
Konklave 2024


Izvolitev novega papeža je en izmed najbolj skrivnostnih in starodavnih dogodkov na svetu. Kardinal Lawrence je zadolžen za vodenje tega prikritega procesa po nenadni smrti priljubljenega papeža. Ko se najvplivnejši voditelji Katoliške cerkve zberejo iz vsega sveta in so zaklenjeni skupaj v dvoranah Vatikana, Lawrence odkrije sled globokih skrivnosti, ki jih je za sabo pustil pokojni papež – skrivnosti, ki bi lahko pretresle temelje cerkve.


Morilci cvetne lune

Morilci cvetne lune 2023


Posneto po resnični zgodbi in skozi neverjetno romanco med Ernestom Burkhartom in Mollie Kyle, nam kot epska kriminalna saga prikazuje pravo ljubezen, ki se sreča z neizrekljivo izdajo. Na prelomu 20. stoletja je nafta prinesla bogastvo plemenu Osage, ki je čez noč postalo eno najbogatejših ljudstev na svetu. Bogastvo teh ameriških staroselcev je takoj pritegnilo bele vsiljivce, ki so manipulirali, izsiljevali in pokradli denarja, kolikor so lahko, preden so se pričeli umori. Preiskovanje umorov pripadnikov plemena Osage (gre za enega največjih primerov množičnih umorov) je bila ena prvih preiskav umorov, ki se jih je lotil FBI.


Angeli in demoni

Angeli in demoni 2009


Režiser nepozabnih dram Čudoviti um in Frost Nixon se vrača k junaku Da Vincijeve šifre - poznavalcu simbolov profesorju Langdonu, ki je tokrat na sledi novi srhljivi zaroti svetovnih razsežnosti. Po skrivnostnem umoru znanstvenika se Langdon zaplete v labirint zapečatenih kript, nevarnih katakomb, zapuščenih katedral in nasilnih umorov kardinalov, med tem ko nekje v osrčju Vatikana tiktaka grozljivo orožje maščevalne bratovščine Illuminatov, ki želijo za vedno spremeniti tok človeške zgodovine.


Take majhne stvari

Take majhne stvari 2024


Medtem ko l. 1985 dela kot trgovec s premogom, da bi preživljal svojo družino, Bill Furlong odkrije zaskrbljujoče skrivnosti lokalnega samostana. Sam razkrije lastne šokantne resnice, zaradi česar se mora soočiti s svojo preteklostjo in sokrivim molkom majhnega irskega mesta, ki ga nadzoruje katoliška cerkev.


V žarišču

V žarišču 2015


Resnična zgodba o skupini novinarjev časopisa The Boston Globe, ki so leta 2002 razkrili množično spolno zlorabo otrok v katoliški cerkvi. Kljub pomanjkanju denarja in načrtnem zanikanju odgovornih, se odločni novinarji prebijajo preko gore arhivskega gradiva in birokratskih ovir, razkritje resnice in prekinitev molka pa očrni najvišje predstavnike cerkve, pravnike in politike po vsem svetu.


Elizabeta: Zlata doba

Elizabeta: Zlata doba 2007


Devet let po prvem filmu, ki je prejel sedem nominacij za oskarje, se vračamo v 16. stoletje, čas vladanja odločne kraljice Elizabete, ki se je za dobrobit svoje dežele odpovedala zvezam z moškimi. Tokrat njeno vladavino ogroža naduti španski kralj in njegovo mogočno ladjevje, edino rešitev pa nudi sila postavni kapitan piratov Raleigh. Elizabeth se znajde v skušnjavi, zato Raleigha z ljubezensko spletko drži blizu dvora, kar pa le še poveča njeno duševno trpljenje. Toda resnična nevarnost preti precej bližje, kot si Elizabeta lahko predstavlja.


Slaba vzgoja

Slaba vzgoja 2004


Madrid, 1980. 27-letni filmski režiser Enrique Goded, ki je svoji mladosti navkljub režiral že tri uspešnice, v časopisih išče navdih za svoj četrti film. Obišče ga privlačen bradati mladenič, ki trdi, da je njegov prijatelj iz šole Ignacio Rodriguez. Enrique se prijatelja dobro spominja, in ga v obiskovalcu ne prepozna. Res pa se nista videla že 16 let. Enrique se ne zaveda, da ima zgodbo za naslednji film pred nosom: Ignacio mu ponuja svojo črtico Obisk, ki govori o njunem otroštvom, šolskih letih, težavah z duhovniki, represiji, nogometnih tekmah … Pod pogojem, da v filmu prav Ignacio odigra glavno vlogo, vlogo transvestita Zahara …


The Two Popes

The Two Popes 2019


Kardinal Bergoglio, razočaran nad vodenjem Cerkve, leta 2012 papeža Benedikta XVI. zaprosi za dovoljenje za upokojitev. Namesto tega se Benedikt spopade s škandalom in dvomi vase, zato vase zagledani papež pokliče svojega najostrejšega kritika in bodočega naslednika v Rim, da bi mu razkril skrivnost, ki bi zamajala temelje Katoliške cerkve.



