Mrtva nevesta

Mrtva nevesta 2005


Animirani film, postavljen v evropsko vasico v 19. stoletju, sledi mlademu Victorju, ki ga skrivnostna mrtvakinja potegne s seboj v podzemlje, da bi se z njo poročil, medtem ko njegova zaročenka Victoria čaka nanj v deželi živih.


Ženska kralj

Ženska kralj 2022


Film, navdihnjen z resničnimi dogodki, je izjemna zgodba o Agojie, bojevnicah (znane tudi kot Amazonke), ki so v zgodnjem 19. stoletju zaščitile afriško kraljestvo Dahomey (današnji Benin) s spretnostmi in energijo, kakršne še niste videli. Dogajanje sledi čustvenemu epskemu potovanju poveljnice Nanisce, med urjenjem naslednje generacije bojevnic in pripravami na boj proti sovražniku, ki je zasužnjil njihovo ljudstvo in je odločen uničiti njihov način življenja.


Obzorje: Ameriška saga - 1. poglavje

Obzorje: Ameriška saga - 1. poglavje 2024


Spoznajte privlačnost in skrivnosti starega Zahoda ter kako je bil le ta pridobljen in poseljen – s krvjo, znojem in solzami mnogih. Ambiciozna pustolovščina, ki zajema tudi štiri leta državljanske vojne, od leta 1861 do 1865 vas bo popeljala na čustveno potovanje po državi, ki je v vojni sama s sabo, skozi pogled družin, zaveznikov in sovražnikov, ki poskušajo odkriti, kaj v resnici pomeni biti Združene države Amerike.


Božična pesem

Božična pesem 2009


Ebenezer Scrooge začne božične praznike na svoj običajni skopuško zajedljivi način, z bevskanjem na svojega vdanega uradnika in dobrovoljnega nečaka. Doma pa ga pričaka neljubo presenečenje. Predstavi se mu duh pokojnega partnerja Josepha Marleyja, ki v posmrtnem življenju trpi in plačuje za vse svoje življenjske grehe. Upa pa, da bo lahko pravočasno odprl oči Scroogeu in mu pomagal ubežati enaki usodi, preden bo prepozno.



Napoleon 2023


Spektakularen akcijski ep, ki opisuje razburkani vzpon in padec slavnega francoskega cesarja. Ob osupljivem, veličastnem zgodovinskem ozadju se film poglobi v Napoleonov neutrudljivi boj za oblast skozi prizmo nepotešljivega, viharnega razmerja, ki ga je imel s svojo največjo ljubeznijo, Josephine, ter ob tem izpostavlja njegove prekanjene vojaške in politične taktike v nekaterih izmed najbolj silovitih bojnih prizorov, kar smo jih kdaj videli na velikem platnu. V režiji legendarnega Ridleyja Scotta je film dodelan do potankosti in dogodek onkraj pričakovanega.


Django brez okovov

Django brez okovov 2012


Django brez okovov se dogaja dve leti pred ameriško državljansko vojno. Django je suženj, ki ga brutalna preteklost z nekdanjimi lastniki pripelje do srečanja z v Nemčiji rojenim lovcem na glave dr. Kingom Schultzem . Schultz sledi morilskim bratom Brittle in samo Django ga lahko pripelje do njegovega plena. Nenavadni Schultz najame Djanga z obljubo, da ga bo osvobodil, ko ujameta Brittlove. Po uspehu Schultz osvobodi Djanga, a moška skleneta, da ne bosta šla vsak svojo pot, saj se Schultz odloči slediti najbolj iskanim kriminalcem juga. Django izpili ključne lovske veščine, a pred seboj ima samo en cilj: najti in rešiti Broomhildo, svojo ženo, ki jo je pred mnogimi leti izgubil zaradi trgovanja s sužnji. Iskanja ju nazadnje pripeljejo do Calvina Candieja , lastnika razvpite plantaže Candyland. Zemljišče raziščeta pod pretvezo, a vzbudita sum pri Stephenu, hišnemu sužnju, ki mu Candie zelo zaupa. Njune poteze so opažene in izdajalska organizacija okoli njiju sklepa obroč.


Skrivnostna sled

Skrivnostna sled 2006


Rupert Angier (Jackman) in Alfred Borden (Bale) sta slavna londonska čarovnika, ki poleg izrednih spretnosti, očarljivosti in talenta posedujeta tudi močno tekmovalno žilico. Njuno rivalstvo za zdaj še ni ušlo nadzoru, toda kmalu se vse to spremeni. Nekega dne Alfred izvede osupljivo iluzijo, za katero se zdi, da zanjo ne obstaja nobena logična razlaga. Razjarjeni Rupert je odločen, da bo odkril najgloblje skrivnosti svojega tekmeca. Njun odnos se tako spremeni v goreče sovraštvo, ki ju popolnoma prevzame in slabo vpliva na njuno poklicno ter zasebno življenje.


