Mojstri iluzij 2

Mojstri iluzij 2 2016


Skupina osupljivih čarovnikov Štirje jezdeci se po letu dni skrivanja znova predstavi javnosti. Toda poleg pretentanega agenta FBI-ja Dylana in pronicljivega Thaddeusa, ki se želita Jezdecem maščevati za njuno preteklo ponižanje, se jim tokrat po robu postavi bogati prevarant Walter. S svojim poznavanjem sodobne tehnologije Jezdecem predstavlja nerazložljive uganke, toda neustrašna četverica se pod vodstvom premetenega Atlasa pogumno sooči z velikimi izzivi. S povsem novimi nemogočimi triki zabrišejo mejo med resnico in fantazijo in ustvarijo najbolj neverjetno potegavščino vseh časov.


Brain Games

Brain Games 2011


Get ready to have your mind messed with! "Brain Games" is a groundbreaking series that uses interactive experiments, misdirection and tricks to demonstrate how our brains create the illusion of seamless reality through our memory, through our sensory perception, and how we focus our attention.


The Real Thing

The Real Thing 1983


Asking how you tell what's real and what isn't sounds like an obvious question. But in this series of six programmes, James Burke shows that the more you think about it the harder it is to answer. After all, what have you got, apart from your five senses, to prove those senses are giving you the real thing?