Govori z mano

Govori z mano 2023


Ko skupina prijateljev odkrije, kako pričarati duhove z uporabo balzamirane roke, postanejo zasvojeni z novim vznemirjenjem, dokler eden od njih ne gre predaleč in sprosti grozljive nadnaravne sile.


Ugrabljena 3

Ugrabljena 3 2014


Miroljubni družinski mož in oče Bryan Mills (nekdanji agent z zanimivo in bogato preteklostjo) ne beži več pred najhujšimi zločinci zdajšnjih časov, temveč pred policijo Los Angelesa, Cio in FBI-jem. Te vodi Franck Dotzler (Forest Whitaker), potem ko Mills (Liam Neeson) med aretacijo pobegne policiji. Kajti Bryanu je nekdo podtaknil umor nekdanje soproge (Famke Jansen), v nevarnosti pa je tudi njegova hči Kim (Maggie Grace), ki je zdaj uspešna študentka na univerzi UCLA.


Izganjalec hudiča: Vernik

Izganjalec hudiča: Vernik 2023


Ko Angela, hčerka očeta samohranilca Victorja Fieldinga in njena prijateljica Katherine pokažeta znake demonske obsedenosti, to sproži verigo dogodkov, ki ga soočijo z naravo zla. Prestrašen in obupan poišče Chris MacNeil, edino živo osebo, ki je že bila priča čemu podobnemu saj se je podobno zgodilo njeni hčerki pred petdesetimi leti.


Pa ne že spet ti!

Pa ne že spet ti! 2014


Režiser zabavnih komedij Poročiva se, Klik - za popolno življenje in Oskrbnik predstavlja romantično zgodbo z neobetavnim začetkom, ko se slepi zmenek med samskima staršema Jimom in Lauren konča s serijo zabavnih katastrof. Kljub temu muhasta usoda poskrbi, da se njuni poti znova prekrižata, ko se skupaj z otroci znajdeta na afriškem safariju. Čudaški domačini, divje živali, muhasti otroci in druge nadloge, sanjsko popotovanje spremenijo v živo nočno moro, toda Jim in Lauren počasi spoznavata, da se lahko tudi največja nasprotja nenavadno privlačijo.


Nihče te ne bo rešil

Nihče te ne bo rešil 2023


V majhnem podeželskem mestecu lokalna izobčenka Brynn živi sama v hiši blizu gozda in preboleva smrt matere in najboljše prijateljice. Lokalna skupnost jo iz nikoli docela pojasnjenih razlogov prezira, povrhu tega pa neke noči trči ob vlomilca, za katerega se izkaže, da je nezemljan. S tem se začne Brynnin boj za preživetje sredi invazije nezemljanov, ki med drugim ugrabljajo ljudi in jih spreminjajo v zombijem podobna bitja.


Zvezda je rojena

Zvezda je rojena 2018


Zgodba govori o izkušenem glasbeniku Jacksonu Mainea , ki odkrije mlado umetnico Ally in se v njo zaljubi. Ally je tik pred tem, da obupa nad svojimi sanjami o pevski karieri, vendar jo Jackson prepriča v nasprotno. Ker pa se sam bori z lastnimi demoni, njun odnos ob njenem kariernem vzponu začne razpadati.



Umma 2022



Lisa Frankenstein

Lisa Frankenstein 2024


V letu 1989 srednješolka Lisa Frankenstein živi običajno najstniško življenje, se privaja na novo srednjo šolo in na nove razmere doma, a se drži bolj zase. Ko po nizu igrivo grozljivih okoliščin oživi čedno truplo, se z njim odpravi na morilsko potovanje, da bi našla ljubezen in srečo... in spotoma še nekaj manjkajočih delov telesa.


Beau se boji

Beau se boji 2023


Paranoičen moški se poda na epsko odisejado, da bi prišel domov k svoji materi.



Eileen 2023


Med hudo zimo leta 1964 v Massachusettsu mlado tajnico Eileen očara Rebecca Saint John, nova glamurozna zaporniška psihologinja. Njuno nadobudno prijateljstvo se sprevrže, ko Rebecca razkrije temno skrivnost in Eileen vrže na zloveščo pot.



Heartland 2007


Life is hard on the Flemings' ranch in the Alberta foothills where abused or neglected horses find refuge with a kind, hard-working family. Debts abound and the bank is about to foreclose. Can they keep the ranch running?


My Roommate

My Roommate 2022


6 people live together in Xian's apartment, and romantic feelings begin to grow under the eaves...



Dominos 2018


After their mother’s death, Toto and Adib are completely devastated. Among the colours of Montreal’s South-West and human imperfection at its most poetic, the series plunges into their reality for 24 hours, revealing marginal and vulnerable humans affected by this tragedy.



Fleabag 2016


A portrait into the mind of a dry-witted, sexual, angry, porn-watching, grief-riddled woman, trying to make sense of the world. As she hurls herself headlong at modern living, Fleabag is thrown roughly up against the walls of contemporary London, with all its frenetic energy, late nights, and bright lights.