Podlih osem

Podlih osem 2015


Režiser kultnih filmov Šund, Neslavne barabe in Django brez okovov predstavlja novo soočenje najbolj brutalnih človeških karakterjev. Nekaj let po ameriški državljanski vojni se poskuša lovec na glave John skupaj s svojo ujetnico Daisy prebiti do mesta Red Rock. Na poti se jima pridružita razvpiti plačanec Marquiz in novi mestni šerif Chris. Ledeni metež jih prisili, da se ustavijo v osamljenem gostišču, kjer naletijo na okorelega oskrbnika Boba, rablja Oswalda, kavboja Joeja in zagrenjenega generala Sanforda. Kot se hitro izkaže, nimajo vsi dobrih namenov, ločevanje zrnja od pleve pa povzroči kaotično spiralo verbalnih in fizičnih soočenj.



Povratnik 2015


Film, posnet po resničnih dogodkih osvajanja ameriške divjine, prikazuje skupino trdoživih lovcev pod vodstvom izkušenega Hugha, ki se znajdejo na begu pred divjim indijanskim plemenom. Na poti preko neizprosne divjine Hugha napade in težko poškoduje medvedka, nato pa doživi še izdajstvo preračunljivega pomočnika Johna, ki umori njegovega sina, Hugha pa pusti umreti v mrazu. Toda odločni gorjan se zoperstavi smrtonosni naravi in okrutnim zasledovalcem ter se sam odpravi do postojanke, pri življenju pa ga ohranjata neomajno kljubovanje smrti in goreča želja po maščevanju.


Van Helsing

Van Helsing 2004


Zloglasni lovec na glave se odpravi v Transilvanijo, da bi obračunal z grofom Drakulo, ki se pri svojih novih zločinih poslužuje odkritij dr. Frainkensteina in volkodlakov ...


Odkup ljubezni

Odkup ljubezni 2022


Zgodba temelji na romanu Francine Rivers in se dogaja v ozadju kalifornijske zlate mrzlice leta 1850. Angel je bila kot otrok prodana v prostitucijo, zato ne pozna nič drugega kot izdajo. Ali bo njeno srce sploh zmožno kdaj ljubiti?


Čas deklištva

Čas deklištva 2019


Scenaristka in režiserka Greta Gerwig ("Lady Bird") prinaša še eno filmsko priredbo slavne zgodbe "Čas deklištva" po istoimenskem romanu ameriške avtorice Luise May Alcott; drugi jaz pisateljice Jo March predstavlja tako, da se v časovnih prebliskih spominja njenega namišljenega življenja. V različici Gerwigove se kaže brezčasna pripoved o štirih sestrah March, ki spoznavajo ljubezen, življenje in tragedijo, medtem ko same z materjo odraščajo v času po ameriški državljanski vojni. Sestre upodobijo zvezdnice Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Eliza Scanlen, njihovega soseda iz premožne družine in prijatelja Laurieja igra mladi Timothee Chalamet, mamo Marmee upodobi slavna Laura Dern, ljubljeno teto March pa trikratna dobitnica oskarja Meryl Streep.


Poslednji samuraj

Poslednji samuraj 2003


Z zahtevnimi in atraktivnimi akcijskimi scenami, ki bodo v veselje vsem ljubiteljem akcije in mečevanja, z obetavnim scenarijem, z izdelanimi liki in dramatičnostjo, ter nenazadnje s Tomom Cruisem v glavni vlogi, je Poslednji samuraj prav gotovo prava poslastica za ljubitelje filmskih spektaklov!



Bonanza 1959


The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.


The Virginian

The Virginian 1962


The Shiloh Ranch in Wyoming Territory of the 1890s is owned in sequence by Judge Henry Garth, the Grainger brothers, and Colonel Alan MacKenzie. It is the setting for a variety of stories, many more based on character and relationships than the usual western.


Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries 2008


A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


Wanted: Dead or Alive

Wanted: Dead or Alive 1958


Wanted: Dead or Alive is an American Western television series starring Steve McQueen as the bounty hunter Josh Randall. It aired on CBS for three seasons from 1958–61. The black-and-white program was a spin-off of a March 1958 episode of Trackdown, a 1957–59 western series starring Robert Culp. Both series were produced by Four Star Television in association with CBS Television. The series launched McQueen into becoming the first television star to cross over into comparable status on the big screen.


The Big Valley

The Big Valley 1965


The Big Valley is an American western television series which ran on ABC from September 15, 1965, to May 19, 1969. The show stars Barbara Stanwyck, as the widow of a wealthy nineteenth century California rancher. It was created by A.I. Bezzerides and Louis F. Edelman, and produced by Levy-Gardner-Laven for Four Star Television.



Lawman 1958


Lawman is an American western television series originally telecast on ABC from 1958 to 1962 starring John Russell as Marshal Dan Troop and featuring Peter Brown as Deputy Marshal Johnny McKay. The series was set in Laramie, Wyoming during 1879 and the 1880s. Warner Bros. already had several western series on the air at the time, having launched Cheyenne with Clint Walker as early as 1955. The studio continued the trend in 1957 with the additions of Maverick with James Garner and Jack Kelly, Colt .45 with Wayde Preston, and Sugarfoot with Will Hutchins. One year later, Warner Bros. added Lawman and Bronco with Ty Hardin. Prior to the beginning of production, Russell and Brown and producer Jules Schermer made a pact to maintain the quality of the series so that it would not be seen as "just another western." At the start of season two, Russell and Brown were joined by Peggie Castle as Lily Merrill, the owner of the Birdcage Saloon, and a love interest for Dan.



