Ključna beseda Lying
Potniki 2016
Režiser z oskarjem nagrajenega filma Igra imitacije nas popelje v vesoljske širjave, na ladji, namenjeni proti oddaljeni koloniji. Med 120-letnim potovanjem pride do računalniške napake, kar povzroči, da se novinarka Aurora in mehanik Jim zbudita iz hibernacije 90 let prezgodaj. Preostanek življenja sta prisiljena preživeti v osami, toda kmalu ugotovita, da plovilo pestijo številne druge težave. Med izogibanjem številnim smrtnim nevarnostim, ki prežijo iz vesolja, se z njima poigrajo tudi ljubezenska čustva, kar jima da novih moči za spopad z neskončno razsežnostjo prostora in časa.
Skoraj policaja 2014
Ricky Stanicky 2024
Dean, Wes in JT so prijatelji, ki so si že v otroštvu izmislili namišljenega Rickyja Stanickyja, ki so ga uporabili, da bi se rešili iz težav. Dvajset let pozneje so si ustvarili uspešna življenja s svojimi partnerji, trio pa še vedno uporablja neobstoječega Rickyja kot priročen alibi za svoje nezrelo vedenje. A ko njihovi partnerji postanejo sumničavi in zahtevajo, da spoznajo tega Rickyja, se trojica odloči najeti "igralca" in imitatorja slavnih, da se pretvarja, da je Ricky.
Poročna priča d.o.o. 2015
Uspešni poslovnež Doug nikoli ni imel pravih prijateljev, zato nikakor ne najde poročne priče ob skorajšnjem skoku v zakonski stan z lepotico Gretchen. Da se ne bi osramotil, Doug za pomoč najame premetenega Jimmyja, ki vodi agencijo za pomoč ženinom. Ker Doug želi veliko poroko, mora Jimmy najti dodatnih devet poročnih prič in iz njih narediti prepričljive Dougove prijatelje. Čeprav se Jimmy nikoli ne želi zbližati s svojimi strankami, mu Doug počasi priraste k srcu, kar vodi v serijo zabavnih in zelo bolečih poročnih katastrof.
Playing It Cool 2014
Lovci na družice 2005
Prijatelja Jeremy (Vince Vaughn) in John (Owen Wilson) imata rada zabavo in ženske, oboje pa najlažje dobita na porokah, ki jih redno obiskujeta, četudi nepovabljena. Toda na poroki vplivnega finančnika se John zares zaljubi v nevestino sestro in s tem prekrši skrivni kodeks lovcev na družice.
V kraljestvu divjih bitij 2009
Film pripoveduje o razposajenem in občutljivem dečku Maxu, ki ga doma ne razumejo, zato pobegne na otok. Tam spozna skrivnostna in nenavadna bitja, katerih čustva so enako divja in nepredvidljiva kot njihova dejanja. Divja bitja si želijo nekoga, ki bi jih vodil, prav tako kot Max hrepeni po kraljestvu, ki bi mu vladal. Ko ga okronajo za kralja, obljubi, da bo ustvaril kraj, v katerem bodo vsi srečni. Vendar kmalu ugotovi, da vladanje ni tako preprosto in da so odnosi precej bolj zapleteni, kot se mu je sprva zdelo.
Predsednikova hči 2004
Kot predsednikova hči je Samantha Mackenzie že celo življenje pod drobnogledom, agenti tajne službe pa ji sledijo čisto povsod, celo na stranišče. Ko dobi možnost, da se vpiše na kolidž, v tem vidi priložnost, da stopi iz vate, v katero jo zavijajo že celo življenje. Zato očeta prosi za veliko uslugo: odstrani naj agenta tajne službe, ki sta doslej spremljala njen vsak korak. Predsednik na to navidez pristane, toda za Samanthinim hrbtom pod krinko pošlje mladega agenta Jamesa, ki se ji približa kot eden izmed študentov. Samantha in James se hitro spoprijateljita, prijateljstvo pa kmalu preraste v romanco. Toda resnica pride na dan...
Love Wrecked 2005
Priden sinko 1993
Demain tout commence 2016
Labor Pains 2009
Something Borrowed 2011
Chasing Liberty 2004
Camp Rock 2008
Zaročena po pomoti 2016
Nadobudna igralka Clarissa med avdicijo spozna slavnega igralca Chasa Hunterja, ki ga med snemanjem polije s kavo. Ko se samska Clarissa vrne v svoj domači kraj na poroko najboljše prijateljice, skuša narediti vtis na svoje prijatelje, zato se jim zlaže, da je dobila vlogo v filmu in se zaročila s Chasom. Da bi si izboljšal ugled, se Chas strinja, da se bo pretvarjal, da sta zaročena. Toda pretvarjanje se kmalu spremeni v pravo ljubezen.
