Kraljestvo Planeta opic

Kraljestvo Planeta opic 2024


Zgodba se dogaja nekaj generacij po Cezarjevi vladavini. V tem svetu so opice prevladujoča živeča vrsta na Zemlji in živijo v harmoniji, človeška rasa pa je močno okrnjena in živi v senci opic. Medtem ko novi tiranski vodja opic gradi svoj imperij, se ena izmed mlajših opic poda na mučno potovanje, zaradi katerega podvomi v vse, kar je vedel o preteklosti ter mora sprejeti odločitve, ki bodo določile prihodnost tako opic kot ljudi.


Gospodar prstanov: Bratovščina prstana

Gospodar prstanov: Bratovščina prstana 2001


Potem ko od svojega strica Bilba podeduje skrivnostni prstan, se mora mladi hobit Frodo Bisagin podati na potovanje, da ga ne dobi v roke njegov zli stvarnik. Po poti spozna pisano druščino, katere naloga je zavarovati prstanonošo in poskrbeti, da prstan prispe na svoj cilj: goro Pogube, edini kraj, kjer je lahko uničen.


Gospodar prstanov: Kraljeva vrnitev

Gospodar prstanov: Kraljeva vrnitev 2003


Medtem ko se vojske zbirajo na bojišču, ki bo odločalo o usodi sveta, in mogočne starodavne sile Svetlobe in Teme tekmujejo za premoč, se en član Bratovščine prstana izkaže za plemenitega naslednika človeških kraljev. Toda edino upanje za zmago predstavlja pogumni hobit Frodo, ki ga spremljata zvesti prijatelj Samo in hudobna spaka Golum. Skupaj se podajo v globine temačnega Mordorja, da bi uničili Prstan Mogote.


Gospodar prstanov: Stolpa

Gospodar prstanov: Stolpa 2002


Frodo Bisagin in preostala druščina, zdaj ločeni, nadaljujejo svojo pot k uničenju Prstana Mogote. Njihove usode jih vodijo k dvema stolpoma -- temnemu stolpu v Ajzengartu, kjer jih čaka sprijeni čarovnik Saruman, in Sauronovi utrdbi v Barad-durju globoko v mračnih deželah Mordorja. Frodo in Sam hodita proti Mordorju, da bi uničila Prstan Mogote, medtem ko Gimli, Legolas in Aragorn iščejo Meda in Pipina.


Hobit: Nepričakovano potovanje

Hobit: Nepričakovano potovanje 2012


Režiser fantazijske sage Gospodar prstanov nas znova popelje v Srednji svet, v čas pred vojnami za prstan Mogote. Mladi hobit Bilbo uživa življenje v mirnem in zakotnem Šajerskem, ko nekega dne na njegova vrata potrka čarovnik Gandalf. S seboj pripelje druščino trinajstih škratov pod vodstvom neustrašnega Thorina, njihov načrt pa je pohod proti Samotni gori, kjer se želijo spopasti z zlobnim zmajem Smaugom. Bilba premaga radovednost in v nasprotju s hobitsko zapečkarsko tradicijo se odpravi na nepozabno dogodivščino s škrati.


Hobit: Smaugova pušča

Hobit: Smaugova pušča 2013


V drugem delu nadaljujemo popotovanje druščine škratov in hobita Bilba, ki se morajo na poti proti Samotni gori prebiti preko temačnega gozda Mrkolesja, polnega smrtonosnih velikanskih pajkov in neprijaznih gozdnih vilincev. Številne drzne avanture in divji spopadi jih vodijo vedno bliže k največjemu preizkusu njihovih spretnosti in poguma - soočenju z neusmiljenim zmajem Smaugom. Medtem vešč Gandalf raziskuje skrivnost nepričakovanega vstajenja temačnih sil iz preteklosti, ki želijo znova preplaviti svet in si ga pokoriti.


Minecraft Film

Minecraft Film 2025


Pripravi se na ustvarjanje svojega sveta! V filmu po priljubljeni računalniški igri se zlobni zmaj Ender odpravi na pot uničenja, to pa spodbudi nepričakovano skupino pustolovcev z mladim dekletom na čelu, da se podajo na misijo reševanja Nadsveta.



Finč 2021


Finch nam bo predstavil dogajanje v postapokaliptičnem svetu, ko je celotna Zemlja zaradi nenadnega sončevega sija izgubila dostop do elektrike. Zaradi tega ni samo crknil Instagram, ampak se je človeštvo vrnilo praktično v srednji vek, naš junak Finch pa se je vse nezgodam izognil tako, da se je zaprl v bunker, skupaj s svojim psom Goodyearom. Finchu je bilo dovolj pogovarjanja s pasjimi ušesi, zato si je zgradil androidnega pomočnika, trojica pa mora zaradi peščenih neviht zapustiti zavetje in se odpraviti iskati srečo drugam.


