Ključna beseda Iowa
Resnična zgodba 1999
Film temelji na resnični zgodbi Američana, ki je leta 1994 opravil neverjetno pot po osrčju Amerike. Ko 73-letni Alvin izve, da je njegovega brata zadela kap, se ga odloči obiskati in zgladiti njun dolgoletni spor. Ker pa ga dajejo kolki in mu peša vid ter nima vozniškega dovoljenja, se trmasti Alvin usede na svojo kosilnico, nanjo pripne manjšo prikolico in se odpravi na skoraj 400 kilometrov dolgo potovanje od domačega mesteca Laurens v državi Wisconsin do Mount Ziona v Iowi. Na poti naleti na številne ovire, pa tudi na ljudi, ki mu hočejo pomagati.
Field of Dreams 1989
The Puppet Masters 1994
Cedar Rapids 2011
Butter 2012
A Thousand Acres 1997
The Pajama Game 1957
Ice Castles 1978
Out of Bounds 1986
State Fair 1933
Marriage of Lies 2016
Two Ways Home 2020
King Corn 2007
East of Middle West 2021
Country 1984
American Pickers 2010
Pickers like Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz are on a mission to recycle America, even if it means diving into countless piles of grimy junk or getting chased off a gun-wielding homeowner’s land. Hitting back roads from coast to coast, the two men earn a living by restoring forgotten relics to their former glory, transforming one person’s trash into another’s treasure.
The Last American Gay Bar 2024
The story of Iowa's legendary Blazing Saddle the community that built it.
Taken Together: Who Killed Lyric and Elizabeth? 2024
Dives into the haunting 2012 double abduction of two cousins, 10-year-old Lyric Cook-Morrissey and 8-year-old Elizabeth Collins, in Evansdale, Iowa. With over seven years of exclusive access and insider interviews.