High Desert

High Desert 2023


Peggy Newman, a woman with a checkered past, makes the life-changing decision to become a private investigator following the death of her beloved mother, who she lived with in the small desert town of Yucca Valley, California.


The Outcast

The Outcast 2015


Set in post-war Britain, ten year-old Lewis Aldridge is grief-stricken as he struggles to cope with the death of his beloved mother. Left under the care of his emotionally distant father Gilbert, whom he barely knows and who quickly remarries, Lewis is forced to bury his feelings.


What Will You Do, Ieyasu?

What Will You Do, Ieyasu? 2023


The drama series depicts the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu (January 31, 1543 – June 1, 1616). Takechiyo (who later becomes Tokugawa Ieyasu) was born as the son of a poor and powerless daimyo. Takechiyo lost his father during a war. He grew up lonely and away from his mother. Takechiyo didn't have a clue about what his future would hold. He then has a dramatic meeting with the young Oda Nobunaga.


Golden Garden

Golden Garden 2019


Eun Dong-Joo attempts to get back her stolen life. When she was 6 years-old, she was abandoned at an orphanage. She did not remember anything except her name. Despite her difficult environment, she has grown into a woman with a positive and bright personality.


See Midsummer Night's Stars Again

See Midsummer Night's Stars Again 2023


The story follows our heroine, Lin Xiao Xia, a grassroots girl from the countryside with a dream of jewelry design, but the pressure of life forces her to hide her true self behind a mask of lies. She meets our hero, Lu Yi Ze – a spoiled, arrogant and self-willed rich young master of a jewellery company who dreams of living his own carefree life. Two people of opposite backgrounds quickly become friends despite their awkward meeting; under his encouragement, Lin Xiao Xia begins to tear down her disguise to rediscover her original aspirations and pursue her dreams of jewelry design, in the process, she helps Lu Yi Ze see the value of jewels and his family’s hard work. (Source: Chinese = Baidu || Translation = SP-427 at MyDramaList)


My Heart Twinkle Twinkle

My Heart Twinkle Twinkle 2015


Jinshim Original Fried Chicken restaurant is owned by Lee Jin-sam, who has three daughters Lee Soon-jin, Lee Soon-soo and Lee Soon-jung. Since their mother's death, eldest daughter Soon-jin has been running the restaurant and taking care of her father and younger sisters. She struggles to keep Jinshim afloat against its rival restaurant Woontak Chicken, which is managed by the ruthless Chun Woon-tak. Middle daughter Soon-soo is a pianist, but becomes heartbroken when her boyfriend breaks up with because of her poor background. Youngest daughter Soon-jung finds herself caught in love triangle between two men, Jang Soon-chul and Cha Do-hoon.



Genesis 2021


A man who digs into his mother's mysterious death meeting humans with the same faces as him one by one and becoming embroiled in a bigger conspiracy.


Delivery Man

Delivery Man 2023


The story of a taxi driver who grants the last wishes of ghosts.



Maryland 2023


Becca and her sister, Rosaline, have forged ahead with family lives and careers, growing distant through time and circumstance. But when the body of an older woman is discovered at sunrise on Laxey Beach in the Isle of Man, it brings devastating news for the sisters.


Is Love Sustainable?

Is Love Sustainable? 2022


Sawada Kyoka is a yoga instructor with a rough personality and constantly fights with her father after her mother passed away. Due to having to spend the time taking care of her father, Kyoka doesn't have much time for herself and has very little desire to get married. Meanwhile, Sawada Rintaro is Kyoka's father and works as a freelance lexicographer. After the passing of his wife, Rintaro hasn't been living well which frustrates Kyoka. One day, Rintaro decides to find his second life partner and wants to start a "double marriage life" with Kyoka.


The Corner of Love

The Corner of Love 2023


The story of Fang Ling, a white-collar worker in a divorced city, with her son, and Chen Juyi, an elite man who is also divorced with a daughter. They accidentally live in the same new house and fell in love with each other.


Friend to Enemy

Friend to Enemy 2022


Weiha, Tawan and Nithan are best friends. While the three of them spent some fun times together; Weiha and Tawan both have more feelings for Nithan than just friends. But one day, suddenly, both Weiha's and Tawan's mothers die. Due to their simultaneous and mysterious deaths, Weiha and Tawan were separated from each other. How will the bond between the three friends change amid difficult life challenges? Will the friendship between Weiha and Tawan, who are in love with Nithan, turn into a three-way love triangle?


Interlocking Hearts on Chao Phraya

Interlocking Hearts on Chao Phraya 2023


Srinuan is the daughter of the village headman of Laantey, Ayudhaya. She is extremely beautiful and gifted in martial arts. These qualities lead to a continuous line of men who are always willing to win the heart of Srinuan. One of these suitors is Saming. Lersun, a military cadet and son of the governor, decides to one day travel to Laantey during his school break. This is where he happens to see Srinuan for the first time while she is performing the traditional dance. It is love at first sight. This love is soon reciprocated and both Lersun and Srinuan quickly lose themselves to the depths of love and passion.


Ghost Tales

Ghost Tales 2022


A genre-jumping anthology series wherein individuals communicate with the dead.