Atlantida: Izgubljeno cesarstvo

Atlantida: Izgubljeno cesarstvo 2001


Najbolj visoko kvalificirano posadko arheologov in raziskovalcev vodi zgodovinar Milo Thatch, ko se vkrcajo na neverjetno podvodno podmornico Ulysses in se odpravijo globoko v morske skrivnosti. Podvodna odprava se nepričakovano obrne, ko mora misija ekipe preiti z raziskovanja Atlantide na njeno zaščito.


Mojih 200 let

Mojih 200 let 1999


Bicentennial Man je ameriški znanstvenofantastični družinsko komično-dramski film iz leta 1999 z Robinom Williamsom. Zasnovan na romanu Pozitronski človek, ki sta ga napisala Isaac Asimov in Robert Silverberg, sam pa temelji na Asimovem izvirnem romanu z naslovom Dvoletni človek, zaplet raziskuje vprašanja človečnosti, suženjstva, predsodkov, zrelosti, intelektualne svobode, skladnosti, seksa , ljubezen in smrtnost. Film, koprodukcija med Touchstone Pictures in Columbia Pictures, je režiral Chris Columbus. Naslov izhaja iz glavnega junaka, ki je doživel dvesto let.


Preden se stegneva

Preden se stegneva 2007


Edward Cole je milijarder, ki je zbolel za rakom in trenutno prebiva v bolnišnici. Sobo si deli z mehanikom Carterjem Chambersom, s katerim na prvi pogled nimata prav nič skupnega, razen dejstva, da sta oba hudo bolna. Toda vsakdanji pogovori razkrijejo marsikaj in tako se izkaže, da imata oba na zalogi obsežen seznam ciljev, ki bi jih rada dosegla, še preden se stegneta oziroma poslovita od tega sveta. Ker jima ležanje v bolnišnici to preprečuje, pobegneta in se še zadnjič odpravita v svet.


Resnična zgodba

Resnična zgodba 1999


Film temelji na resnični zgodbi Američana, ki je leta 1994 opravil neverjetno pot po osrčju Amerike. Ko 73-letni Alvin izve, da je njegovega brata zadela kap, se ga odloči obiskati in zgladiti njun dolgoletni spor. Ker pa ga dajejo kolki in mu peša vid ter nima vozniškega dovoljenja, se trmasti Alvin usede na svojo kosilnico, nanjo pripne manjšo prikolico in se odpravi na skoraj 400 kilometrov dolgo potovanje od domačega mesteca Laurens v državi Wisconsin do Mount Ziona v Iowi. Na poti naleti na številne ovire, pa tudi na ljudi, ki mu hočejo pomagati.



Brooklyn 2015


Film, posnet po nagrajenem romanu, spremlja življenje mlade Ellis, katere srce se znajde razdvojeno med dvema kontinentoma. Leta 1952 Ellis na sestrino pobudo zapusti rodno Irsko in odide iskat boljšo prihodnost onstran Atlantika. Po težavni vožnji se v ZDA nastani v internatu in najde službo v veleblagovnici. Na plesu spozna zapeljivega Italijana Tonyja, toda ko se med njima začnejo kresati ljubezenske iskre, Ellis od doma prejme tragično vest. Razpeta med svojim novim življenjem in obveznostjo do družine skuša Ellis ugotoviti, kje je njen resnični dom.


Laid-Back Camp

Laid-Back Camp 2018


Nadeshiko, a high school student who had moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, decides to see the famous, 1000 yen-bill-featured Mount Fuji. Even though she manages to bike all the way to Motosu, she's forced to turn back because of worsening weather. Unable to set her eyes on her goal, she faints partway to her destination. When she wakes up, it's night, in a place she's never been before, with no way of knowing how to get home. Nadeshiko is saved when she encounters Rin, a girl who is out camping by herself. This outdoorsy girls story begins with this first encounter between Nadeshiko and Rin.



Mushi-Shi 2005


Ginko, a Mushi master, travels from place to place researching the Mushi and helping people who are suffering because of it.



1883 2021


Follow the Dutton family as they embark on a journey west through the Great Plains toward the last bastion of untamed America. A stark retelling of Western expansion, and an intense study of one family fleeing poverty to seek a better future in America’s promised land — Montana.


Dear My Friends

Dear My Friends 2016


Life is ever-delightful — and ever-challenging — for a group of friends in their twilight years as they rediscover themselves through love and family.


A Place Further Than the Universe

A Place Further Than the Universe 2018


Scenery that we have never seen. Sounds that we have never heard. Scent that we have never smelled. Food that we have never tasted. And the surge of emotion that we have never experienced. This is the expedition of recollecting the pieces torn apart and sensation left alone. When we reach that place, what will we think? Howling, 40 degree angle. Raging, 50 degree angle. Shouting, 60 degree angle. A wilderness beyond the heavy sea. The furthest south, far from civilization. At the top of the Earth. We will find lights through the girls' eyes to live tomorrow.


Room Camp

Room Camp 2020


The Outclub goes on a journey! The Outdoor Activities Club, AKA the Outclub, has 3 members. In the countryside of Yamanashi Prefecture, there's a high school named Motosu High School. Go even further to one of the school buildings and you'll find a very laid-back outdoor club that uses one corner of the classroom as their club room.


