Ključna beseda Christianity
Kristusov pasijon 2004
Leto 33 naše dobe. V rimski provinci Judeji skrivnostni mizar, imenovan Jezus iz Nazareta, začne naznanjati prihod "božjega kraljestva" in se obkroža s skupino ponižnih ribičev: apostolov. Židovi so že stoletja čakali na prihod Mesije - providnostne osebnosti, ki bi osvobodila svojo sveto domovino in vzpostavila nov red, ki temelji na pravičnosti. Jezusovi nauki pritegnejo veliko množico privržencev, ki ga prepoznajo kot Mesijo. Prepričan nad situacijo, Sanhedrin s pomočjo Juda Iscariota, enega od dvanajstih apostolov, aretira Jezusa. Kristus je obtožen izdaje proti Rimu izročen Ponciju Pilatu, ki ga v izogib neredu obsoja na smrt na križu kot običajnega zločinca.
Vsemogočni Bruce 2003
Potem ko je preživel najslabši dan svojega življenja, nezadovoljni televizijski novinar Bruce Nolan pridobi božansko moč, saj obtožuje Boga, ki nima pojma, kako ravna z zadevo. «Soočen s takšnim izzivom, se Bog odloči, da mu bo dal vse svoje pristojnosti preverite, ali je sposoben narediti bolje, kot je
Koliba 2017
Posnet po istoimenski svetovni knjižni uspešnici, ki so jo prodali v več kot 5 milijonov izvodov in je prevedena v več kot 40 jezikov! Mack je oče Missy, ki jo na družinskem izletu ugrabijo in ubijejo. Krvavo oblekico, edino, kar je ostalo za njo, pa najde policija v zapuščeni kolibi sredi oregonske divjine. Štiri leta pozneje dobi žalujoči Mack nenavadno sporočilo, vabilo, naj obišče to isto kolibo. Sprva okleva, vendar pa se vseeno odpravi tja, kjer doživi srečanje s samim Bogom oziroma točneje s Sveto trojico v obliki močnejše dobrodušne črnke Elousie (Oče), ne preveč privlačnega manjšega moškega arabskih potez (Sin) in nežne Azijke Sarayu (Sveti duh). Ko dobi odgovore na mnoga večna vprašanja, se Mack spravi z bogom, kateremu je od hčerkine smrti obrnil hrbet.
Quo vadis 1951
Po vrnitvi v Rim po 3 letih na bojišču, general Marcus Vinicius sreča Lygio in se zaljubi v njo. Ona je kristjanka in ne želi imeti opravka z bojevnikom. Čeprav je odraščala v Rimu, je posvojena hčerka upokojenega generala, Lygia tehnično talec v Rimu.
Constantine 2005
Film, posnet na podlagi stripa "Hellblazer" priznane založbe DC Comics, je zgodba o preiskovalcu okultnega in nadnaravnega Johnu Constantinu (Keanu Reeves), ki se poveže s skeptično policistko Angelo Dodson (Rachel Weisz), da bi skupaj raziskala skrivnosten domnevni umor njene sestre dvojčice. Preiskava ju vodi skozi temačen svet demonov in angelov, ki živijo pod površjem sodobnega Los Angelesa. Constantine ve, kaj je pekel; rodil se je s sposobnostjo, ki si je ni nikoli želel, da vidi angele in demone, ki hodijo po Zemlji v človeški podobi. To ga je pripeljalo do skrajnega obupa. Prisiljen je bil vzeti si življenje, saj je želel ubežati srhljivim vizijam; vendar mu ni uspelo. Proti njegovi volji so ga obudili v življenje in spet je pristal v svetu živih.
