Genialna Gilly Hopkins

Genialna Gilly Hopkins 2015


Gilly Hopkins je odrezava 11-letnica, ki je vse življenje živela pri rejniških družinah in ugnala prav vsakogar, ki jo je poskušal prevzgojiti. Želi si le to, da bi se vrnila k svoji pravi mami. Znajde se pri novi rejnici Maime Trotter, ki je ljubezniva, a jo Gilly kljub temu zasovraži. Pobegne od gospe Trotter in pričakuje, da bo s tem vzbudila pozornost svoje matere in da jo bo ta prišla rešit. A ko se načrt izjalovi in socialna služba odredi, da bo dekle živelo pri babici Nonnie, se Gilly ustraši, da je izgubila gospo Trotter in svojo edino priložnost za življenje v srečni družini.


Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends 2004


Children who create imaginary friends usually take care of them until they are 7-8 years old. Imaginary friends, left on their own after this event, continue to live in this home founded by old Madam Foster.


Little Bird

Little Bird 2023


As part of a racist government policy now known as the Sixties Scoop, Bezhig Little Bird is removed from her home in Long Pine Reserve in Saskatchewan and adopted into a Montréal Jewish family at the age of five, becoming Esther Rosenblum. Now in her 20s, Bezhig longs for the family she lost and is willing to sacrifice everything to find them.


Foster's Funtime for Imaginary Friends

Foster's Funtime for Imaginary Friends 1970


A now-young group of preschool imaginary friends learns from an immature elder friend, Bloo, who, as in the original, still unintentionally gets things wrong