Kraljestvo Planeta opic

Kraljestvo Planeta opic 2024


Zgodba se dogaja nekaj generacij po Cezarjevi vladavini. V tem svetu so opice prevladujoča živeča vrsta na Zemlji in živijo v harmoniji, človeška rasa pa je močno okrnjena in živi v senci opic. Medtem ko novi tiranski vodja opic gradi svoj imperij, se ena izmed mlajših opic poda na mučno potovanje, zaradi katerega podvomi v vse, kar je vedel o preteklosti ter mora sprejeti odločitve, ki bodo določile prihodnost tako opic kot ljudi.


Zora Planeta opic

Zora Planeta opic 2014


Rastoči populaciji gensko naprednih opic, ki jih vodi Cezar, grozi tolpa ljudi, ki so pred desetimi leti preživeli epidemijo smrtonosnega virusa. Dosežejo nestabilno premirje, ki pa ne traja dolgo, saj se nasprotni strani znajdeta na robu vojne, ki bo odločila, katera vrsta bo prevladala planetu Zemlja.


Vzpon Planeta opic

Vzpon Planeta opic 2011


V ospredju prednadaljevanja Planeta opic je Caesar, superinteligentni šimpanz, ki ga je s poskusom ustvaril ambiciozni znanstvenik; žival povede opičjo raso v upor proti človeštvu, ki utegne spremeniti usodo planeta. Nadarjeni mladi znanstvenik Will Rodman skuša s pomočjo kolegice Caroline Aranha odkriti novo zdravilo, zato prične z genetskimi poskusi na opicah. Najbolj uspešni opičji testni primerek Caesar začne kmalu kazati znake višje inteligence, a vedno znova naleti na neodobravanje ljudi, ki se ga bojijo in ga želijo za vedno ohraniti za rešetkami. Toda s pomočjo novih spoznanj Caesar uide in sproži upor inteligentnih opic proti človeštvu. Vojna med ljudmi in opicami grozi, da bo za vselej spremenila usodo sveta.



Nak 2022


Blizu Los Angelesa, v dolini Santa Clarita v južni Kaliforniji, brat OJ Haywood in sestra Emerald Haywood podedujeta ranč s konji. Ko nekega dne OJ in Emerald nad prostranim rančem opazita nepojasnjene pojave, si zadata cilj, da skrivnost na nebu ujameta na kamero. Stvari pa se malce zapletejo, ko jima na pomoč priskočita zaposleni v elektronski trgovini Angel Torres in priznani kinematograf Antlers Holst, ki je tik pred upokojitvijo. Potem ko s svojimi prizadevanji in ošabnostjo prestopijo mejo, od koder ni več poti nazaj in kar pripelje do grozovitih posledic, glavne junake povleče naravnost v oko viharja.



Jane 2017



Monkey Life

Monkey Life 2007


Monkey Life was created in 2006 and has continuously documented the work of Dr. Alison Cronin, MBE and her team at Monkey World; Ape Rescue Centre. Filmed at Monkey World in Dorset, Monkey Life follows the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and neglected primates. Many have mental as well as physical problems so the Primate Care Staff treat their individual needs until they can be reintegrated with primates of their own kind. The primates at the park range from apes, who were taken from the wild as babies and used as photographers props on Spanish beaches to monkeys, many of which were rescued from the UK pet trade. With unparalleled access Monkey World's dedicated team are filmed dealing with medical emergencies, primate moves, births and sometimes heart-breaking decisions. We follow Dr. Alison Cronin, MBE around the globe as she continues the park's mission to rescue abused primates. Monkey Life documents the daily life and drama of the world’s largest primate rescue centre.



Dynasties 2018


Follow the true stories of five of the world's most celebrated, yet endangered animals; penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves and tigers. Each in a heroic struggle against rivals and against the forces of nature, these families fight for their own survival and for the future of their dynasties.


Monkey Business

Monkey Business 1997


Monkey Business is a long-running TV series about the exploits of various primates who reside at Monkey World, a rescue centre and sanctuary for primates in Dorset, United Kingdom. The series features Jim and Dr. Alison Cronin, directors of Monkey World, as they travel around the world rescuing primates from lives of abuse, and returning them to Monkey World. Their goal is to rehabilitate the rescued primates and allow them to live in as natural a habitat as possible, being part of a group and living with friends of their own kind.


Chimp Empire

Chimp Empire 2023


A vast community of chimpanzees thrives in a forest in Uganda, navigating complex social politics, family dynamics and dangerous territory disputes.


Jungle Jim

Jungle Jim 1955


Jungle Jim is a 26-episode syndicated adventure television series which aired from 1955 till 1956, starring Johnny Weismuller, as Jim "Jungle Jim" Bradley, a hunter, guide, and explorer in, primarily, Africa. The program should not be confused with Ramar of the Jungle, but is based on the Jungle Jim comic strip created by Alex Raymond and Don Moore. Starring with Weismuller were Martin Huston as Jungle Jim's teenage son, Skipper; Dean Fredericks as Haseem, the Hindu manservant, and Neal, a chimpanzee from the World Jungle Compound, as Tamba. Paul Cavanagh played Commissioner Morrison in nine episodes. Produced by Harold Greene, the series was filmed by Screen Gems, a subsidiary of Columbia Pictures. The program aired in 158 American media markets and in thirty-eight other nations.Earl Bellamy directed the first four episodes of the new series. The series capitalized on the popularity of Weismuller, who had just completed his last film of Tarzan, the jungle character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Jungle Jim was a low-budget offering that relied heavily on stock footage and was not renewed beyond its original episodes.


Rescued Chimpanzees of the Congo with Jane Goodall

Rescued Chimpanzees of the Congo with Jane Goodall 2021


Dr Jane Goodall and her team rescue and help chimpanzees in danger and elaborate on the beautiful bond that one can create with animals, providing a remarkable window into humankind's closest living relatives. Discover Dr Jane Goodall's journey to create Tchimpounga, the largest chimpanzee sanctuary in Africa, and follow the rehabilitation of a cast of orphaned chimpanzees.


Chimp Crazy

Chimp Crazy 2024


Former nurse-turned-exotic animal broker Tonia Haddix, who refers to herself as the “Dolly Parton of chimps”, spends her days caring for animals in captivity. However, her limitless love for one chimpanzee in particular spins into a wild cat-and-mouse game with authorities and an animal rights group.


Baby Chimp Rescue

Baby Chimp Rescue 2020


How do you cope when you suddenly become surrogate parents to 21 orphaned chimps? Jim and Jenny Desmond have chimps overrunning their home and even their bed.


Among the Apes

Among the Apes 2009


Among The Apes gets up close and personal to four of the best known primate species. It features three apes -mountain gorillas, orang-utans and chimpanzees - and baboons, a monkey species living in the woody and grassy African habitats similar to the home of early man.



Matriarch 1970


Dr Jane Goodall first began studying the chimpanzees of Gombe, Tanzania in 1960. Her pioneering work forever changed the way we understand the species. The series focuses entirely on the stories of the females of Gombe for the first time.