Rawhide 1959


The tale of trail boss Gil Favor and his trusty foreman Rowdy Yates as they drives cattle across the old west. Along the way they meet up with adventure and drama.


Have Gun, Will Travel

Have Gun, Will Travel 1957


Have Gun – Will Travel is an American Western television series that aired on CBS from 1957 through 1963. It was rated number three or number four in the Nielsen ratings every year of its first four seasons. It was one of the few television shows to spawn a successful radio version. The radio series debuted November 23, 1958. The television show is presently shown on the Encore-Western channel. Have Gun – Will Travel was created by Sam Rolfe and Herb Meadow and produced by Frank Pierson, Don Ingalls, Robert Sparks, and Julian Claman. There were 225 episodes of the TV series, 24 written by Gene Roddenberry. Other contributors included Bruce Geller, Harry Julian Fink, Don Brinkley and Irving Wallace. Andrew McLaglen directed 101 episodes and 19 were directed by series star Richard Boone.


Ripper Street

Ripper Street 2012


A drama set in the East End of London in 1889, during the aftermath of the "Ripper" murders. The action centres around the notorious H Division – the police precinct from hell – which is charged with keeping order in the chaotic streets of Whitechapel. Ripper Street explores the lives of characters trying to recover from the Ripper's legacy, from crimes that have not only irretrievably altered their lives, but the very fabric of their city. At the drama's heart our detectives try to bring a little light into the dark world they inhabit.


Anne with an E

Anne with an E 2017


A coming-of-age story about an outsider who, against all odds and numerous challenges, fights for love and acceptance and for her place in the world. The series centers on a young orphaned girl in the late 1890’s, who, after an abusive childhood spent in orphanages and the homes of strangers, is mistakenly sent to live with an elderly woman and her aging brother. Over time, 13-year-old Anne will transform their lives and eventually the small town in which they live with her unique spirit, fierce intellect and brilliant imagination.


Little House on the Prairie

Little House on the Prairie 1974


Little House on the Prairie is an American Western drama television series, starring Michael Landon, Melissa Gilbert, and Karen Grassle, about a family living on a farm in Walnut Grove, Minnesota, in the 1870s and 1880s.


Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels 2011


The epic story of post-Civil War America, focusing on Cullen Bohannon, a Confederate soldier who sets out to exact revenge on the Union soldiers who killed his wife. His journey takes him west to Hell on Wheels, a dangerous, raucous, lawless melting pot of a town that travels with and services the construction of the first transcontinental railroad, an engineering feat unprecedented for its time.



1883 2021


Follow the Dutton family as they embark on a journey west through the Great Plains toward the last bastion of untamed America. A stark retelling of Western expansion, and an intense study of one family fleeing poverty to seek a better future in America’s promised land — Montana.



Laramie 1959


Laramie is an American Western television series that aired on NBC from 1959 to 1963. A Revue Studios production, the program originally starred John Smith as Slim Sherman, Robert Fuller as Jess Harper, Hoagy Carmichael as Jonesy and Robert L. Crawford, Jr., as Andy Sherman.


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 1993


Dr. Michaela Quinn journeys to Colorado Springs to be the town's physician after her father's death in 1868.


Bat Masterson

Bat Masterson 1958


Bat Masterson is an American Western television series which showed a fictionalized account of the life of real-life marshal/gambler/dandy Bat Masterson. The title character was played by Gene Barry and the half-hour black-and-white shows ran on NBC from 1958 to 1961. The series was produced by Ziv Television Productions, the company responsible for such hit series as Sea Hunt and Highway Patrol.


Wagon Train

Wagon Train 1957


The series initially starred veteran movie supporting actor Ward Bond as the wagon master, later replaced upon his death by John McIntire, and Robert Horton as the scout, subsequently replaced by lookalike Robert Fuller a year after Horton had decided to leave the series. The series was inspired by the 1950 film Wagon Master directed by John Ford and starring Ben Johnson, Harry Carey Jr. and Ward Bond, and harkens back to the early widescreen wagon train epic The Big Trail starring John Wayne and featuring Bond in his first major screen appearance playing a supporting role. Horton's buckskin outfit as the scout in the first season of the television series resembles Wayne's, who also played the wagon train's scout in the earlier film.



Warrior 2019


A gritty, action-packed crime drama set during the brutal Tong Wars of San Francisco’s Chinatown in the second half of the 19th century. The series follows Ah Sahm, a martial arts prodigy who immigrates from China to San Francisco under mysterious circumstances, and becomes a hatchet man for one of Chinatown’s most powerful tongs.


The Case Study of Vanitas

The Case Study of Vanitas 2021


In 19th-century Paris, young vampire Noé finds the Book of Vanitas in human hands. Calling himself Vanitas, this doctor wields its power and tempts Noé with a plan to “cure” all vampires. Allying with him may be dangerous, but does he have a choice?