Prijateljstvo ali ljubezen

Prijateljstvo ali ljubezen 2013


Wallace je faliran študent medicine, ki je doživel številna ljubezenska razočaranja. Medtem ko so vsi okoli njega, vključno s sostanovalcem Allanom, že našli popolnega partnerja, se Wallace odloči postaviti svoje ljubezensko življenje na stranski tir. Takrat pa spozna Chantry, ki živi z dolgoletnim fantom Benom. Takoj se ujameta in postaneta dobra prijatelja. Toda kemija med njima je več kot očitna, kar ju privede do pomembnega vprašanja – lahko tesno prijateljstvo prerase v pravo ljubezen?



Zola 2021



Scusa ma ti chiamo amore

Scusa ma ti chiamo amore 2008


Alex Belli je 37-letni vodja oglaševanja, ki ga je pravkar zapustila zaročenka Elena in ki ima v službi težave pri snovanju oglaševalske kampanje za nov japonski izdelek. Niki je 17-letna študentka, ki ima tri najboljše prijateljice, s katerimi deli vse svoje težave. In tudi nadležnega bivšega fanta Fabia, ki si jo želi dobiti nazaj, kar jo pa ne zanima. Nekega dne Alex na poti v službo trči v Niki. Kljub 20-letni starostni razliki se med njima kmalu razvije romanca.


The Boyfriend

The Boyfriend 2024


Over the course of a month, a group of men live under one roof and run a coffee truck together to connect and hopefully meet their one true boyfriend.


The Miracle of Teddy Bear

The Miracle of Teddy Bear 2022


Taohu is a giant white teddy bear and has been Nat's object of comfort for ten years. However, he isn’t an ordinary teddy bear, he has the ability to communicate with other objects and items in the house. One day, unbeknownst to Nat, the teddy bear was miraculously turned into a young man, however, that young man can't remember anything about himself. Taohu tried to find his own background, but everything became complicated when he found out that his background was connected to the dark secrets of his owner's family. He had to hurry because his time as a human is running out and he wanted to discover the secrets of his background so much, but he also wanted to be closer to the person he loved the most. Will Taohu be able to find the answers to his questions and reveal all the secrets he wishes to know? An


Ivleeva’s Heart

Ivleeva’s Heart 2022


A romantic experiment: Nastya Ivleeva is looking for new love! No more hype, only real and genuine connections.


Kutyil Ltd.

Kutyil Ltd. 2008


Kutyil Ltd. is a continuation of the series Neighbours. But heroes are no longer Laszlo and Ildikó, but Lajos (Andy Kraus) and Tunde (Viki Ráková) Gyönörű. In addition, viewers will get to know not only them but also their daughter, Emese (Michaela Szoczová). Lajos works as a handyman and his repairs are always funny. There is also a magyarized slovak which often makes funny phrases.