Ključna beseda Explosive
Tajni agenti 2015
Angleška obveščevalna služba MI5 naredi hudo napako – nevarni in karizmatični terorist Qasim ji pobegne med rutinsko predajo ameriškim agentom. Legendarni vodja protiterorističnega oddelka, Harry Pearce, je zato prisiljen v odstop in nihče se ne čudi njegovemu skoku v smrt nekaj dni pozneje. Pa je Harry res mrtev ali je samo uprizoril svojo smrt, da bi odkril izdajalca v lastnih vrstah? Primer prevzame odpuščeni agent Will, nekdanji Harryev varovanec. Agenti MI5 Willa rešijo pred rusko mafijo, zato jim je dolžan uslugo. Loti se dela in kmalu naveže stik s Harryem. Z njegovo pomočjo pride na sled Qasimu in presenetljivemu odkritju – v nekaj dneh se bo v centru Londona zgodil teroristični napad apokaliptičnih razsežnosti. Napeta dirka s časom se prične. Ampak komu v MI5 odpadniški dvojec sploh lahko zaupa?
The A-Team 2010
Misija: Nemogoče 3 2006
Tajni agent in operativec vohunske agencije Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) se je upokojil, da bi lahko uril mlade agente IMF. Vendar ga nadrejeni prisilijo v akcijo, kjer se bo moral soočiti s svojim najbolj smrtonosnim nasprotnikom dotlej. Sadistični prekupčevalec z orožjem in prodajalec informacij Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman) je človek brez vesti in zmožnosti obžalovanja. Hunt zbere svojo ekipo: starega prijatelja Luthra Strickella (Ving Rhames), strokovnjaka za transport Declana (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), agentko za podporo Zhen (Maggie Q) ter novinko pri vohunski službi Lindsey (Keri Russell). Po vsem svetu bodo morali preganjati Daviana in rešiti Huntovo ljubezen Julio (Michelle Monaghan).
Mad Max 2 1981
The Specialist 1994
Iz Pariza z ljubeznij 2010
Razburljiv akcijski triler producenta Luca Bessona z Johnom Travolto in Jonathanom Rhysom Meyersom v vlogi dvojice, ki v Parizu poskuša preprečiti teroristični napad.
The Kingdom 2007
Sorcerer 1977
Preporod 2018
Prečastiti Toller je pastor v mali, skromno obiskani muzejski cerkvici. Nekega dne se k njemu po nasvet zateče noseča faranka Mary, zaskrbljena zaradi moža, radikalnega okoljevarstvenika Michaela, ki vse bolj tone v obup. Toller skuša Michaelu pomagati, a ob mladeničevem srdu tudi v njem vznikne seme upora …
Live Wire 1992
Sudden Death 1995
Divjaki 2012
Režiser kultnih filmov Vod smrti, Wall Street in Rojen 4. julija predstavlja zgodbo trojice prijateljev, ki se ukvarja s pridelavo in prodajo prvovrstne marihuane. Idilično sožitje najboljših lastnosti miroljubnega Bena, agresivnega Chona in zapeljive O zmoti mehiški mamilarski kartel. Preden lahko zbežijo, neizprosni kriminalci pod vodstvom krute Elene in njenega sadističnega pomagača Lada ugrabijo O, zato se morata Ben in Cho spustita v neizprosen boj prevar, laži in krvavih obračunov.
Home Invasion 2016
Silk 1986
Mr. Joint 2010
Suicide Squad Isekai 2024
In the crime-ridden city of Gotham, Amanda Waller, the head of A.R.G.U.S., assembles a group of notorious criminals—Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface and King Shark—for a mission into an otherworldly realm that's connected to this world through a gate. It's a realm of swords and magic where orcs rampage and dragons rule the skies. Can Harley Quinn and her crew conquer this perilous realm?
Bucky - The Incredible Kid 1999
Spaak, a very powerful and respected G.C. (Great Child) offers his position to a young boy named Bucky who has the dream to become the ruler of the world. In order to become a true G.C. to protect his land from animals that have gone haywire, he must cross the twelve countries and defeat each G.C. guardian who are ordered by the G.C. leader Hail to stop him. Kai and Pinky who are also G.C. follow Bucky on his journey to make his dream come true.
The Lost World 2001
Professor Challenger, on an expedition to South America, shoots an animal that he claims is a pre-historic pterosaur. On his return to England, his fellow Professor, Summerlee, and most of the scientific establishment dismiss it as a hoax. However, an ambitious hunter and womaniser John Roxton and journalist Edward Malone are prepared to undertake the mission to find the truth.
Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan 2011
From the streets of Afghanistan comes an all-new series profiling the U.S. military's most dangerous job. The first of its kind, Bomb Patrol Afghanistan is a groundbreaking docu-series giving viewers an unprecedented first person view of one of the most dangerous jobs in the world in one of the most dangerous places on earth. G4 embeds viewers within the U.S. Navy E.O.D. (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Unit as it trains state-side prior to deployment. Outside the wire in war-torn Afghanistan, helmet and body mounted cameras and state-of-the-art robotics bring you a never before seen look at the intensity of war. Viewers will witness as the elite team searches out, disarms and destroys an array of deadly explosives with one goal: to save civilian and military lives and return home safely. This is war like you've never seen before.