Ključna beseda Summer Romance
Umazani ples 1987
Piše se leto 1963. Sedemnajstletna Baby preživlja praznike s starši v letovišču Catkills. Ko sledi zvoku vznemirljive glasbe, spozna Johnnyja, inštruktorja plesa, ki ima za razliko od naivne in sramežljive Baby veliko življenjskih izkušenj. Baby je hipnotizirana s seksi ritmom in svobodnimi gibi umazanega plesa ter tako hitro postane Johnnyjeva najboljša učenka, tako v plesu kot v ljubezni.
Hot Summer Nights 2018
Good Kisser 2019
Sulla stessa onda 2021
Uporniška Greta 2009
Potem ko se njena mama Karen že četrtič poroči, se 17-letna Greta, ki je na lastne oči videla svojega očeta storiti samomor, popolnoma zavleče vase. Na dan pride njena uporniška narava, zato se mora nazadnje preseliti k babici Katherine in dedku Josephu. Čeprav Greta trdi, da se bo ubila, se nazadnje zaljubi v kuharja Julieja, s katerim delata v bližnji restavraciji. Toda glede na to, da je Julie prestopnik, nista Katherine in Joseph prav nič navdušena nad njim. Ko se nekega dne s starimi starši odpravi na jadrnico, se Greta odloči, da bo naredila samomor.
Presque rien 2000
Sommarlek 1951
Everything Is Free 2017
A Pig's Tale 1996
Vive les femmes ! 1984
夏日情未了 1993
Prem Geet 2 2017
Momentum 2023
West of Her 2016
The Summer I Turned Pretty 2022
Every summer, Belly and her family head to the Fishers’ beach house in Cousins. Every summer is the same ... until Belly turns sixteen. Relationships will be tested, painful truths will be revealed, and Belly will be forever changed. It’s a summer of first love, first heartbreak and growing up — it's the summer she turns pretty.
Love Island Sweden 2018
The dating program where participants must win both the audience and their potential partners' hearts. Love-minded singles gather to date in an irresistible paradise environment - everyone hoping to meet the right one.
SUMMER 2019 2019
Four classmates go on a vacation that, once they arrive, derails in every way imaginable.
In love 2021
Adam and Bianca meet at a music camp the summer before year seven. Back in everyday life, they keep in touch every day through their mobile phones. Do they become each other's best friends, or are they perhaps more than friends? Together, Adam and Bianca create covers of songs they love.