Samson and Delilah 1949
Deset zapovedi 1956
Ena največjih Biblijskih zgodb Stare zaveze sedaj v vsej svoji veličini oživi pred vami. To je zgodba o Mojzesu, ki ga kot dojenčka v košari iz reke Nil reši faraonova hči. Mojzes odraste na Egipčanskem dvoru, vendar mora zaradi svojega hudobenga polbrata zbežati v puščavo, kjer doživi razodetje... Kot božji poslanec popelje preko Rdečega morja Izraelsko ljudstvo. Na poti v obljubljeno deželo na gori Sinaj prejme moralni zakon, ki ga je Bog izgovoril, in z svojim prstom napisal na dve kamniti plošči. Deset zapovedi.
Ben-Hur 1959
Dracula 2000 2000
Miracles from Heaven 2016
The Robe 1953
Ordinary Angels 2024
V Louisvillu v Kentuckyju frizerka Sharon Stevens zbere skupnost, da bi pomagali ovdovelemu očetu Edu Schmittu rešiti življenje njegovi kritično bolni 5-letni hčerki Michelle, potem ko njihov okraj prizadene velika snežna nevihta, ki jo je leta 1994 povzročil severnoameriški hladni val.
Vsiljivci 2001
Film skrivnosti in suspenza, ki pripoveduje zgodbo Grace (Nicole Kidman), ki sama v izolirani viktorijanski hiši svoje otroke vzgaja v skladu s strogimi verskimi pravili. Otroci trpijo zaradi nenavadne bolezni: svetlobe dneva ne morejo neposredno sprejeti. Tri nove služabnice, ki se pridružijo družinskemu življenju, se morajo naučiti enega življenjskega pravila: hiša bo vedno v temi; nobena vrata se ne bodo nikoli odprla, razen če je bila prejšnja zaprta. Strogi ukaz, ki ga je do takrat naložila Grace, bo izpodbijan. Milost, otroci in tisti okoli njih bodo naredili nepričakovan in dokončen korak.
Overcomer 2019
Joseph 1995
The Case for Christ 2017
Zgodba o Kristusovem rojstvu 2006
Najstniškemu dekletu Mariji (Keisha Castle-Hughes) starši dogovorijo poroko z Jožefom (Oscar Isaac). Zmedena zaradi zahtevane poroke z moškim, ki ga komaj pozna, se Marija zateče v neko jamo, da bi se zbrala in premislila. Tam jo obišče angel in ji pove, da jo je Bog izbral, da bi mu rodila sina. Kljub preziru javnosti zaradi nezaželene nosečnosti se Marija in Jožef odpravita v Betlehem na popis prebivalstva, ki ga je ukazal kralj Herod (Ciarán Hinds). Velike stvari se rodijo iz skromnih začetkov in tako je bilo tudi v primeru Marije in Jožefa, saj je njuna dramatična pot na koncu postala pot novega upanja, vere in odrešenja.
The Chosen 2019
The life of Christ through the eyes of those who encountered him called The Chosen.
Saint Tail 1995
Saint Tail is a phantom thief magical girl manga and anime series. Originally a twenty-four part manga by Megumi Tachikawa, the story was adapted into an anime television series by producer Tokyo Movie Shinsha, with forty-three episodes and one short, broadcast by ABC. Tokyopop translated the manga series, and subtitled and partially dubbed the anime series. Video Games were released for the Sega Saturn and Sega Game Gear in Japan, and are considered collectors items by Saint Tail fans. The Tokyopop book summary states that it is "Robin Hood meets Sailor Moon!"
Chrono Crusade 2003
Set in New York during the 1920s, Chrono Crusade follows the story of Rosette Christopher, and her demon partner Chrono. As members of the Magdalene Order, they travel around the country eliminating demonic threats to society, while Rosette searches for her lost brother Joshua.
7th Heaven 1996
Reverend Eric Camden and his wife Annie have always had their hands full caring for seven children, not to mention the friends, sweethearts and spouses that continually come and go in the Camden household.
