Ključna beseda Intruder
Elle 2016
Intrusion 2021
Moški 2022
Po smrti moža se Harper umakne na čudovito angleško podeželje, da bi našla svoj mir. A zdi se, da jo nekdo ali nekaj iz okoliškega gozda zalezuje. Sprva občuti le bežen strah, ki pa se sprevrže v popolno nočno moro, kjer so njeni najtemnejši spomini in strahovi.
The Open House 2018
Mraz v juliju 2014
Moloch 2022
Suspense. 1913
Coyote Lake 2019
Look Again 2011
Self Isolated 2021
Jumper 2014
கொலையுதிர் காலம் 2019
The Guest 2010
Through Your Door 2013
Depraved 2019
Jungle Goddess 1948
Hold 2009
Colony 2016
In the near future a family must make difficult decisions as they balance staying together with trying to survive. They live in Los Angeles, which has been occupied by a force of outside intruders. While some people have chosen to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order, others have rebelled — and suffer the consequences.
Ghost Tales 2022
A genre-jumping anthology series wherein individuals communicate with the dead.