Fatima 2020


Film pripoveduje zgodbo o desetletni pastirici in njenih dveh mlajših bratrancih, ki so skupaj doživeli vizijo Marijinega prikazovanja. Njihova pripoved navdihne vernike, ki množično drejo v Fatimo in vznemirijo oblasti, predvsem verske, ki si ne želijo nepredvidljive množice neprivilegiranih ljudi, saj se morajo ukvarjati s krvavo vojno, ki divja v Evropi. Zato avtoritete vztrajajo, da morajo pastirji svojo zgodbo umakniti. Ljudje nasprotno, verjamejo otrokom in pastirjem, ki jim uspe priklicati Marijo. Ko se jim prikaže, napove obdobje trpljenja in molitve, a na koncu je luč – konec prve svetovne vojne.


The Fiery Priest

The Fiery Priest 2019


People commit variety of ugly crimes these days. However, they forgive themselves by giving testimony every week. They believe that they can repent just by having faith. But the truth is that they have faith to repeat the sins again and again without remorse. These people atone for their evil deeds just to feel comfortable and carefree. It is not about the victims who are suffering because of them. They say every people are equal before the religions. But it is time to discriminate people who only uses them for their interest. Screening if they are really good people, punishing if they deserve to be punished, and defending justice is needed for modern day religion. A priest with this sense of justice teams up with a detective and a prosecutor. They try to solve the mysterious death of an elderly priest and serve justice.



Oz 1997


The daily lives of prisoners in Emerald City, an experimental unit of the Oswald Maximum Security Prison where ingroups - Muslims, Latinos, Italians, Aryans - stick close to their mutual friends and terrorize their mutual enemies.



Priest 2018


Oh Soo Min is a former doctor, but he is now a Catholic priest. He performs exorcisms. Meanwhile, Ham Eun Ho is a doctor in the emergency room of a hospital. One day, Oh Soo Min goes to the hospital where Ham Eun Ho works. She gets involved with him.


The Thorn Birds

The Thorn Birds 1983


The story based on a novel by Colleen McCullough focuses on three generations of the Cleary family living on a sheep station in the Australian outback.


Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited 1981


Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.


Midnight Mass

Midnight Mass 2021


A young man returns to his isolated hometown on Crockett Island, hoping to rebuild his life after serving four years in prison for killing someone in a drunk-driving incident. He arrives at the same time as a mysterious, charismatic young priest who begins to revitalise the town's flagging faith. However, the community's divisions are soon exacerbated by the priest's deeds while mysterious events befall the small town.



Damien 2016


After discovering his origins, Damien Thorn must cope with life as the Anti-Christ.


The Innocent

The Innocent 2021


An accidental killing leads a man down a dark hole of intrigue and murder. Just as he finds love and freedom, one phone call brings back the nightmare.


O Auto da Compadecida

O Auto da Compadecida 1999


The (mis)adventures of João Grilo and Chicó in Brazil's Northeastern region. The four-chapter miniseries original version of O Auto da Compadecida.


The True Believers

The True Believers 1988


The True Believers is a 1988 Australian mini series which looks at the history of the Australian Labor Party from the end of World War Two up to the Australian Labor Party split of 1955. It was co-written by Bob Ellis who focused on three characters "Chifley, the unlettered man of great dignity; Menzies, who used to stand for something but eventually stood only for Menzies; and Evatt, the grand idealist... It's almost like Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1. It's a chunk of national history during Australia's great era of change after the war."


A History of Antisemitism

A History of Antisemitism 2022


A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from antiquity to the present day.


Monasteries of Europe

Monasteries of Europe 2018


What is happening today in European monasteries? Why do young people leave the “normal” world to devote their lives to spirituality? Let's embark on a journey to discover the sources of Europe and share the life of monastic communities from Ireland to Russia and from Greece to Germany.


Pope: The Most Powerful Man in History

Pope: The Most Powerful Man in History 2018


A six part docuseries that explores how 12 apostles became 1.2 billion Catholics today and goes inside the Vatican to reveal the true power held by popes throughout the ages.


The Miracle

The Miracle 2018


In Rome, a Virgin Mary statue is found crying blood. Pondering on the implications of the existence of miracles, and eventually, the existence of God, the people involved in the enigma start losing their minds.


Padre Pio: Miracle Man

Padre Pio: Miracle Man 2000


The amazing details and events in Padre Pio's life as a boy and throughout his 50 years as a friar. Padre Pio was a man of great faith and devotion, deep spiritual concern for others, and great compassion for the sick and suffering, but he was persecuted by the church.


Mysteries of the Faith

Mysteries of the Faith 2023


Believed to hold miraculous powers, sacred treasures are kept under lock and key. Uncover the history — and mystery — behind these Catholic relics.


Stories of a Generation - with Pope Francis

Stories of a Generation - with Pope Francis 2021


Stories Of A Generation narrates the values of life: from love to pain, from work to dreams. 18 generational stories are enriched with the participation of Pope Francis and Martin Scorsese.



Revelation 2020


In a world television first, Revelation takes cameras into the criminal trials of notorious Catholic priests accused of sex crimes against children. Through a series of extraordinary interviews filmed during the trials, Revelation uncovers the secret lives and motivations of some of the most reviled men of modern times. How does a man of God become a predator of children? Revelation culminates in the Vatican with the story of a high ranking Cardinal accused of abusing boys in an orphanage in Australia. Across three compelling episodes Revelation presents the deepest portrayal of the culture and system that protected perpetrators of heinous crimes against children.


Grab Your Catechism

Grab Your Catechism 2014


Fr. Charles Connor, continues his weekly in-depth study guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Tune in and go through the whole Catechism in one year.