnosti in imeli so jasno pot pobega. Edini dejavnik tveganja, ki ga glavni kriminalni um Charlie Croker ni mogel preprečiti, je prišel od enega od članov tolpe, ki so ga sestavljali njegov notranji mož Steve, računalniški genij Lyle, voznik Rob, strokovnjak za eksplozive "Levo uho" in veteran John-Bridger . Potem ko sta v močno varovanem beneškem palazzu udarila osupljiv milijon dolarjevski udarec, sta Charlie in tolpa šokirana, ko sta ugotovila, da ju je izdal eden od njih. Zdaj ne gre več za plen, ampak za maščevanje. Potem na sceno stopi lepa Stella, strokovnjakinja, ki se pridruži Charlieju in tolpi, ko se vrnejo v Kalifornijo v iskanju izdajalca.



Tron 1982



Dekle v pajkovi mreži

Dekle v pajkovi mreži 2018


Neustrašna hekerica Lisbeth Salander in raziskovalni novinar Mikael Blomkvist se znajdeta v mreži vohunstva, spletnega kriminala in politične korupcije. Frans Balder, nekdanji programer pri Nacionalni varnostni agenciji, najame Lisbeth, da bi ukradla računalniški program za dostop do kod za jedrsko orožje. Program namreč predstavlja preveliko grožnjo za svet. Nato pa ji program ukrade skupina neusmiljenih plačancev in Lisbeth se mora spopasti s temačnim svetom podzemlja in švedskimi oblastmi. Film je posnet po istoimenskem detektivskem romanu, ki je nadaljevanje uspešne trilogije Millennium švedskega pisatelja Stiega Larssona.



Pi 1998



Spy Ninjas - Chad Wild Clay & Vy Qwaint

Spy Ninjas - Chad Wild Clay & Vy Qwaint 2018


A mysterious hacker has been messing with Chad Wild Clay, Vy Qwaint and other YouTubers. He or she has been hacking their YouTube videos, playing challenges against them, sending them on adventures to abandoned places, and taking their car. They discovered the name of this group is Project Zorgo.



Scorpion 2014


Eccentric genius Walter O’Brien and his team of brilliant misfits comprise the last line of defense against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age. As Homeland Security’s new think tank, O’Brien’s “Scorpion” team includes Toby Curtis, an expert behaviorist who can read anyone; Happy Quinn, a mechanical prodigy; and Sylvester Dodd, a statistics guru.



Banshee 2013


Banshee is an American drama television series set in a small town in Pennsylvania Amish country and features an enigmatic ex-con posing as a murdered sheriff who imposes his own brand of justice while also cooking up plans that serve his own interests.


Person of Interest

Person of Interest 2011


John Reese, former CIA paramilitary operative, is presumed dead and teams up with reclusive billionaire Finch to prevent violent crimes in New York City by initiating their own type of justice. With the special training that Reese has had in Covert Operations and Finch's genius software inventing mind, the two are a perfect match for the job that they have to complete. With the help of surveillance equipment, they work "outside the law" and get the right criminal behind bars. 



Leverage 2008


A five-person team comprised of a thief, a grifter, a hacker, and a retrieval specialist, led by former insurance investigator Nathan Ford, use their skills to fight corporate and governmental injustices inflicted on ordinary citizens.


Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot 2015


A contemporary and culturally resonant drama about a young programmer, Elliot, who suffers from a debilitating anti-social disorder and decides that he can only connect to people by hacking them. He wields his skills as a weapon to protect the people that he cares about. Elliot will find himself in the intersection between a cybersecurity firm he works for and the underworld organizations that are recruiting him to bring down corporate America.


Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart!

Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart! 2024


Joker leads a double life. Boastful and talented in conversation, he is secretly a notorious thief wanted by the police. Using his exceptional disguise skills, Joker robs wealthy oppressors and redistributes their riches to aid struggling villagers. On the other side is Jack, a former Taekwondo black belt turned debt collector. With a calm and quiet demeanor, Jack instills fear in those he encounters. Despite his intimidating presence, he is a reasonable man who believes in solving problems without force and holds the conviction that "the strength one possesses should be used only to protect the weak."