Ugly Alert 2013
Gong Joon-soo is a man who's had a rough life and early on had to fend for himself. He takes the blame for a murder his younger sibling commits and serves time in prison. There he learns to sew and acquires a trade. With his newly acquired skills, Joon-soo goes to work for Na Do-hee at a fashion company. Do-hee has inherited her job because her grandfather built the company. But even though she inherited her position, she is serious about doing a good job and is something of a workaholic.
Younger 2015
Liza Miller, a suddenly single stay-at-home mother, tries to get back into the working world, only to find it’s nearly impossible to start at the bottom at 40-year old. When a chance encounter convinces her she looks younger than she is, Liza tries to pass herself off as 26 and lands a job as an assistant at Empirical Press. Now she just has to make sure no one finds out the secret only she and her best friend Maggie share.
Would I Lie to You? 2007
A comedic panel show featuring team captains Lee Mack and David Mitchell plus two guests per side, hosted by Rob Brydon (formerly Angus Deayton). Each person must reveal embarrassing facts and outrageous lies during a series of different rounds including "Home Truths", "This Is My..." and "Quickfire Lies". It is up to the opposing team to tell tall tales from fantastic facts.
She Was Pretty 2015
After a complete reversal of fortune and looks, childhood sweethearts reunite for the first time in 15 years as employees at a fashion magazine.
Mr. Honesty 2020
Xu Yi Ren loses both her relationship and career in one night. Her close friend, Xia Di recommends her to an architecture company as the assistant of the CEO. However during the interview, she finds out that the CEO is the person who exposed that her boyfriend is cheating on her in public, Fang Zhi You. Though she doesn't know why, Xu Yi Ren eventually gets the job, but gets handled a weird task - to lie for her boss. But Fang Zhi You's tendency to expose her lies in public always lands her in sticky situations.
Start-Up 2020
Young entrepreneurs aspiring to launch virtual dreams into reality compete for success and love in the cutthroat world of Korea's high-tech industry.
Celebrity 2023
Fame. Money. Power. One young woman fights to become the next hottest celebrity in the glamorous yet scandalous world of influencers in Seoul.
Doctor Prisoner 2019
An ace doctor in a university hospital is wrongfully accused of a medical malpractice incident and gets ousted from the hospital. He then applies to work at a prison, where he plans to make personal connections with all the big shots in prison with the ultimate goal of getting revenge against the hospital that kicked him out.
A-TEEN 2018
It's easy to talk about teenagers, but we are now in our teens for the first time. All the moments were too serious to say I was not worried. Teenage school romance web drama.
Fate and Fury 2018
Even though Goo Hae-Ra is smart and beautiful, she is in miserable situation because of her family. Her older sister attempted suicide and her father passed away. The only way she can escape her situation is with money. She approaches Tae In-Joon. He is the second son of a shoe company owner. Tae In-Joon falls in love with Goo Hae-Ra.
Le Tricheur 2012
This daily quiz show puts strategy front and centre, as five celebrities answer general-knowledge questions to win money for their favourite charity. But here’s the catch: one of the five participants is cheating, because they’re secretly being fed the answers. The cheater’s mission is to play it smart so they can fool the other players and win the game without getting caught.
My Fellow Citizens 2019
This drama tells the story of a con man, who gets involved with unexpected incidents, marries a police officer and somehow ends up running to become a member of the National Assembly.
Your Honor 2018
Han Soo-Ho and Han Kang-Ho were born as identical twins, but they live totally different lives. Han Soo-Ho works as a judge and he is guided by principles. Han Kang-Ho's extensive criminal record contains 5 different arrests. One day, Han Soo-Ho suddenly disappears. Han Kang-Ho secretly takes his brother's place as a judge. Han Kang-Ho, who was once considered trash, becomes "Dear Judge" and highly respected.
Poker Face 2023
This mystery-of-the-week series follows Charlie Cale, who has an extraordinary ability to determine when someone is lying. She hits the road with her Plymouth Barracuda and with every stop encounters a new cast of characters and strange crimes she can’t help but solve.
Love Better Than Immortality 2019
A woman from the future arrives at a fantasy-like universe to experience love for the first time. She goes by the name Chun Hua and falls into a complicated romance with two young men who are opposites like black and white.
Nao Kanzaki, a student, was blackmailed into joining a "Liar Game" and ended up losing 100 million yen. In order to repay the debt, she enlists the help of Shin'ichi Akiyama, a genius swindler who was only recently released from jail for bankrupting one of Japan's largest scam companies.
Queen For Seven Days 2017
In the Joseon period, a noblewoman from a powerful clan marries the Crown Prince but is deposed after only seven days as queen when he becomes king.
I Can See Your Voice 2020
Each week one contestant will have the chance to win a cash prize if he or she can tell the difference between the good and bad singers, without ever hearing them sing a note.
Qui sait chanter? 2021
The most popular music game show on the planet is finally coming here! Your challenge? Guess if a good or a bad singer is hiding behind the voices of the six artists who perform on stage. There will be thousands of dollars to be won, starting this fall!
Sweet Munchies 2020
To get his own TV show, a chef known for delectable late-night eats tells a major lie that complicates his relationships with those around him.