Ključna beseda Based On Myths Legends Or Folklore
哪吒之魔童闹海 2025
Aladin 2019
Aladdin je nesrečen, a čudovit ulični fant, zaljubljen v čudovito princeso Jasmine, hčer sultana Agrabaha. Da bi uresničil svoje sanje, bo lahko računal na podporo Genija, čarobnega bitja, ki lahko izpolni tri želje za vsakogar, ki pride v posest njegove čarobne svetilke, vendar bo moral premagati tudi Džafara, zlobnega čarovnika, ki si prizadeva za oblast nad kraljestvom Agrabah. Reinterpretacija Disneyjevega animiranega filma v živo z istim naslovom iz leta 1992.
Severnjak 2022
Severnjak je na več delov razdeljen film o maščevanju, ki je osnovan na skandinavski legendi o Amlethu – ta je bila med drugim tudi podlaga za Shakespearovega Hamleta. Film se začne s kraljem Aurvandilom (Ethan Hawke), ki se ranjen vrne iz vojne domov, kjer ga pričakata žena Gudrún (Nicole Kidman) in sin Amleth (Alexander Skarsgård). Kmalu po prihodu je princ Amleth priča Aurvandilovemu umoru – ubije ga njegov brat Fjölnir (Claes Bang), ki nato kraljico Gudrún vzame za svojo nevesto. Amlethu uspe zbežati, vendar se ob odhodu zapriseže, da se bo maščeval svojemu stricu in rešil svojo mamo. Dvajset let pozneje živi in potuje s skupino vikinških bojevnikov; nazaj v domovino ga pripelje prerokba čarovnice, ki jo upodablja islandska pevka Björk. Kasneje se namerno preda suženjstvu z namenom infiltracije oddaljene plantažne kmetije, ki je zdaj v lasti njegovega strica Fjölnirja. S tem se začne uresničevanje njegovega maščevalnega načrta.
Мавка: Лісова пісня 2023
Pocahontas 1995
Med angleško kolonizacijo Virginije se med vojakom Johnom Smithom in hčerjo plemenskega poglavarja Pocahontas razvije ljubezen.
Mulan 2020
Zgodba o legendarni junakinji iz kitajske zgodovine, ki je živela v 5. ali 6. stoletju in jo opeva istoimenska balada. Naslovni lik bojevnice, ki se v tradicionalni patriarhalni družbi izdaja za moškega, je upodobila 21-letna kitajska igralka Liu Jifei. Ko kitajski cesar izda dekret, po katerem mora po en moški v vsaki družini služiti carski vojski, da bi ubranili državo pred severnimi napadalci, najstarejša hči častnega bojevnika Hua Mulan nastopi namesto svojega bolnega očeta. Zamaskirana v moškega doživlja Hua preizkušnje na vsakem koraku svojega potovanja in se mora pri tem naučiti izkoristiti svojo notranjo moč ter sprejeti resnični potencial.
Clash of the Titans 2010
Wrath of the Titans 2012
Zaklad pozabljenih 2004
Nicolas Cage igra Benjamina Franklina Gatesa, ki predstavlja tretjo generacijo družine lovcev na zaklade. Benjamin je vse svoje življenje namenil iskanju zaklada, za katerega le redki verjamejo, da sploh obstaja. Pot do njegovega skrivališča je v šifrah zapisana na bankovec za en dolar in na hrbtno stran deklaracije o neodvisnosti. Ko Benjamin izve, da se pripravlja kraja deklaracije, mora, da bi zaščitil najbolj varovano skrivnost v zgodovini človeštva, sam ukrasti mapo, preden se jo polastijo napačne roke.
Clash of the Titans 1981
Parkelj 2015
Mladi Max se zaradi družinskih sporov odpove radostnemu božičnemu duhu, vendar s tem obudi zlobnega Parklja, ki namerava na najbolj krute načine kaznovati sprto družino. Max poskuša sorodnike prepričati, da morajo pozabiti na nesoglasja in združiti moči proti zlobnemu stvoru, toda pošastni Parkelj se ne pusti motiti pri svojih morilskih načrtih.
आदिपुरुष 2023
Zeleni vitez 2021
Fantazijska pripoved o srednjeveški zgodbi Sir Gawaina in Zelenega viteza.
