Irena, lahko noč

Irena, lahko noč 2017


Ljubezenska zgodba o nenavadni ljubezni med Ireno in Avguštinom Mavčecem iz Turnišča v Prekmurju. V 1990-ih sta kmalu po poroki doživela težko prometno nesrečo. Irena je utrpela hude možganske poškodbe, in ker se ni več prebudila, so jo hoteli zdravniki prepustiti usodi počasne smrti. Avguštin jo je vzel domov in zanjo nesebično skrbi. Pri svojih 40-ih se je po dolgoletni borbi z zdravstvenim sistemom odločil za študij prava. Zdaj ga čakata zaključni pravosodni izpit in iskanje službe, s katero bi lahko dostojno skrbel za Ireno.


Too Hot to Handle

Too Hot to Handle 2020


On the shores of paradise, gorgeous singles meet and mingle. But there’s a twist. To win a $100,000 grand prize, they’ll have to give up sex.


The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On

The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On 2022


Get hitched or call it quits? Couples put their love to the test — while shacking up with other potential matches — in a provocative reality series.


Anything for Love

Anything for Love 2003


Just how far people will go to start, stop, or save a relationship? That's the question this show attempts to answer with shocking revelations, proposals, ultimatums, and even confrontations, anything can happen, and it's always to the surprise of one person in the relationship. Guilty fun.