Smodnikov milkshake

Smodnikov milkshake 2021


Tri generacije žensk se borijo proti tistim, ki bi jim lahko vzeli vse. Sam je bila stara komaj 12 let, ko jo je bila njena mama Scarlet, elitna morilka, prisiljena zapustiti. Sam so vzgajali v Firmi, neusmiljeni hudodelski združbi, za katero je delala njena mati. Petnajst let kasneje gre Sam po materinih stopinjah in postane neustrašna morilka. S svojimi talenti se znebi najnevarnejšega nereda v Firmi. Je učinkovita in zvesta.


Keyshia Cole: The Way It Is

Keyshia Cole: The Way It Is 2006


Titled after Keyshia Cole's 2005 debut album, this reality docudrama peeks inside the life of the Grammy-nominated R&B songstress who has overcome a rough childhood to make her dreams come true. When she's not on the road, in the studio or making public appearances, Keyshia keeps busy re-establishing a relationship with her mom, Frankie -- who placed Keyshia in foster care while Frankie abused drugs and alcohol -- and supporting her sister Neffe and her four children. Through therapy sessions, heated discussions, and tough love, the women work to rid themselves of past demons and strengthen the ties that bind them.