Črna smrt

Črna smrt 2010


Zgodovinska drama Črna smrt s Seanom Beanom in Eddiejem Redmaynom v glavnih vlogah. Sredi 14. stoletja je Evropa v senci črne smrti. Strah in praznoverje sta vse močnejša. Krožijo govorice o vasi, ki se pod vplivom močnega čarovnika uspe obvarovati kuge, zato Cerkev pošlje neustrašnega viteza Ulrica in mladega duhovnika Osmunda, da bi preiskala, kaj se tam v resnici dogaja.



Epilogue 2012


When a modern world-wide plague becomes resistant to all cures, time-travelers must seek answers in a legendary 14th century rural French village known for its immunity to the original Bubonic Plague. The team gets more than they've bargained for when the inevitable twists of time travel force them into discovering the modern plague's origins... ending in an unexpected confrontation to prevent humanity's extinction.