Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko 2001


Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) je problematični najstnik, ki ima veliko težav sam s sabo, z družino in s šolo. Trpi za paranoidno shizofrenijo in ko (za nekaj časa) preneha jesti tablete, se mu prikaže ogromen zajec, ki mu napove konec sveta v roku 28 dni.






Stranski učinki

Stranski učinki 2013


Režiser filmov Preprodajalci in Kužna nevarnost predstavlja srhljivo zgodbo psihiatra Jonathana, ki skuša pomagati zakonskemu paru v težavah. Mladi Mike se je pred kratkim vrnil iz ječe, njegova žena Emily pa je poskušala storiti samomor. Ker večina zdravil nima učinka, se Jonathan po posvetu s kolegico Victorio odloči Emily predpisati novo poskusno zdravilo. Po začetnih navdušujočih rezultatih se zgodi tragedija in Emily pristane v psihiatrični bolnišnici, konec pa je tudi Jonathanove kariere. Da bi opral svoje ime, se odloči raziskati ozadje nenavadnih naključij, povezanih z Emily, toda ob tem naleti na nepričakovano zaroto, ki mu življenje dokončno postavi na glavo.


Uresničiti se

Uresničiti se 2020


Pobegla najstnica sodeluje v študiji spanja, ki postane nočni spust v globine njenega uma in strašljivo preučevanje moči sanj.


Smile Code

Smile Code 2024


Gu Yi is a stand-up comedian in Shanghai who juggles a day job and nighttime performances. Her simple goal is to make everyone laugh, but one day she encounters an audience member, Liang Daiwen, who seems immune to her humor. This leads to an unexpected clash between a woman driven by comedy and a man who never laughs.


Poisoned Love

Poisoned Love 2020


The story revolves a dubbing genius Fang Yan, who suffers from sleepwalking due to a trauma; and a film producer Shi Meng. Shi Meng helps Fang Yan walk out of her traumatic experience, but Fang Yan recognized the wrong person, and thought his brother Shi Yi was the one who helped her. The three of them grew through misunderstands, and untied the knot in their heart.


The Love by Hypnotic

The Love by Hypnotic 2019


A princess and a prince who can't see eye to eye find themselves stuck in an arranged marriage. Yet they start opening up to each other because of hypnosis. Li Ming Yue, a princess, and Li Qian, a prince, are forced to marry each other due to royal obligations. When she triggers memories from his past through the use of hypnosis, Li Qian starts to accept his wife knowing that she can help him regain his memories.


The First Frost

The First Frost 1970


Wen Yifan, by chance, ends up living with her high school classmate Sang Yan, whom she once rejected. They keep their distance until Wen Yifan learns from Sang Yan that she sleepwalks, intertwining their lives once more.


Let Me Be Your Knight

Let Me Be Your Knight 2021


A story of romance and healing between one of the world’s greatest idols who is suffering from somnambulism and the doctor who is secretly treating him. Jun’s character Yoon Tae In is an untouchable idol star who is loved all around the world, and a musical genius who believes he is the center of the universe.



Eyes 1980


Mukhtar Al-Iskandarani is a successful lawyer, but he suffers from sleepwalking. When his wife finds in one of his pockets a photo of a woman who was murdered in a mysterious crime, suspicions revolve around him. Heriam, his daughter's fiance, takes him to a psychiatrist to treat him.