Pot v raj

Pot v raj 2022


Diplomat Univerze v Chicagu Wren Butler spremlja svojo najboljšo prijateljico Lily na podiplomski izlet na Bali. Potem, ko se Lily nenadoma odloči, da se bo poročila z domačinom, njeni ločeni starši poskušajo hčerki preprečiti, da bi naredila isto napako, kot sta jo nekoč storila pred 25 leti.


The Miracle of Bali

The Miracle of Bali 1969


The Miracle of Bali is a BBC series of cultural documentaries narrated by David Attenborough and first shown in 1969. The series comprises three programs about the culture of Bali. The complete series is available as a special feature on the DVD release of David Attenborough's 1975 series The Tribal Eye.