Ledeni morilec: Vrnitev

Ledeni morilec: Vrnitev 2016


Profesionalni morilec Arthur se je po zaigrani smrti skril v Riu de Janeiru, dokler ga ne najde privlačna Gina, ki ima za njega novo nalogo. Arthur se ji sprva izogiba, a se nazadnje vanjo zaljubi, kar izkoristi Ginin šef. Ta mladenko ugrabi in od Arthurja zahteva, da izpelje tri umore in jih prikaže kot nesreče. Prva tarča je ujetnik v malezijskem zaporu, druga nevarni vodja preprodajalcev mamil v Avstraliji, tretja pa bolgarski preprodajalec orožja. Toda divji morilski pohod je poln pasti in smrtonosnih preobratov, zato lahko Arthur zaupa le svojim pestem in orožju.



Avioni 2013


Dusty je prašno letalo, ki sanja o letalski karieri. Toda muči ga strah pred višino. Za vso to pomoč si bo poiskal sezonskega letalca, ki bo pomagal Dustyju, da se uvrsti na zahtevno prvenstvo.



Samsara 2011


Samsara izzove običajne predstave o dokumentarnih filmih, gledalca spodbuja k lastni interpretaciji ter ga navdihuje s podobami in glasbo, ki združujeta starodavne in sodobne koncepte.


Totally Spies!

Totally Spies! 2001


Totally Spies! depicts three girlfriends 'with an attitude' who have to cope with their daily lives at high school as well as the unpredictable pressures of international espionage. They confront the most intimidating - and demented - of villains, each with their own special agenda for demonic, global rude behavior.


Go Jetters

Go Jetters 2015


Go Jetters follows the adventures of four plucky international heroes, Xuli, Kyan, Lars and Foz, as they travel the globe with their friend and mentor Ubercorn, a disco-dancing unicorn. Together they save the world's most famous landmarks from the mischievous meddlings of their nemesis, Grandmaster Glitch.


Expedition with Steve Backshall

Expedition with Steve Backshall 2019


The naturalist visits uncharted territory in pursuit of new discoveries. Steve Backshall takes on physical challenges, encounters extraordinary wildlife and meets remarkable people.



Earthflight 2011


Earthflight is a British nature documentary that shows a flight from the view of the wings of birds across six continents, showing some of the world's greatest natural spectacles from a bird's-eye view. it was created by the BBC and the first episode, narrated by David Tennant, aired on BBC One on 29 December 2011. A two-hour subset of Earthflight was aired in October 2012 by the Discovery Channel in the US as Winged Planet. The entire first series aired on PBS, beginning in September 2013, under the title Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation.


After the Attack

After the Attack 2008


After the Attack is a reality television series on Animal Planet. It tells the stories of animal attack victims, recreating each story every episode. The series premiered March 4, 2008.