Zbiralec duš

Zbiralec duš 2024


Agentka FBI Lee Harker je dodeljena nerešenemu primeru serijskega morilca, v katerem pride do nepričakovanega preobrata, ki razkrije dokaze o okultizmu. Harker odkrije osebno povezavo z morilcem in ga mora ustaviti, preden ta ponovno udari.


Ugrabitev predsedniškega letala

Ugrabitev predsedniškega letala 2024


Na svoji prvi nalogi na letalu Air Force One se mora nova agentka tajne službe soočiti s težko preizkušnjo, ko letalo ugrabijo teroristi, katerih tarča je predsednik, ter se spustiti v neusmiljen boj, ki bi lahko spremenil tok zgodovine.



Izterjevalec 2018


Borec, izurjen v klasičnih borilnih veščinah, začne delati kot izterjevalec dolgov za mafijo. Delo se zdi dovolj enostavno, dokler ga ena »stranka« ne potegne v situacijo veliko globlje, kot bi lahko pričakoval.


Obalna straža

Obalna straža 2017


Mitch Buchannon je predan reševalec iz vode, ki je svoje življenje posvetil zaščiti plaže. Z novim, glasnim rekrutom mora preprečiti kriminalni načrt, ki grozi, da bo ogrozil prihodnost zaliva. Za seboj pustita surfe in gresta pod krinko, ampak ali lahko rešita dan?



Avtomobili 2006


Strela McQueen je vročekrvni mladi dirkalnik, ki si zelo želi uspeti. Ko pa se nepričakovano znajde v zaspanem Radarskem zavetju ob nekoč slavni Route 66, odkrije, da v življenju ni najpomembnejša ciljna črta, temveč pot do nje. McQueen na poti na veliki pokal Batov v Kaliforniji spozna kopico posebnežev iz tega mesteca - med drugim tudi Doca Hudsona, ki ima skrivnostno preteklost, Neli Carrera, in Dajza - ki mu pomagajo doumeti, da so nekatere stvari v življenju pomembnejše od pokalov, slave in sponzorstva.



F1 2025


Sonny Hayes je nekdanji dirkač F1, ki se po nekajletnem premoru, zaradi grozljive nesreče, nenadoma vrne na dirkališče, ko ga regrutira ga lastnik F1 moštva APXGP. Z njim se poveže novinec Joshua Pearce in skupaj si morata prizadevati, da dvigneta 11. ekipo na vrh dirkalne lestvice.



Southland 2009


A raw and authentic look into the Los Angeles crime scene, going far inside the lives of cops, criminals, victims and their families. The show centers on four main characters: Officer John Cooper, a seasoned cop who will have to prove himself again after recovering from surgery; Officer Ben Sherman, who still has much to learn after recently completing his training rotation; Detective Lydia Adams, whose unending caseload hits closer to home; and Sammy Bryant, a former detective who decided to go back to being a uniform cop after the traumatic death of his partner.


The Rookie: Feds

The Rookie: Feds 2022


Special Agent Simone Clark, the oldest rookie in the FBI, is a force of nature, the living embodiment of a dream deferred – and she works together with her new colleagues at the Los Angeles office of the Bureau to bring down the country’s toughest criminals.


The Murders

The Murders 2019


A rookie Homicide detective's negligence in a fellow officer's death has her searching for redemption in her investigations.



Players 2022


A pro League of Legends esports team pursues their first championship after years of close calls and heartache. To win it all, they will need their prodigy, a 17-year-old rookie, and their 27-year-old veteran to put their egos aside and work together.


Young Lions

Young Lions 2002


Young Lions was an Australian TV police drama broadcast on the Nine Network in 2002 and in Ireland on RTÉ Two.The series was based around the professional and private lives of four rookie detectives, the Young Lions, of South West 101, an inner city Sydney police station. The program rated poorly and was not renewed after its first season. Competition from other new drama series and several timeslot changes also contributed to the show's demise.