Tehran 2020


Tamar is a Mossad hacker-agent who infiltrates Tehran under a false identity to help destroy Iran's nuclear reactor. But when her mission fails, Tamar must plan an operation that will place everyone dear to her in jeopardy.


A Killer Paradox

A Killer Paradox 2024


When one accidental killing leads to another, an ordinary young man finds himself stuck in an endless cat-and-mouse chase with a shrewd detective.


Hi, I'm Saori

Hi, I'm Saori 2018


The young girl Saori beats all other applicants and is hired as a nanny for arrogant superstar Su Dahao. But what nobody knows is that she is actually a robot. Dahao continuously tries to make her leave but fails at every attempt. Things turn complicated when he eventually develops feelings for Saori.


Leverage: Redemption

Leverage: Redemption 2021


The Hitter, the Hacker, the Grifter and the Thief are together again, this time with help from a new tech genius and corporate fixer, to take on a new kind of villain. From the man who created an opioid crisis from the comfort of his boardroom to the shadowy security firm that helps hide dangerous secrets for a price - when someone needs help, they provide... Leverage.



Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS 2017


Den City is a city with advanced network systems in which a VR space called LINK VRAINS was created by SOL Technologies. The Knights of Hanoi, a group that hacks through dueling, as well as SOL Technologies are seeking a mysterious AI program. Yusaku Fujiki, also known as Playmaker, is a first year high school student who manages to capture this AI program while trying to find out the truth about an incident in the past.



Ghost 2012


The police procedural tackles crimes and clues in the cyber world, weaving a massive, twist-filled mystery of murders, identity switches, corruption and conspiracy.


Control Z

Control Z 2020


When a hacker begins releasing students' secrets to the entire high school, the socially isolated but observant Sofía works to uncover his/her identity.


Bloody Monday

Bloody Monday 2008


A genius high school student and also a hacker uses his sophisticated hacking techniques to fights against "Bloody Monday", the worst and most evil form of viral terrorism, in order to save his family, friends, and the entire world.


Spy x Sect

Spy x Sect 2024


In a captivating tale of sacrifice and rebirth, a brilliant hacker named Chen Ning dies to save humanity from a rogue AI, only to be reincarnated as the leader of a powerful sect in a realm of immortal cultivation. Chen Ning must maintain a low profile while handling new responsibilities and guarding against spies within his sect and the encroaching AI threat. Hidden beneath his cold exterior is a deep care for others, as he navigates a world of martial arts, mystical powers, and political intrigue. With the mysterious system agent Jiang Que at his side, Chen Ning unleashes his true potential and commands both allies and foes. As hidden truths of this mystical world reveal themselves, Chen Ning races against time, merging his hacking prowess with newfound mystical abilities, to thwart an impending apocalypse and save another world from destruction.



T@gged 2016


T@gged is a modern day thriller that explores the terrifying risks of social media in a world of anonymity.


The Billion Dollar Code

The Billion Dollar Code 2021


In 1990s Berlin, an artist and a hacker invented a new way to see the world. Years later, they reunite to sue Google for patent infringement on it.


Tokyo Override

Tokyo Override 2024


When a lonely hacker gets entangled with a group of underground couriers, they uncover the dark truth lurking beneath Tokyo's seemingly perfect facade.


Eye Candy

Eye Candy 2015


Tech genius Lindy, convinced by her roommate to begin online dating, begins to suspect that one of her mysterious suitors may be a deadly cyber stalker. When her friends at the elusive cyber-police uncover a potential serial killer in Manhattan, all signs point to one of Lindy’s dates. Teaming up with this band of hackers Lindy works to solve the murders while unleashing her own style of justice on the streets of New York City.