Jeklena pest

Jeklena pest 1972


Šanghaj med japonsko zasedbo. Mlad in izredno nadarjen mojster borilnih veščin Čen Žen se vrne v matično šolo kung fuja. Kmalu po prihodu izve, da je njegov ljubljeni učitelj mrtev. Čen ne verjame, da je umrl zaradi pljučnice. Prepričan je, da so ga zastrupili Japonci, ki že ves čas kruto ponižujejo Kitajce. Čen sklene maščevati učiteljevo smrt in vrniti ponos rojakom.


Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness

Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness 2011


Now living in his permanent home at the Jade Palace with the rest of the Furious Five, Po the Panda trains, battles, learns, teaches, stumbles, gabs and "geeks out" as the newest hero in the Valley of Peace.


A Fist Within Four Walls

A Fist Within Four Walls 2016


Chor Au-kuen bears the grief of the loss of his family and returns to the walled city in hopes of finding his long lost sister, only to find out that the place he grew up in has become a lawless no man's land. Concealing his real identity, he creates a new identity and gets acquainted with a feisty hair salon lady boss, a dentist, and a common worker. To restore law and order in the walled city, Au-kuen unites everyone to form an association to collectively resist the villainous forces, but instead causes clashes between him and an underground fighting champion...