Območje preživetja 2024
Oče samohranilec in dve ženski se morajo iz varnega doma podati pred pošastna bitja, da bi rešili življenje mladega fanta.
Oče samohranilec in dve ženski se morajo iz varnega doma podati pred pošastna bitja, da bi rešili življenje mladega fanta.
Potem ko od svojega strica Bilba podeduje skrivnostni prstan, se mora mladi hobit Frodo Bisagin podati na potovanje, da ga ne dobi v roke njegov zli stvarnik. Po poti spozna pisano druščino, katere naloga je zavarovati prstanonošo in poskrbeti, da prstan prispe na svoj cilj: goro Pogube, edini kraj, kjer je lahko uničen.
Bitka petih vojska je veličastna sklenitev pustolovščin Bilba Bisagina, Thorina Hrastoščita in druščine škratov, ki so si od zmaja Smauga spet priborili svojo domovino, a so pri tem nehote osvobodili smrtonosno silo. Razbesneli Smaug se v svojem ognjenem besu znese nad nemočnimi možmi, ženami in otroki Jezernega mesta. A druščino čakajo še hujše nevarnosti. Sovrag Sauron, ki ga vidi le Gandalf, je v pritajeni napad na Samotno goro poslal vojske orkov. Bliža se spopad, zato se morajo škratje, vilinci in ljudje odločiti, ali bodo združili moči ali pa sprejeli uničenje. Bilbo se znajde sredi boja za svoje življenje in življenje prijateljev v bitki petih vojska, od katere je odvisna prihodnost Srednjega sveta.
South African soap opera centering around the lives of the wealthy Haines family, the Matabanes, and the lives of the inhabitants of the mining town Horizon Deep.
The story based on a novel by Colleen McCullough focuses on three generations of the Cleary family living on a sheep station in the Australian outback.
When an oil rig causes an eruption in a small town, it's just the first in a series that could affect the dangerous Ring of Fire that contains most of the world's volcanoes. If these cataclysmic eruptions cannot be stopped, the Earth could be headed for an extinction level event.
Ghost Mine is an American paranormal television series that premiered on January 16, 2013 in the United States on Syfy channel. The series features a group of hard rock miners searching for gold in Oregon's Crescent Mine. Two paranormal investigators accompany them in an attempt to determine if the location is haunted. On April 10, 2013, Syfy renewed the series for a 12 episode second season, set to premiere September 4, 2013.
Coal was an American reality television series on Spike. The series debuted on March 30, 2011. The series portrayed the real life events on a coal mine in Westchester, West Virginia, and the inherent dangers involved. The series was later premiered in the UK on November 8, 2011, via the Discovery Channel UK. It featured owner Mike Crowder along with several employees involved in the mining operation.