Hellsing Ultimate 2006
For over a century, the mysterious Hellsing Organization has been secretly protecting the British Empire from the undead. When Sir Integra Hellsing succeeded as the head of the organization, she also inherited the ultimate weapon against these supernatural enemies: Alucard, a rogue vampire possessing mysterious and frightening powers. Now, Hellsing must deal with a more dangerous threat than vampires.
Hellsing 2001
Vampires exist. It is the duty of Hellsing, an organization sponsored by the British government, to hide that frightening fact and protect the blissfully unaware populace. Along with its own personal army, Hellsing also has a few secret weapons. Alucard, an incredibly powerful vampire, has been controlled by Hellsing for years. Although he dislikes being a servant to the Hellsing family, he certainly enjoys his job as Hellsing’s vampire exterminator. Seras is a fledgling vampire and a former police woman. Although reluctant to embrace her new self, she is still a valuable member of the organization. Integra Hellsing, the current leader, is usually fully capable of fulfilling her duty, but lately, vampire activity has been on the rise. Unfortunately, the cause is more alarming than anything she could have imagined...
Kids on the Slope 2012
Two different students - a successful but aloof academic and a rebellious but kindhearted delinquent - form a friendship through their love for music.
Chewing Gum 2015
The life of Tracey, a religious, Beyoncé-obsessed 22-year-old living in an estate in Tower Hamlets, and the mishaps of her neighbourhood, friends and family. Oh, and obvs her boyfriend!
Roar 1997
Roar is an American television show that originally aired on the Fox network in July 1997. In the year AD 400, a young Irish man, Conor, sets out to rid his land of the invading Romans, but in order to accomplish this, he must unite the Celtic clans.
The Book of Daniel 2006
Rev. Daniel Webster, an unconventional Episcopalian priest who not only believes in Jesus, but actually sees him and discusses life with him, is challenged on many levels as he struggles to be a good husband, father and minister, while navigating an often rocky relationship with the church hierarchy.
The Word 1978
A document is discovered that appears to be an ancient eyewitness account of the life of Jesus Christ. A public relations executive is hired to publicize this document as a new version of the Bible, but he finds himself enmeshed in controversy and intrigue.
War of Letters 2023
10th century, the most powerful state in Europe rests on a terrible secret that may threaten the very foundations of Christianity. Captured between political intrigues and warrior battles the young prince Bayan is searching for an ancient alphabet that could save his doomed love or his kingdom. A medieval mystery drama about the birth of the Cyrillic alphabet.
The Living Christ 1951
The first ever made for TV miniseries documents the story of Jesus Christ from birth to resurrection.
Saint☆Young Men 2012
Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha, the founders of Christianity and Buddhism, are living together as roommates in a Tokyo apartment while taking a vacation on Earth. The comedy often involves jokes about Christianity, Buddhism, and all things related, as well as the main characters' attempts to hide their identities and understand modern society in Japan. This is a 2 episode OVA preceding the movie of the same name.
Bible Secrets Revealed 2013
It is said to be one of the oldest books in the world. Has it been altered? If yes why? A remarkable journey back in time to see what the Old Testament and the New Testament is hiding from us.
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit 1990
Seven-year-old Jess is removed from her peculiar Pentecostal home and sent to school.
Bibleman 1995
Bibleman is an 1995-2010 American video series with an evangelical superhero character. The series includes videos, books and live shows, where they tour locations around North America.
The Promised Land 2024
On their way from Egypt to the promised land, Moses and his family struggle to manage the hardest part of their nation's journey: the people.
The New Testament You Never Knew 2019
Do you know the real story behind the New Testament? We all share a fascination for discovering ‘the rest of the story.’ Through reading the New Testament we discover that God indeed keeps his promises, but those promises don’t always look like what people expected. Especially when it comes to Jesus. Join well-known Bible scholars N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird as they team up to take you on a tour of the explosive story behind the story of the New Testament.
The VeggieTales Show 2019
Bob, Larry and all your Veggie friends return in an all new television series. Bob and Larry use Mr.Nezzer's theatre to put on various performances based on stories from the Bible.