Še en gol za zmago

Še en gol za zmago 2023


Zgodba o nogometni ekipi Ameriške Samoe, ki je utrpela najhujši poraz v zgodovini svetovnega prvenstva, ko je leta 2001 izgubila proti Avstraliji z 31:0. Ekipa leta 2014, ko se bliža svetovno prvenstvo, najame neodvisnega trenerja Thomasa Rongena, da jim pomaga usodo obrniti na bolje.


The Curse

The Curse 2023


An alleged curse disturbs the relationship of a newly married couple as they try to conceive a child while co-starring on their problematic new HGTV show.



Unsettled 2021


Urban, Indigenous adoptee Rayna Keetch grew up with no connection to her Indigenous roots. Recently reunited with her birth family, Rayna is about to return to her First Nation for a traditional homecoming ceremony when her husband Darryl announces that he's been a victim of a scam and has lost their fortune.