A Thousand Goodnights

A Thousand Goodnights 2019


To carry out her dad's wish and discover her roots, Dai Tian-qing embarks on a journey around Taiwan and finds love and redemption on the way.


Golden Boy

Golden Boy 1995


Kintaro Oe is a 25-year-old boy who left Tokyo University and now lives a simple life, traveling by bicycle to learn everything he can about the world.


Gudetama: An Eggcellent Adventure

Gudetama: An Eggcellent Adventure 2022


Gudetama, the lazy egg, reluctantly embarks on an adventure of a lifetime with Shakipiyo, a newly hatched chick, who is determined to find their mother.


D.Gray-man Hallow

D.Gray-man Hallow 2016


Allen Walker is an exorcist working for the Black Order whose mission is to protect mankind from the evil Millennium Earl and his deadly Akuma. Allen and his comrades must recover lost Innocence while defending against the Earl’s terrifying army. But if they fail, Innocence will be lost forever.


The Peter Potamus Show

The Peter Potamus Show 1964


Peter Potamus is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera. The main segment featuring Peter Potamus and his diminutive sidekick So-So the monkey. Peter is big, purple, and friendly, dressed in a safari jacket and hat. Episodes generally consisted of Peter and So-So exploring the world in his hot air balloon, which was capable of time travel at the spin of a dial. When faced with a precarious situation, Peter uses his Hippo Hurricane Holler to blow away his opponents. The second segment, Breezly and Sneezly, featured a polar bear named Breezly Bruin and his friend Sneezly the Seal who used various schemes to break into an army camp in the frozen north, while trying to stay one step ahead of the camp's leader Colonel Fuzzby. The final segment, Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey, featured three dogs named Yippee, Yappee, and Yahooey who work for the King, a short, complaining ruler who is often on the receiving end of their antics.


The 7.39

The 7.39 2014


Carl Matthews commutes by train to London where he works in a property management office under a boss who is pressuring him to dismiss an employee. He has a kind and supportive wife Maggie and two teenage children who he feels do not appreciate him. One morning he complains to a woman called Sally that she has taken his seat on the train. He later apologises to her and they start chatting, a relationship develops and she reveals that she is divorced but about to marry again, although scenes with her fiancée suggest she is going cold on the idea. She works at a health club and Carl joins it so that he can see more of her. They fall in love and one evening when the train is not running they spend the night together at a hotel. The second part of the drama deals with the repercussions of their affair.


Eating Crab With A Yukionna

Eating Crab With A Yukionna 2022


A certain summer day, as the cicadas sing loudly. A man with no money and no place to belong tries to end his life, however is unable to take the last step. While wavering between life and death, he sees a gourmet food program on television, and realising he's never once eaten crab in his life decides that "For my last day on this Earth, I'll eat crab". Settings his sights on the wife who lives in a high-class neighbourhood that he happened across in a library, he forces his way into her home. And thus, he demands money from her, however things go in an unexpected direction.


Tarzan: The Epic Adventures

Tarzan: The Epic Adventures 1996


Tarzan: The Epic Adventures is a syndicated series that aired for one season. It focuses on the character of Tarzan in his early years, after his first exposure to civilization, but before his marriage to Jane. The series uses much of the mythology of Edgar Rice Burroughs' books as background material. This version of Tarzan was filmed in the Sun City resort in South Africa, making it one of the few Tarzan productions to actually film on that continent. The character of Nicholas Rokoff, and the fact that Tarzan is not yet married, set this series in-between the two halves of The Return of Tarzan. R. A. Salvatore wrote an authorized Tarzan novel based on pilot script which was published as a trade-paperback in 1996, and a mass-market paperback in 1997.


Vampire Flower

Vampire Flower 2014


Louis is a centuries old vampire who appears to be a teenager. He has fallen in love with Seo-young, a high school student with extraordinary blood. Together, they trek through the land of the vampires to retrieve a long lost flower.


Around the World in 79 Days

Around the World in 79 Days 1969


This is a story involving balloonist Phinny Fogg. He and reporter teenagers Jenny and Hoppy set out on a globetrotting adventure to travel around the world in 79 days and beat the original record set by Phinny's father. The trio are in competition for both the record and a £1,000,000 prize against the sinister Crumden. Crumden is aided by his idiotic chauffeur Bumbler and his pet monkey Smirky.


Hoje é Dia de Maria

Hoje é Dia de Maria 2005


Maria is an orphan girl who suffers from her stepmother's wickedness. She then decides to escape in search of the fringes of the sea and takes a long walk through Brazilian folk tales. On her journey, she meets several fantastic characters.


Joanna Lumley's Japan

Joanna Lumley's Japan 2016


The British actress goes on a 2,000 mile journey across the four main islands of Japan, travelling from North to South meeting local people and absorbing the culture.


Naomi Osaka

Naomi Osaka 2021


What does it feel like to be one of the best tennis players in the world? An intimate look inside the life of one of the most gifted and complex athletes of her generation offers insight into the tough decisions and ecstatic triumphs that shape Naomi Osaka as both an elite global superstar and a young woman navigating a pressure-filled world.