Resnična zgodba

Resnična zgodba 2015


Po resnični zgodbi posneti triler spremlja odpuščenega novinarja, ki ga v zavajajočo igro mačke in miši pritegne obsojeni morilec. Michael Finkel, novinar časnika New York Times, se znajde v nezavidljivem položaju, ko se njegov članek izkaže za neresničnega. Odpuščeni pisec reportaž spozna obsojenega morilca Christiana Longa, ki prestaja zaporno kazen in je na begu pred policijo iz nekega razloga prevzel prav Finklovo identiteto. Spretni Longo ga pritegne v zavajajočo igro mačke in miši, medtem ko se skuša v pogovorih z obsojencem Finkel dokopati do resnice o njegovem primeru. Film o ljubezni, prevari in odrešitvi.


What You Wish For

What You Wish For 2023


Nesrečni kuhar ima težave z igrami na srečo. Pred njimi pobegne v latinskoameriško vilo starega prijatelja, za katerega se zdi, da živi izjemno življenje in prevzame identiteto drugega človeka.


False Identity

False Identity 2018


Isabel and Diego, two complete strangers, must assume the identity of a married couple in order to flee the state of Sonora.



Stateless 2020


Four strangers — a flight attendant escaping a suburban cult, an Afghan refugee fleeing persecution, a young Australian father escaping a dead-end job, and a bureaucrat caught up in a national scandal — are stuck in an immigration detention center in the Australian desert. Inspired by true events.


My True Crime Story

My True Crime Story 2021


Rapper and host Remy Ma profiles ordinary people who reveal how they got mixed up in criminal acts, from bank robberies to jewelry heists, and share their road to redemption in this true crime series.



Identity 2010


Identity is a British police procedural drama television series starring Aidan Gillen and Keeley Hawes, airing in the UK during July–August 2010. Concerning identity theft, the series was created and written by Ed Whitmore, a writer most noted for his work on the BBC's Waking The Dead and the acclaimed ITV mini-series He Kills Coppers. The remake rights have been sold to the ABC Network in America who are developing their own version of the show. ITV confirmed that the show had been cancelled on 19 October 2010, after a single series.