Ključna beseda Teen Suicide
The Social Dilemma 2020
Prayers for Bobby 2009
Mustang 2015
Začetek poletja v obmorski vasici na severu Turčije. Lale in njene štiri sestre se na poti iz šole zaigrajo s skupino fantov. Nedolžna igra v očeh vaških varuhov morale hitro preraste v spolni škandal. Babica in stric, osramočena skrbnika deklet, se namenita radoživim upornicam pristriči peruti; družinski dom postaja iz dneva v dan bolj podoben zaporu, šolsko delo zamenjajo učne ure iz gospodinjstva, začne se dogovarjanje porok. Toda v sestrah tli neustavljiva sla po svobodi in vsaka na svoj način se borijo proti omejitvam, ki jim jih nalaga družba. Prvenec mlade turške režiserke Deniz Gamze Ergüven je navdihujoča zgodba o petih odraščajočih sestrah in njihovem uporu zoper patriarhalne družbene norme, ki vladajo na podeželju sodobne Turčije.
Beautiful Boy 2011
Dead Man on Campus 1998
파수꾼 2011
돈 크라이 마미 2012
Believer 2017
Ode to Billy Joe 1976
About a Girl 2015
Romeo and Juliet 2018
Criminal 1994
Chance 2020
Reach 2018
الحوت الأزرق 2020
Bridgend 2013
Early Swallows 2019
The series revolves around the lives of Ukrainian teenagers in a secondary school class. The teenagers struggle with bullying, including the Blue Whale Challenge, lack of parental support, suicidal behavior, LGBT identity crises-a subject that is rarely portrayed on Ukrainian television-alcoholic parents, and speech disabilities. In one of the show's main plot lines, the main characters are stalked on the Internet by an anonymous person who pretends to be their friend.
S.Ə.S 2021
In the story of Bakhtiyar and Aysel, there is a piece of every sinner of this city. This time we will go in the direction of the voice. I wonder what is there?