Weird: Zgodba o Alu Yankovicu 2022
Film je komična biografija o turbulentnem življenju glasbenika Ala Yankovica. Ameriški pevec je svojo profesionalno pot začel s parodijami pesmi Like a Surgeon in Eat It, k njegovi slavi pa so pripomogle tudi vroče ljubezenske afere s slavnimi in izprijen življenski slog. Resnično neverjetno popotovanje skozi Yankovicevo življenje in kariero od nadarjenega čudežnega otroka do velike glasbene legende.
Beowulf 1999
It Lives Inside 2023
Merlin 2008
The unlikely friendship between Merlin, a young man gifted with extraordinary magical powers, and Prince Arthur, heir to the crown of Camelot.
Legend 2006
An anthology TV show depicting Indonesia's folktales, with a modern twist.
The Legend of the Blue Sea 2016
A mermaid from the Joseon period ends up in present-day Seoul, where she crosses paths with a swindler who may have ties to someone from her past.
Nak 2023
Based on a Thai legend, it tells the unearthly love story between Mak and his wife Nak who died in childbirth while her husband was at war and nevertheless remained around with her child both as ghosts. When Mak returns home, he finds his wife and child seemingly well.
Tale of the Nine Tailed 2020
A TV producer discovers a secret supernatural world as she becomes entangled with a former deity who's spent centuries searching for his lost lover.
Journey to the West 1996
Journey to the West is a Hong Kong television series adapted from the classical novel of the same title. Starring Dicky Cheung, Kwong Wah, Wayne Lai and Evergreen Mak, the series was produced by TVB and was first broadcast on TVB Jade in Hong Kong in November 1996. A sequel, Journey to the West II, was broadcast in 1998, but the role of the Monkey King was played by Benny Chan instead, due to contract problems between Dicky Cheung and TVB. Cheung later reprised the role in another television series The Monkey King: Quest for the Sutra, which was broadcast on TVB but not produced by the station.
La otra cara del espejo 2000
Anthology horror series that dives into urban myths, regional fears, mysteries and paranormal events. Tales full of terror, suspense and sensuality.
Magical Armour 2006
The Legend of Love 2003
"The Legend of Love" is a 20 episode drama by Television Broadcasts Limited, released overseas in June 2003. It was re-aired in 2004 on BTV, and in 2005 and 2007 on TVB channels. It is an adaptation of the story of "The Cowherd and Weaver Girl", with slight changes to the storyline.
The Adventures of Sinbad 1996
The Adventures of Sinbad is a Canadian television series which aired from 1996 to 1998. It follows on the story from the pilot of the same name, and revolves around the series' protagonist, Sinbad. The series is a re-telling of the adventures of Sinbad from The Arabian Nights.
Gomin 2004
In Gusinakhon, there was a king named Gosutum. He had three sons: the eldest was named Gomes, the second Gomon and the youngest brother, which was powerful because he was born with a special item with him, was Gomin. The little prince, with only 12 years old, had dexterity and individuality with magic weapons causing Gomin to not be afraid of anyone. One day, Gomin and his friend Musa went to the beach and met with the son of Kato Naga, the royal city of the underworld, and Gomin killed him.
Adventures of the Super Monkey -Journey to the West- 2006
A monk heads to India for enlightenment with a mischievous monkey king, a river monster and a greedy pig.
Korean Ghost Stories 2008
A series of 8 one-act dramas. It is the continuation of a classic series of ghost stories which aired first on KBS between 1977 and 1989 and later between 1996 and 1999. This marks the return of the series after nine years.
America: Facts vs. Fiction 2013
History as we generally know it is full of holes or half-truths, and a mother lode of juicy details have been lost, distorted, covered up or simply ignored along the way. Former Naval officer and actor Jamie Kaler is on a mission to set the record straight on the most familiar and beloved stories from our nation's and military's past, filling in the blanks, debunking the occasional myth, and exploring why we sometimes get our own history, well, slightly wrong
Tale of the Nine Tailed: An Unfinished Story 2020
This three episode spinoff will tell the story of Lee Rang and Ki Yoo Ri before and during the events of "Tale of the Nine-Tailed."